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Valis Series

Syd Of Valis

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Valis SD

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Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Valis series (3 titles)
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    Telenet Japan
RELEASED:         various
TYPE:             Action
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          Yuko is just your average everyday attractive teenage
                  schoolgirl, with an average life in an average town.
                  Little does she know that she is the chosen one who will
                  wield the legendary Valis sword and save the inhabitants
                  of a parallel dimension from an evil that threatens their

IMPRESSIONS:      A rather lame and dated platformer featuring (what else?)
                  another one of those teenage sword-wielding Japanese
                  schoolgirls.  I just wish the games were half as good as
                  the concept, which can be seen in the occasional anime-
                  style cinema.  It's my understanding that a short-lived
                  anime series followed not long after the release of the
                  original games.

VARIATIONS:       Surely Japanese originals exist for these games, although
                  I have yet to see them.

                  Valis (1991, the one that sets it all up, and the second
                    worst-playing one of the lot - graphics aren't bad,
                    though, and the anime-style cinemas are first-rate)
                  Valis 2 is not available for the Genesis.  It is part
                    of the Turbo Graphix 16/PC Engine game library.
                    According to some, Syd of Valis is for the most part a
                    reprise of this game.
                  Valis 3 (1991, this time you get your pick of three girls
                    and have to face fiercer enemies - the best game in
                    the Genesis series.)
                  Syd of Valis (aka SD Valis, which is actually the correct
                    title - the SD stands for "superdeformed," so this is
                    actually a cute-looking self-parody of the premise -
                    the stupidest and worst-playing game in the series)

                  There is also a fourth installment in the series, M'aider
                  Maiden, which was apparently not released for any Sega
                  platform of the day.

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"Valis Series" | Login/Create Account | 12 comments
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Re: Valis Series (Score: 1)
by CrossBow ( on Thursday, August 23 @ 01:45:35 EDT
(User Info)

While I do not have the original Valis. I do own Valis 3 and agree with Dark Wolf on this one. All of the Valis games are worth their price of admission just for the anime cut scenes alone. The actual games are choppy in animation and also the music isn't any to write home about. But Valis 3 is probably the best of this series on the Genesis/Megadrive that is out. I can tell you that any of them has got to be better to play than Super Valis 4 on the SNES...which just seems to lack any amount of Fun at all.

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Re: Valis Series (Score: 1)
by Sparxster on Tuesday, November 20 @ 20:56:48 EST
(User Info)

i have all the pc engine and megadrive games. it is really good, the fourth one on super isnt thats its not fun, just hard. the special valis visual collection on pc engine cd is really nice. the anime is great too (

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Re: Valis Series (Score: 1)
by Suppafly on Sunday, April 21 @ 22:39:49 EDT
(User Info)

This was one of the first 8 meg games back them

Its got nice graphics and good music, and it reminds me of castlevania 3 (where you can switch characters too)..

Its worth the money if you can find a copy! :)

[ Reply ]

Re: Valis Series (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, July 16 @ 21:14:43 EDT

The very first valis is not the one made in 1991 on the genesis but the one on the famicon ( nintendo japan) and it's called Valis the FANTASTIC soldier. The first one on the genesis is a remake of the one on the famicom. About the same story, same music and characters. But it seems that no one knows this one. It is probably the most dificult game in the world and I'm serious.

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Re: Valis Series (Score: 1)
by DarkWolf on Tuesday, July 30 @ 11:10:14 EDT
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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the NES version in my comment. It is hard, I don't know how you could possibly beat it.

The anime series that the Scribe refers to was never released as far as I know. Several people have looked high and low for it.

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Re: Valis Series (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Wednesday, July 21 @ 14:39:53 EDT

Is Syd of Valis in the same series as Valis if you know email me

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Valis Series (Score: 1)
by DarkWolf on Monday, July 23 @ 23:08:10 EDT
(User Info)

The best series of games to come from Telenet/Renovation. The gameplay isn't all that great, but the cut scenes are what the game is about.

Throughout the three games you follow a story line which is very well writen (ignoring the crappy US manual explanations of course). Yuko the main heroine fights all sorts of Dark World rulers including Rogles, Megas, and Glames through out the three games. Yuko also ends up fighting her best friend, and it ends with her friend's death.

The game isn't black & white either. In Valis III Cham tries to steal Yuko's Valis Sword but ends up being her friend later. And all Glames is trying to do is save his world by conquering the other worlds.

If you haven't played these games I suggest you find them now, the Valis series spans over the PCE, MSX, Megadrive, SNES, and X68000 systems, so I'm sure you can find something.

A side note, it's too bad Valis 2 was only released on the Megadrive in a chibi or super deformed version.

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