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Toejam And Earl Series

Toejam And Earl 2 - Panic On Funcotron

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Game Genie™ Codes For Toejam And Earl 2 - Panic On Funcotron
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1AE8A-CAGTStart on Level 2
2AJ8A-CAGTStart on Level 3
3AN8A-CAGTStart on Level 4
4AT8A-CAGTStart on Level 5
5AY8A-CAGTStart on Level 6
6A28A-CAGTStart on Level 7
7A68A-CAGTStart on Level 8
8BA8A-CAGTStart on Level 9
9BE8A-CAGTStart on Level 10
10BJ8A-CAGTStart on Level 11
11BN8A-CAGTStart on Level 12
12BT8A-CAGTStart on Level 13
13BY8A-CAGTStart on Level 14
14B28A-CAGTStart on Level 15
15B68A-CAGTStart on Level 16
16CA8A-CAGTStart on Level 17
17RE5T-C6W8You can't get hurt
18AJ4A-CA9GInfinite lives
19BA3T-CA54Infinite funk vacuums
20RE3A-C6YYInfinite super jars once you get them
21BA2A-CA4GInfinite funkitude
22BA2A-CA8LInfinite coins
23BA3A-CA94Infinite panic buttons
24AJ4A-GA2GInfinite time under water
25RFJT-G6ZEInstant max height jumping on fungus
26RH9T-E6WWCan't fall off pink bubbles
27CT4T-GABWUnderwater timer starts at 20 seconds
28D24T-GABWUnderwater timer starts at 30 seconds
29GJ4T-GABW + AJZT-CA5EUnderwater timer starts at 50 seconds
30HT4T-GABW + AJZT-CA5EUnderwater timer starts at 60 seconds
31AA2T-CAAEStart with 0 funkitude
32CT2T-CAAEStart with 20 funkitude
33GJ2T-CAAEStart with 50 funkitude
34NN2T-CAAEStart with 99 funkitude
35AA8A-CAGEStart with 1 life
36AE8A-CAGEStart with 2 lives
37AJ8A-CAGEStart with 3 lives
38AY8A-CAGEStart with 4 lives
39BE8A-CAGEStart with 10 lives
40AJ6T-CA50Food worth no health increase
41RJ6T-DJX0Food worth 2x normal health increase
42RJ6T-DNX0Food worth 3x normal health increase
43RJ6T-DYX0Food worth 5x normal health increase
44TRYA-AAEJCan't get hurt or drown, and infinite lives
45SWYA-AAEJInfinite funk vacs, panic buttons, coins, funk & superjars
46ACYA-B8EJInstant max height on fungus, can't fall off of pink bubbles, hyperfunk zone timer runs at 1/2 speed, double food and presents
4798YA-B8EJAll of the above
Passwords For Toejam And Earl 2 - Panic On Funcotron
1R-F411W9Q986Level 3
2PJ04EK-5WT82Level 5
3MW0WEE6JRVF7Level 7
4VADNEHF9807LLevel 9
5MWAAK!8MDT76Level 11
6LHWLXH44C00RLevel 13
7F!!NEHNW0Q73Level 15

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Toejam and Earl series (2 titles)
RELEASED:         various
TYPE:             Action
LANGUAGE:         English and German

PREMISE:          Toejam and Earl are two happenin' space dudes who run
                  into a spot of trouble when their space crusier is forced
                  crash-land on the planet Earth.  Now they have to figure
                  out a way to deal with the stupid and rather primitive
                  natives that this strange planet seems to have inflicted
                  upon them.

IMPRESSIONS:      Cute and funny, these are some of the true treasures of
                  the Sega Genesis game library.  As Rage Games noted,
                  "For a game with no gameplay it sure is fun to play."

VARIATIONS:       Toejam and Earl (1991, our heroes must find all the
                    pieces needed to repair their wrecked space cruiser
                    while avoiding the humans - all levels are randomly
                    generated and has two-player simultaneous gameplay)
                  Toejam and Earl 2 - Panic on Funkotron (1993, our heroes
                    have made it home but find to their chagrin that some
                    of those boorish humans have sneaked along for the
                    ride - graphically superior to, but not as funny as
                    the original)

                  The off-world duo also make a cameo appearance in the
                  mini-game Ready! Aim! Tomatoes!, which can be found on
                  the Menacer 6-in-1 game cart.

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"Toejam And Earl Series" | Login/Create Account | 14 comments
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Re: Toejam And Earl (Score: 1)
by Samurai_John on Wednesday, November 14 @ 17:11:15 EST
(User Info)

GREATES GAME I HAVE EVER PLAYED! Music is Superb! Graphic Are Sweet Game Is FUNNY as Hell! (Pardon my french. Is the word Hell french? who knows) Great for alone play, Even better in 2 Player mode a must play game!!!!

[ Reply ]

Re: Toejam And Earl 2 (Score: 1)
by Samurai_John on Wednesday, November 14 @ 17:12:51 EST
(User Info)

A pretty Decent game, Not as good as part one in my opinoin. Pretty good, strats where Part 1 Left off. Cant wait Pretty soon Part 3 is coming out for the Dream Cast! (maybe Gamecube too!)

[ Reply ]

Re: Toejam And Earl Series (Score: 1)
by plaidlesspez on Tuesday, March 26 @ 10:45:24 EST
(User Info)

This is the best game!!!! It's reallly fun and hilarious. I think everyone should get it, but it you may or may not like it. Some of my friends think it's too slow. It gets better in the later levels. The sound is really good too. And I also love the early 90's feel to it. Get this game!

[ Reply ]

Re: Toejam And Earl 1 (Score: 1)
by SamuraiJohn on Monday, April 22 @ 16:07:32 EDT
(User Info)

Hey Slacker! have you played this? No?? Why have you choosen to deprive yourself of this classic great game? You son of a third cousin monkey! No realy go play it you will be thanking me for the rest of your life! (there is a part 3 coming out for XBOX this fall!!) goto to get more!

[ Reply ]

Re: Toejam And Earl 2 (Score: 1)
by SamuraiJohn on Monday, April 22 @ 16:09:14 EDT
(User Info)

Its okay! it is kinda cool and one of my top 10 favorites! not as good as the original! but its good Part 3 is coming out to XBOX, and part 3 is more like 1 than 2.. which is a very good thing!!this version has a bit better graphics.. but i dont like the gameplay... go try it your self! you wont be too sorry!

[ Reply ]

Re: Toejam And Earl Series (Score: 1)
by scool1000 on Tuesday, April 23 @ 16:45:56 EDT
(User Info)

Jar the earthlings galore . Nice bonus level and nice sound and music

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Re: Toejam And Earl Series (Score: 1)
by toriniku on Thursday, August 01 @ 13:06:32 EDT
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i've only played the first one, but it's pretty entertaining. my favourite thing has to be when Toejam drinks rootbeer and belches for ages afterward...the hamster in the ball is just surreal. :D

[ Reply ]

Re: Toejam And Earl Series (Score: 1)
by deaddudegod on Thursday, August 08 @ 00:26:22 EDT
(User Info)

Well, the first one is an amazing peice of software that is completely bonkers but brilliant. It's not only highly original, but one heck of a lot of fun. The second one may not be as original a format, but it is still an exceptional game. I still find myself singing the music from it when just randomly walking the streets!

[ Reply ]

Re: Toejam And Earl Series (Score: 1)
by pip on Thursday, August 15 @ 10:33:27 EDT
(User Info)

only ever played the first game in this series, but have to say it's one of the most unique and crazy games ever!

[ Reply ]

Re: Toejam And Earl Series (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Sunday, February 09 @ 19:40:25 EST

best game ever it is so cool its plainly the best

[ Reply ]

Re: Toejam And Earl Series (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, August 24 @ 06:10:01 EDT

ive just bought it for £24.45 off ebay along with 6 other games, for a total of £50 plus.
i feel a little ripped off, but i haven't got the games yet, but hopefully i'll change when i play them

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