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Taz Series


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Game Genie™ Codes For Tazmania
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Taz-Mania(tm) is a great-looking game. Play it with infinite lives Code 1). Or, never lose health with Code 15, or explore the game by by playing every fifth level with Code 19. Code 45 can be mixed with Codes 37 thru 44 to change the number of extra lives a photo 3 is worth. Codes 16 thru 19 may confuse the game once level 17 is exceeded, since there are only 17 levels in a normal game. The game will continue to play, however.
1AJKT-JA24Infinite lives
2AEJT-JABY + AEKT-JAB2Start with 1 life
3AJJT-JABY + AJKT-JAB2Start with 2 lives
4ATJT-JABY + ATKT-JAB2Start with 4 lives
5AYJT-JABY + AYKT-JAB2Start with 5 lives
6CAJT-JABY + CAKT-JAB2Start with 10 lives
7CYJT-JABY + CYKT-JAB2Start with 15 lives
8EAJT-JABY + EAKT-JAB2Start with 20 lives
9LAJT-JABY + LAKT-JAB2Start with 50 lives
10AAJT-JCBY + AAKT-JCB2Start with 100 lives
11AKCT-GA7WInfinite continues
12A1GT-GADE5 seconds to continue game
13NDGT-GADE60 seconds to continue game
14AMGA-GA3RInfinite time to continue game
15AJXA-GA22Never lose health
16PYKT-KJW2Play every 2nd level
17PYKT-KNW2Play every 3rd level
18PYKT-KTW2Play every 4th level
19PYKT-KYW2Play every 5th level
20AB4T-EAAN0 seconds of invincibility when star is eaten
21W34T-EAAN5 seconds of invincibility when star is eaten
22FV4T-ECAN10 seconds of invincibility when star is eaten
23TV4T-EGAN30 seconds of invincibility when star is eaten
24BB4T-ERAN60 seconds of invincibility when star is eaten
25CB4T-E6AN120 seconds of invincibility when star is eaten
26G2LT-JAF02 seconds of invincibility after injury
274JLT-JAF07 seconds of invincibility after injury
28FTLT-JCF010 seconds of invincibility after injury
292JLT-JCF015 seconds of invincibility after injury
30MALT-JEF020 seconds of invincibility after injury
31AKAA-GA7GInfinite invincibility after star or injury
32AB4A-FA8AEach photo 1 worth 0 extra lives
33AK4A-FA8AEach photo 1 worth 2 extra lives
34AP4A-FA8AEach photo 1 worth 3 extra lives
35AZ4A-FA8AEach photo 1 worth 5 extra lives
36CB4A-FA8AEach photo 1 worth 10 extra lives
37AK4A-EA9REach photo 3 worth 0 continues
38PZ4A-FJ1REach photo 3 worth 2 continues
39PZ4A-FN1REach photo 3 worth 3 continues
40PZ4A-FT1REach photo 3 worth 4 continues
41PZ4A-FY1REach photo 3 worth 5 continues
42PZ4A-F21REach photo 3 worth 6 continues
43PZ4A-F61REach photo 3 worth 7 continues
44PZ4A-FA1REach photo 3 worth 8 continues
45MA4A-FF1TEach photo 3 worth 1 extra life
46AK4A-EA6JEach food worth 0% health
47FZ4A-FEYJEach food worth 8% health
48FZ4A-FJYJEach food worth 16% health
49FZ4A-FTYJEach food worth 33% health
50FZ4A-FYYJEach food worth 42% health
51FZ4A-F2YJEach food worth 50% health
52FZ4A-F6YJEach food worth 58% health
53FZ4A-FAYJEach food worth 67% health
54RF4A-E6YWEach food worth 100% health
Hints For Tazmania
1Max Out Lives and Continues - In the second area of the Badlands, go to the very top-left of the stage and grab the 1-Up. Now, go to the right and when you see the rock monster, make him follow you until you see the continue symbol. Use the rock monster as a stepping stone and grab the continue. Go to the right and touch the trophy. Keep going down the bridges until you reach the last rock monster. Jump on him and up the platforms until you reach another 1-Up and continue. Die and repeat to max out your lives and continues.
Cheats For Tazmania
1TricksBefore using the following tricks, do the following. At the title screen, hold down A, B, C and START on both controllers. If you did this correctly a chime will sound.
2Skip LevelEnable Tricks. START the game, then hit START to pause the game. Now simultaneously press A, B and C to advance to the next level.
3Level SelectEnable Tricks. START the game, then hit START to pause the game. Now press C. Three numbers will appear, the bottom being the level number. Press LEFT and RIGHT to change the number and hit START to START the game at that level. This can be done as many times during the game as you want.
4InvincibilityEnable Tricks. To become invincible, pause the game and press B. Press A to return to normal.

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Taz series (2 titles)
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    Headgames
RELEASED:         various
TYPE:             Platform
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          Arcade-style platformers inspired by the syndicated
                  animated series by Warner Brothers.  The show concerned
                  the misadventures of the Tasmanian Devil, aka "Taz," and
                  his family in his native New Zealand.

IMPRESSIONS:      With graphics and plots pulled straight from the TV show,
                  how could you go wrong?  Easy - poor level design and
                  difficult game control, which gets frustrating fast.  As
                  Rage Games said in their reviews, "Sega, why for you bury
                  Taz in the cold, cold ground?"

VARIATIONS:       Taz-Mania (1992)
                  Taz in Escape from Mars (1994)

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"Taz Series" | Login/Create Account | 5 comments
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Re: Taz Series (Score: 1)
by CrossBow ( on Tuesday, August 21 @ 13:15:38 EDT
(User Info)

Okay I have serious problems with this game. The graphics are very colorful and keep well to the Toon land feel. The sound is well done and ripped straight from the cartoons. But the gameplay sucks. I still can't believe that this game was allowed to be released when it is possilbe to get stuck in places you can't even get out of! First level is the worst (of what I have played so far) in this regard. You will most likely have to use the cheats just to keep the frustation level to a minimum.

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Re: Taz Series (Score: 1)
by SamuraiJohn on Wednesday, April 24 @ 11:57:47 EDT
(User Info)

I have this, and i get stuck in the game eary in the game... Its very nice graphics.. looks almost like te Cartoon! but its fun (from what i was able to play) i need to get cheats!

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Re: Taz Series (Score: 1)
by deaddudegod on Wednesday, August 07 @ 23:54:35 EDT
(User Info)

The first game was (and still is) great fun, but the second one was missing something...oh yeah, gameplay.

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Re: Taz Series (Score: 1)
by damin3 on Saturday, April 12 @ 09:37:43 EDT
(User Info)

man this game is sooo fun too play too

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