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Turrican Series


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Game Genie™ Codes For Turrican
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Normally, good things in this game come in threes--lives, grenades, mines, power lines, buzzsaws, continues. Well, now you can change all that with this great collection of codes. With Code 21, only 3 buzzsaws will show on the screen, but you'll get 9. Play with the timer using Codes 23 and 24, and you can start it at 900 instead of 500, or make it count down by eights instead of ones. Code 31 is a great one--just ignore the way the energy bar looks. With Code 32, when you want to shoot bullets, select grenades. With Code 33, when you want to shoot bullets, select power lines. Grenade tokens are usually worth 1. You can do a lot better with codes 48 and 49. With Code 58, you must first get a force-field token.
1AFAA-AAFYStart with 1 life
2BFAA-AAFYStart with 9 lives
3EZAA-AAFYStart with 25 lives
4LBAA-AAFYStart with 50 lives
5XFAA-AAFYStart with 99 lives
6REXT-A6YRInfinite lives
7AAXA-AAC8Start with no grenades
8BEXA-AAC8Start with 9 grenades
9XEXA-AAC8Start with 99 grenades
10XEXA-AWC8Start with 999 grenades
11AAXA-AADEStart with zero mines
12BEXA-AADEStart with 9 mines
13XEXA-AADEStart with 99 mines
14XEXA-AWDEStart with 999 mines
15AAXA-AADLStart with no power lines
16BEXA-AADLStart with 9 power lines
17XEXA-AADLStart with 99 power lines
18XEXA-AWDLStart with 999 power lines
19ABBA-AAAJStart with no buzzsaws
20AFBA-AAAJStart with 1 buzzsaws
21BFBA-AAAJStart with 9 buzzsaws
22AJZT-AA6LInfinite buzzsaws
23ABGT-EWFTStart 1st level timer at 900
24BAXA-BA4TTime goes by faster
25AECA-AAHYStart with 1 continue
26A2CA-AAHYStart with 6 continues
27BECA-AAHYStart with 9 continues
28AJ6T-AA7LInfinite continues
29BAHT-BA2GEach crystal worth 8 instead of 1
30C2HT-BA2GEach crystal worth 16 instead of 1
31C2YA-AA64Infinite energy
32AALA-AAELAlways shoot grenades instead of bullets
33AALA-AAEYAlways shoot power lines instead of bullets
34KJXA-BLZ0 + KEXA-BLZ2Infinite time, grenades, mines,and power lines
35SECA-BEXRStart in world 1, level 1.2
36SECA-BJXRStart in world 1, level 1.3
37SECA-BNXRStart in world 2, level 2.1
38SECA-BTXRStart in world 2, level 2.2
39SECA-BYXRStart in world 3, level 3.1
40SECA-B2XRStart in world 3, level 3.2
41SECA-B6XRStart in world 3, level 3.3
42SECA-BAXRStart in world 4, level 4.1
43AJCA-AA5J + 9TCA-BGMN + BECA-AADRStart in world 4, level 4.2
44AJCA-AA5J + 9TCA-BGMN + BJCA-AADRStart in world 4, level 4.3
45AJCA-AA5J + 9TCA-BGMN + BNCA-AADRStart in world 5, level 5.1
46AJCA-AA5J + 9TCA-BGMN + BTCA-AADRStart in world 5, level 5.2
47ANMT-BT6Y + REMT-A6Y0Shoot multiple shots instead of single
48BAHA-BA88Each grenade token worth 8
49EAHA-BA88Each grenade token worth 20
50BAHA-BA9GEach mine token worth 8
51EAHA-BA9GEach mine token worth 20
52BAHA-BA9REach power line token worth 8
53EAHA-BA9REach power line token worth 20
54RFZT-A604Makes the Gauntlet easier to defeat
55RF5A-A6W8Makes Dead Head easier to defeat
56RGHA-A60YMakes Trash Monster easier to defeat
57RGDA-A6VTMakes Mother Fish easier to defeat
58BAZA-AA2GForce field lasts until the next level (after you get a force field token)
Cheats For Turrican
1Customize OptionsGo to the option screen from the main menu. Move the arrow to the bottom of the screen and hold the directional pad DOWN. While holding the pad in this position, press these buttons in this order: A,B,B,A,B,A,A,B,A,A,B,A,A. This brings up and extra menu that allows you to choose infinite options as well as the starting level!

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Turrican series (2 titles)
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    various
RELEASED:         various
TYPE:             Shooter
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          In the future, mankind will have to deal with many
                  powerful alien species - not all of whom will choose to
                  be friendly.  That is the reason behind the Turrican suit
                  - a one-man set of power armor that turns any Earth Force
                  soldier into a nearly unstoppable killing machine.  These
                  games are either ported from or inspired by the original
                  series of British arcade shooters that were such big hits
                  on the almighty Commodore 64 and Amiga computers.

IMPRESSIONS:      The difference between these two games is like night and
                  day.  The first is a great-looking but poor-playing port
                  straight from the Amiga, which looses just about every
                  nice feature (including the Chris Huelsbeck music) in the
                  the process.  The second, developed specifically for the
                  G/MD platform, is one helluva shooter that can hold its
                  own with the best of them.  I agree with Eidolon when he
                  says, " Mega Turrican, which is far better."

VARIATIONS:       Turrican (1991 by the Code Monkeys, marketed by Accolade
                    and rereleased by Ballistix - fight your way through
                    thirteen extremely difficult, action-packed stages with
                    huge bosses - the game engine shares some similarities
                    to that used by Universal Soldier)
                  Mega Turrican (1995 by Factor 5, marketed by Data East -
                    the change in software houses is telling - with its
                    anime-style cinemas, impressive graphics and sound, and
                    gameplay that subtly increases in difficulty instead of
                    being hard all at once, this is without doubt one of
                    the most enjoyable 16-bit shooters that I have ever had
                    the pleasure of playing and possibly the best Turrican
                    game for any platform)

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"Turrican Series" | Login/Create Account | 4 comments
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Re: Turrican Series (Score: 1)
by Howitzer ( on Wednesday, August 13 @ 05:10:52 EDT
(User Info)

Amazing Game! Great Graphics!

[ Reply ]

Re: Turrican Series (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Monday, February 02 @ 22:38:16 EST

Well, actually "Mega Turrican" was not developed especially for SEGA Mega Drive. It was also first released on Amiga platform and was called Turrican 4 (or 3, I don't remember exactly) and then ported bit-to-bit to MD. The only thing they changed was the name (added Mega). And Amiga music was 100 times better, of course. You should check your information before misinforming the readers.

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Re: Turrican Series (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Monday, February 02 @ 23:11:59 EST

Mega Turrican on SEGA MD = Turrican 3 on AMIGA but music on MD is worse, the rest is the same.

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