Genesis Collective Genesis Game Index
Magical Hat Adventures
Cheats For Magical Hat Adventures |
# | Type | Description |
1 | Extra Lives | On level 1 and 3 (and others), are red flagpoles which sway if you jump on them. Jump, then float straight down to the yellow tip. The pole bends in the middle, one of the red spots in the pole turns white, and you get an extra life. Get loads of lives. |
Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe
NAME: Magical Hat Adventure
TYPE: Platform
LANGUAGE: Japanese
PREMISE: Another run-and-jump based on a popular Japanese kid's
cartoon series, which kinda reminds me of a poor Dragon
Ball clone.
IMPRESSIONS: Yet another Mario World wannabe, right down to the
superdeformed graphics. Not as blatant as Doraemon in
its intentions, but not even half as good.
VARIATIONS: The actual Japanese title is Majikaru Hashito no
Butsutobi Turbo! Daibouken, which translates to Magical
Flying Hat Turbo Adventure. This was released in English
speaking markets with a considerable graphics facelift
under the title Decap Attack, sporting a mock-horror
motif with a headless mummy as the hero. My thanks to
fellow Sega fan Matt Boehland for pointing out the
similarity that the rest of us had missed all this time.
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