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Star Control - Famous Battles of the Ur-Quan Conflict

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Game Genie™ Codes For Star Control - Famous Battles of the Ur-Quan Conflict
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Dive into this monster battle for universal supremacy. Winning won't be easy, but these codes will help. Code 1 prevents you from accidentally exiting the game when you press start twice; press Reset to exit. Codes 4 thru 31 help to power up your ships, while Codes 32 thru 34 control the speed of the game. To change the role of the planets in the game, try Codes 35 thru 39. The galaxy is yours!
1BTPT-AN8AMake start button a true pause button
2JB2A-BYWEMore base income per turn
3P30T-BYINMines make more money
Ship-specific codes:
4JB4A-CACTSuperior bubbles
5AWPB-RECEFaster energy regeneration
6ARPB-RGD0Faster energy regeneration
7CCPB-SADNIncrease crew to 16
8BB9A-CAEAMore doggies allowed
9ALPB-R8FGFaster energy regeneration
10AWPB-REG4Faster energy regeneration
11AGFA-CAAJMissiles track better
12CCJT-JAGJIndestructible flames
13BLJT-CAG0Flame cone is twice as long
14FLPV-RYK0Maximum energy supply
15ALLA-CABCMore maneuverable Y-wing form
16BLPV-RCDRPlasma torpedoes cost 1/2 normal
177WSA-D938Crew regrowth cost 1/2 normal
18ARPV-RAFCContinuous fire
19BWPV-R2E2Increase crew to 12
20AR0T-CAB8Forward shots do 3 points damage
21ML0T-CAFLBUTT missiles last 3x longer
22ECPV-RAS8Double energy
23AWR-BRCALFire and scram faster
24GLRB-RCB2Energy regeneration is 1/3 time
25AGRB-RAB4Superior maneuverability
26AXET-CAGCFighters shoot more often
27GDDT-CADLFighters move faster
28JCRB-RAE0Faster turning
29ACRB-RCE8Move faster
30HCRB-RAGJMove 1.5x faster
31FCRB-RTREDoubles crew
Battle codes:
32CKYA-CA3RNo asteroids, faster play
33CVYA-CAB8Lots of asteroids, slower play
34H8NT-AAE6Superfast asteroids
35DKYA-CA52No planets
36AZYA-CAERFive planets
37ACMA-AAHNPlanets have no gravity
38RGVT-A6VWCollision with planet is deadly
39ACVT-AA3NCollision with planet is harmless
Strategic codes:
40C3TA-CA24Find precursor relics at most stars

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Star Control - Famous Battles of the Ur-Quan Conflict
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    Reiche and Ford/Ballistic
RELEASED:         1991
TYPE:             Shooter/Strategy
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          Details the war between Earth and its allies and a
                  savage alien race known as the Ur-Quan.  Ported from the
                  IBM PC original.

IMPRESSIONS:      A seriously overhauled ripoff of the old arcade classic
                  Space War that retains the fantastic gameplay of its
                  inspiration while also throwing in a good dose of
                  strategy and tactics - not to mention tons of options.
                  Looks old, but it plays great!

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"Star Control" | Login/Create Account | 3 comments
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Re: Star Control (Score: 1)
by supaevil on Saturday, July 20 @ 10:35:28 EDT
(User Info)

It may not look great but it is perhaps the best two player genesis game around. Your crazy if you dont give this a try with your buddy serious fun here. You control either get this the good side or the bad side each side has 9 diffrent ships each with its differnt look and weapons and movement. You can choose wich ship to use against your buddy to eliminate his ships kind of like chess some ships and there weapons are better against other ships. After one of your ships is destroyed you pick another one the first to destroy all 9 of the other players ships is the winner. There is also a mode wich is like an rpg where you each start out with a space station and money you mine and you can build diffrent ships of your choice. Very good fun i dont give out tens most of the time but this game desrerves it if played with a friend think of this as street fighter with space ships. Evil says ten get it!

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Re: Star Control (Score: 1)
by pip on Thursday, August 15 @ 10:21:03 EDT
(User Info)

I loved this game, the one-player game was very involving, and certainly pretty unique. The 2-player melee mode is tops too.

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