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Rockman Megaworld

Title Screenshot

MegaMan - The Wily Wars

Title Screenshot In Game Screenshot

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             MegaMan - The Wily Wars
RELEASED:         1994
TYPE:             Action
LANGUAGE:         English and Japanese

PREMISE:          A triple-pack of the first three MegaMan games, and the
                  only title in the series available for the Genesis.  For
                  those of you unfamiliar with the series, MegaMan is an
                  average young man who has been equipped with special
                  cybernetic implants with which to battle the ever-growing
                  lineup of enemies at the beck and call of the evil Dr.
                  Wily, who dreams of taking over the world.

IMPRESSIONS:      The MegaMan series is famous for its stellar gameplay.
                  Graphics are spartan but well designed, enemies and
                  bosses are perfectly engineered, and gameplay is
                  challenging but never cheap.  Awesome control, lots of
                  weapons, cool moves - in short, it's perfect platform
                  perfection. (Rage Games)

VARIATIONS:       RockMan - Megaworld (Japanese original)

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"MegaMan - The Wily Wars" | Login/Create Account | 12 comments
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Re: MegaMan - The Wily Wars (Score: 1)
by themosthotguy ( on Wednesday, June 27 @ 00:52:18 EDT
(User Info) http://none!

megaman is not just a normal person he was created by dr.light to be a servent, he was created at the same time as roll, who is a house keeper, and after proto man, proto man was the first thinking robot, but he left, dr.wily was dr.lights assistant, he went crazy and stole the original 8 robots that he and light created, they were also servents. they are reprogramed to help wily take over the world. megaman is given a weapon and sent to stop wily.
that is the real beginning plot. this is a great game that was only released on the sega chanel in the US.

also i have to plug the greatest comic ever, which also features megaman characters:! it rules!

[ Reply ]

Re: MegaMan - The Wily Wars (Score: 1)
by demonsweat777 on Saturday, June 30 @ 08:35:32 EDT
(User Info)

This one was only available on Sega Channel in the US, and the saves didn't work, for some reason. I couldn't get the saves to work on any emulators either, so maybe that feature wasn't totally implemented in the game when they decided not to release it (thank god for save-states). The games are cool though. Megaman 1 through 3 are my faves of the series. Megaman 2 is my personal fave. I still have all the songs from the game stuck in my head (the intro song in particular).

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Re: MegaMan - The Wily Wars (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thursday, February 21 @ 12:01:42 EST

PS, i'm making a series about Snakeman from Rockman 3.


[ Reply ]

Re: MegaMan - The Wily Wars (Score: 1)
by Raine on Saturday, July 20 @ 03:00:28 EDT
(User Info)

This game was NEVER released in cart version in the continus 48 states this was a SCO (Sega channel only) and yes the game rocked and sucked due to the save issues and some common crashes.

[ Reply ]

Re: MegaMan - The Wily Wars (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Friday, September 27 @ 11:46:13 EDT

It did come out in europe on the Megadrive.You in US/Can. only need a working convertor to play it.Very high auctionsprices on eBay for it.

[ Reply ]

Re: MegaMan - The Wily Wars (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Friday, May 23 @ 13:47:57 EDT

I recently saw the Japanese version on for $85. Whew! A little too much for my budget.

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Re: MegaMan - The Wily Wars (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Sunday, August 03 @ 19:44:29 EDT

the 10 letter codes don't work what am i supposed to do?

[ Reply ]

Re: MegaMan - The Wily Wars (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Monday, July 26 @ 17:13:39 EDT

Après les 6 épisodes sortis sur la défunte Familicom,
Megaman débarqua sur la magnifique et définitivement
cultissime Megadrive en proposant non pas un nouvel opus
de la saga Megaman, mais bien un remake des 3 perimers
épisodes sur Familicom, alors es encore un coup marketing
de la firme allemande, ou bien une révolution?

X (

Je ne vais faire dûrer le supsence plus longtemps, non
et oui, car évidement Capcom doit bien vendre des jeux,
mais non, ce n'est pas du foutage de geule et loing
de là! les graphismes ont été revues à la hausses, les musiques
sont encore plus belles que les musiques d'origine (comment
est possible?!) et on a désormais la possibilitée de sauvegarder
sa partie et la reprendre quand bon vous semble, car rappelez-vous
dans les version Familicom ou Gameboy, on ne pouvais
ce contentez que d'un vulgaire mot de passe sans intérêt, alors
immaginez si vous perdiez la feuille sur laquel vous aviez marquée
votre partie dans laquel vous aviez toute les
armes et vous en étiez au boss finale, ou pire encore,
vous avez noter tellement de mot de passe sur
la feuille, que vous ne retrouvez plus le bon, vous
passez votre journée à chercher, mais finalement vous
ête tellement dégouter que vous foncer vers la boutique
d'occasion la plus proche pour revendre votre jeu..

ce temps est révolu! vive la sauvegarde!!!!
bon pour le reste, le gamplay est sans faille, comme
d'habitude, étant donnée de la dificultée du soft.. de plus
cela alonge là durée de vie des jeux, en encore plus fort
comme il n'y a pas un seul jeu, mais plusieurs dans
ce pack, cela vous donne une petite idée de la durée de
vie du bestiau... en bref, c'est une pure merveille,
si vous mourrez avant d'avoir jouée à ce jeu, je vous
plaint.. pour les autres fonces tous vers votre boutique
d'occasion / import et s'autez sur l'occasion!

A Graphismes
Encore plus beau que de la Gba!
et pourtant c'est la Megadrive!

A+ Musiques
Les plus belles musiques de jeux
vidéo jamais crée!

F Accessibilité
Malheureusement, malgrès
son côté "tout public" Megaman est réservée
aux hardcore gammers!

A+ Durée de vie
Une durée de vie gigantesque puisque
vous avez trois jeu super long à finir!

/ Scénario

A Présentation
Une baffe intersidérale, la claque
du siècle...tout simplement parfait!

/ Psychologie des personnages

Le plus jeu 2d de tous les temps,
vous devez avoir jouée à ce jeu,
c'est une exprerience unique..

[ Reply ]

Re: MegaMan - The Wily Wars (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, November 27 @ 15:15:54 EST

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