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Toxic Crusaders

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Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Toxic Crusaders
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    Troma/Sega
RELEASED:         1992
TYPE:             Action
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          The Toxic Avenger, better known to his fans and foes as
                  "Toxie," has to battle a sinister organization intent on
                  taking over his turf.  Based on the character created by
                  Troma Pictures.

IMPRESSIONS:      In the beginning, Troma created a low-budget film
                  sensation.  And Troma saw that it was good, and Troma
                  made a sequel.  And the people were glad, and Troma saw
                  that it was good, and Troma decided to make an animated
                  series.  Now it came to pass that Troma commissioned an
                  arcade game to promote their new series, for they
                  foretold that its sales would increase their provender
                  and render their wallets fat.  But the people were wroth,
                  and cried unto Troma, "It playeth like a sack of shit,
                  and it stinketh."  So it was that the legend of the Toxic
                  Avenger passed away, and now few remember his tale.

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"Toxic Crusaders" | Login/Create Account | 4 comments
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Re: Toxic Crusaders (Score: 1)
by Genesisblackbelt on Wednesday, July 24 @ 15:04:44 EDT
(User Info)

This is actually a fun game. Especially when you have all of the figures from the game. Buy this.

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Re: Toxic Crusaders (Score: 1)
by deaddudegod on Thursday, August 08 @ 21:11:10 EDT
(User Info)

There's a new Troma game coming out soon on the PC. On the Troma website, it claimed that it was Troma's first ever game. I say we start an e-mail campaign to remind them of this. And to get them to learn from their mistakes.

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Re: Toxic Crusaders (Score: 1)
by SIR ( on Thursday, August 21 @ 20:25:42 EDT
(User Info) http://Freeserve

Oh dear, oh dear oh dear, oh dearry me....This is a sad tale of a friend of mine, Stuart brought the 'delights' of this game to my attention so I gave it a blast and I have to say it is the most crappy game 'in a toss up with the not so Super Thunder Blade' this is an exercise in how a game should not be done. His oppinions are usually quite good but I still cry over the experience.

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