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The Sega Channel Adapter

Title Screenshot

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             The Sega Channel
RELEASED:         1995-1998
TYPE:             Subscription TV service
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          This was a cable TV service offered to subscribers in
                  both North America and Europe from 1995-1998.  It
                  provide its users with special hardware that allowed them
                  to download and play Genesis games using a special non-
                  battery-backed RAM cartridge.  It offered a special
                  parental control feature that allowed parents to lock out
                  offensive titles.  You could even play against users in
                  other households.  This was billed as "the world's first
                  interactive TV service" in the Sega press releases.  The
                  service was officialy discontinued in North America near
                  the end of 1997, and in Europe in mid-1998 - a victim of
                  of the Internet and advances in gaming techology.

IMPRESSIONS:      "It works like that video-on-demand we're all waiting
                  for - subscribers get to SELECT IN REAL TIME from over
                  50 games....  You can't save the downloaded games, by the
                  way.  They come and go as you select and quit....  Toy
                  stores actually BENEFIT in areas where the Sega Channel
                  is offered...the sampling of 50 games each month each
                  month causes subscribers to buy more games at retail...."
                  (QLM Marketing web posting, 1996)

VARIATIONS:       The following games are either known or rumored to exist
                  as titles that were unique to the Sega Channel.

                       Bust-a-Move, aka Puzzle Bobble
                       College Games
                       Garfield - The Lost Levels
                       Wild Snake

                  There are apparently a few more, but I am unable to link
                  titles with half-remembered descriptions as of this date.
                  There were also a few hundred three-level playable demos
                  apparently produced (or hacked) of the many titles in the
                  G/MD cart library.  I appeal to anybody who has copies of
                  those demos and other unique Sega Channel software to
                  contact me immediately.

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"Sega Channel" | Login/Create Account | 9 comments
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Re: Sega Channel (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Monday, June 25 @ 11:53:21 EDT

I still have my old Sega Channel adapter (forgot to return it!), but I dunno if you could dump the last game on it. If anyone have more info, please email me

[ Reply ]

Sega Channel was the coolest thing on the block (Score: 1)
by Hiryu on Thursday, June 28 @ 18:08:01 EDT
(User Info)

My friend used to have sega channel because his dad was a cable operator, and man, I used to come over there all the time to play. There so many games to choose from! If only you could have had a dumper back then :( Or at least a battery backup system. I know Mega Man Wily Wars was on Sega Channel, but it wasn't released on the genesis, though I wish it was!

[ Reply ]

Re: Sega Channel (Score: 1)
by scool1000 ( on Tuesday, April 23 @ 22:06:31 EDT
(User Info)

Sega channel is great. Lots of games to choose from and the games on there are also great. too bad its gone

[ Reply ]

Re: Sega Channel (Score: 1)
by Raine on Saturday, July 20 @ 23:16:11 EDT
(User Info)

this was the hands down coolest thing ever to grace a console!!! 50 games plus every month not to mention the reliablity was amazing ...i believe that my entire time that I had the SC I may have been down for no more than 1 hour!!!!

[ Reply ]

Re: Sega Channel (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, July 23 @ 05:30:28 EDT

Im not sure how recent this post was... but Im also intrested in the sega channel & sega channel gaes... I found this post searching google for the bust a move game (altough i thought it was bust a move 2)..
I have a rom of megaman wiley wars, but im not sure if it came from the sega channel..
my e-mail addy is .. I get alot of junk mail there so be sure the subject is identifying..
Id like to have All of the games on the above list.. plust games like the mortal kombat 3 for sega channel that was broken into 2 parts... i believe they did this with other games also, but thats the only one i know of for sure..
Also i found this webpage that collects the sega channel gamelist backsplashes
If anyone knows anything about games, the sega channel, the adapter, or the bios, please e-mail me..

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Re: Sega Channel (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, September 30 @ 10:41:31 EDT

If you want to buy a Sega Channel, then call me at 270-966-8335

or write me at
William Davis
4409 Norene Lane apt. 3
Louisville Kentucky. 40912

[ Reply ]

Re: Sega Channel (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, July 17 @ 15:52:37 EDT

There's a rom out there for it, but I don't know what to do with it or how to get it to work. When I load it up in Genecyst or Gens, it gives me the "you're not recieving a signal" screen. It can be found at If you have any more info about it, contact me at cloudstrife_112 at

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