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Tintin in Tibet

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Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Tintin in Tibet
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    Infogrames
RELEASED:         1993
TYPE:             Action
LANGUAGE:         Multilanguage

PREMISE:          Tintin embarks on a quest to the country of Tibet in
                  search of the legendary Abominable Snowman.  Based on the
                  popular series of children's books by French writer Herge
                  Moulinsart.  They also served as the basis for an
                  excellent animated TV series.

IMPRESSIONS:      Graphics and story are pulled straight from the original
                  books, and it shows.  Gameplay is only average at best.

VARIATIONS:       Also know by its original French title, Tintin au Tibet

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"Tintin In Tibet" | Login/Create Account | 1 comment
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Re: Tintin In Tibet (Score: 1)
by SIR ( on Monday, November 10 @ 03:42:29 EST
(User Info) http://Freeserve

Tintin In Tibet has some excellent graphics and the comic books are amazing but as with most Infogrames titles the playability leaves a lot to be desired - think along the lines of 'Fantasia' and this one plays as frustratingly.

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