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Toughman Contest

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Title Screenshot In Game Screenshot

Passwords For Toughman Contest
In the Game Setup menu, select Restore From Password and enter the following to get these powerups.
1RUBEDirector's Cut - Headless Opponents and Maximum Blood
2FQSTERStealth Mode - Opponent is all black.
32LTTo The Death Mode - No time limit, first with three knockdowns wins.
4HYPERCaffeinated Mode - Game is played at double speed
5MAXXIron Man Mode - Player one is invincible
6MRBUCKEYEAll Moves On - Throw all power punches, regardless of what is chosen on the setup screen.
7WEASELLittle Napoleon - Draws opponent 32 pixels shorter than normal.
8NUCLEARNuclear Waste Man - Turns opponents into neon-colored fighters.
9SUPERGKick Butt Mode - CPU Difficulty is on the highest setting.

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Toughman Contest
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    High Score Productions/Visual Concepts/EA Sports
RELEASED:         1995
TYPE:             Fighting
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          How many of you remember the Dennis Quaid film Tough
                  Enough, in which he played an average Joe Sixpack who
                  decided to enter the then-unknown Toughman Contest?  Give
                  it a look the next time you want to go rent a video, and
                  you'll then get the idea for the premise of this game.
                  Based on the annual U.S. sporting event, where real-life
                  street fighters beach each other's brains out for the
                  honor of being "tough enough."

IMPRESSIONS:      This, in many gamers opinion, is the finest fighting game
                  ever made for the platform.  It's not as flashy as its
                  Japanese counterparts and SF2 fans will bemoan the lack
                  of special power moves, but its realism is seldom matched
                  by its competitors.  Great graphics, great sound, great
                  animation, great setup.

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"Toughman Contest" | Login/Create Account | 2 comments
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Re: Toughman Contest (Score: 1)
by Dark_Warrior_BN on Tuesday, July 09 @ 10:22:25 EDT
(User Info)

A very good boxing game... when you are single player. But the two player mode is really bad (cause of the view).

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Re: Toughman Contest (Score: 1)
by SIR ( on Sunday, August 24 @ 22:08:25 EDT
(User Info) http://Freeserve

Fantastic game, one that you can pick up at any time and have a real good game on, overtook Barry McGuigans Boxing on the C64/Spectrum and King Boxer from the arcade as my all time fave boxing game. Great stuff, any Megadrive fan will already know what I mean.

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