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Super King Kong 99

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Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Super King Kong 99
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    Nintendo (original author, port unauthorized)
RELEASED:         1999
TYPE:             Platform
LANGUAGE:         English and Japanese

PREMISE:          An true arcade classic gets revisited in this, one of
                  the all-time great SNES platformers.  Features rendered
                  graphics in a then top-notch digitzation, big and well-
                  designed levels, and of course the introduction of
                  Donkey Kong's nosy little nephew, Diddy Kong.

IMPRESSIONS:      Beautifully rendered graphics and decent gameplay to
                  boot.  Everyone and their dog has played it, of course,
                  so why do you need a review? (Rage Games)

VARIATIONS:       The SNES original upon which this is based is best known
                  as Donkey Kong Country (aka Super Donkey Kong).  This is
                  an inferior Hong Kong bootleg, of course, ported without
                  Nintendo's permission.  Don't let the "big N" catch you
                  with it!

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"Super King Kong 99" | Login/Create Account | 2 comments
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Re: Super King Kong 99 (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, January 17 @ 21:53:28 EST

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Re: Super King Kong 99 (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Friday, September 10 @ 03:39:18 EDT

send me cheats of super king kong 99,

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