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Kartoon Kombat (unreleased)

Title Screenshot

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Kartoon Kombat (unreleased)
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    Sierra On-Line
RELEASED:         1996 (planned)
TYPE:             Fighting
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          A wild and zany spoof of Mortal Kombat that was
                  originally part of the multigame title Stay Tooned.
                  Features cartoon fighters in a real-world environment.

IMPRESSIONS:      Makes for an interesting comparison with Brutal, although
                  I'd say that Brutal is the better of the two.

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"Kartoon Kombat" | Login/Create Account | 1 comment
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Digitized to Cartoon....... (Score: 1)
by Hiryu on Monday, July 02 @ 12:07:33 EDT
(User Info)

This game would probably play out like brutal, just not as good. And I bet midway would have had a field day with this one!

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