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Whip Rush 2222 AD - The Invasion of the Voltegians

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Game Genie™ Codes For Whip Rush 2222 AD - The Invasion of the Voltegians
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Use these Game Genie(tm) codes to help you pilot the Whip Rush(tm) against the Voltegians and save the Earth from certain destruction. Give yourself more lives, or infinite lives, or fewer lives, with your choice from Codes 2 thru 11. The normal numbers of lives are 6 for the easy level, 4 for the normal level, and 3 for the hard level. Become invincible after your first power-up or loss of ship with Code 12.
1AJBA-EA72Infinite credits
2GJMA-AA5JInfinite lives
3A5KT-AADGStart with 7 lives--easy level
4BMKT-AADGStart with 11 lives--easy level
5CXKT-AADGStart with 21 lives--easy level
6A5KT-AAD0Start with 7 lives--normal level
7BMKT-AAD0Start with 11 lives--normal level
8CXKT-AAD0Start with 21 lives--normal level
9A5KT-AAC0Start with 7 lives--hard level
10BMKT-AAC0Start with 11 lives--hard level
11CXKT-AAC0Start with 21 lives--hard level
12AJYA-AA98Invincibility after first power-up or first loss of ship on each level
Hints For Whip Rush 2222 AD - The Invasion of the Voltegians
1Three Free Ships - Just before you reach the boss of stage 4, you'll come across a group of three enemy ships. Each is worth 100,000 points, a free life for each of the three ships.

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Whip Rush 2222 AD - The Invasion of the Voltegians
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    Renovation
RELEASED:         1990
TYPE:             Shooter
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          In 2222 AD, three exploratory ships left Earth in search
                  of new worlds.  They disappeared shortly after reaching
                  the planet Voltegus.  Less than a week later, a Voltegian
                  battle fleet materialized in Mars orbit, attacking
                  anything in their path, and headed on a direct bearing
                  for the planet Earth.

IMPRESSIONS:      An early and passable stab at making an R-Type clone for
                  the G/MD.  Not much of a challenge to jaded shooter fans,
                  but a good start for newbies and decent enough for the
                  casual gamer.

VARIATIONS:       Commonly abbreviated as Whip Rush.

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"Whip Rush 2222 AD - The Invasion of the Voltegians" | Login/Create Account | 1 comment
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Re: Whip Rush 2222 AD - The Invasion of the Voltegians (Score: 1)
by SIR ( on Sunday, October 12 @ 20:38:05 EDT
(User Info) http://Freeserve

This game is a great shooter, I have this one on Japanese import and the instructions are written in Japanese apart from a few English words and they cracked me up - one of the ships is named Master-braster and your enemies are cheeky, unsociable and *! - EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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