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Tecmo Super Bowl Series

Tecmo Super Bowl

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1AAGT-FA2GTouchdowns for player 1 worth 0 pts.
2ANGT-FA2GTouchdowns for player 1 worth 3 pts.
3AYGT-FA2GTouchdowns for player 1 worth 5 pts.
4BEGT-FA2GTouchdowns for player 1 worth 9 pts.
5AAHA-FA74Extra pts. for player 1 worth 0 pts.
6ANHA-FA74Extra pts. for player 1 worth 3 pts.
7AYHA-FA74Extra pts. for player 1 worth 5 pts.
8BEHA-FA74Extra pts. for player 1 worth 9 pts.
9AAFA-EAF6Field goals for player 1 worth 0 pts.
10AEFA-EAF6Field goals for player 1 worth 1 pt.
11AYFA-EAF6Field goals for player 1 worth 5 pts.
12BEFA-EAF6Field goals for player 1 worth 9 pts.
13AARA-FA42Safeties for player 1 worth 0 pts.
14AYRA-FA42Safeties for player 1 worth 5 pts.
15BERA-FA42Safeties for player 1 worth 9 pts.
16AARA-FA7JTouchdowns for player 2 worth 0 pts.
17ANRA-FA7JTouchdowns for player 2 worth 3 pts.
18AYRA-FA7JTouchdowns for player 2 worth 5 pts.
19BERA-FA7JTouchdowns for player 2 worth 9 pts.
20AASA-FA5LExtra pts. for player 2 worth 0 pts.
21ANSA-FA5LExtra pts. for player 2 worth 3 pts.
22AYSA-FA5LExtra pts. for player 2 worth 5 pts.
23BESA-FA5LExtra pts. for player 2 worth 9 pts.
24AAPA-FA5EField goals for player 2 worth 0 pts.
25AEPA-FA5EField goals for player 2 worth 1 pt.
26AYPA-FA5EField goals for player 2 worth 5 pts.
27BEPA-FA5EField goals for player 2 worth 9 pts.
28AADA-EAH2Safeties for player 2 worth 0 pts.
29AYDA-EAH2Safeties for player 2 worth 5 pts.
30BEDA-EAH2Safeties for player 2 worth 9 pts.
31AAVA-CAE6Player 1 gets 0 timeouts for the first half
32BEVA-CAE6Player 1 gets 9 timeouts for the first half
33AAWA-CAB2Player 1 gets 0 timeouts for the second half
34BEWA-CAB2Player 1 gets 9 timeouts for the second half
35AAVA-CAFEPlayer 2 gets 0 timeouts for the first half
36BEVA-CAFEPlayer 2 gets 9 timeouts for the first half
37AAWA-CACAPlayer 2 gets 0 timeouts for the second half
38BEWA-CACAPlayer 2 gets 9 timeouts for the second half
39A2WA-CA30Player 1's timeouts not reset at halftime
40A2WA-CA38Player 2's timeouts not reset at halftime
41B2WA-CA30Neither player's timeouts reset at halftime
42A2YA-CA7TClock stops after each play
43AEAC-AAA4Quarters in pre-season games are 1 min.
44ANAC-AAA4Quarters in pre-season games are 3 mins.
45CAAC-AAA4Quarters in pre-season games are 10 mins.
46CYAC-AAA4Quarters in pre-season games are 15 mins.
47GAAC-AAA4Quarters in pre-season games are 30 mins.
48AEAC-B928Quarters in pro-bowl games are 1 min.
49ANAC-B928Quarters in pro-bowl games are 3 mins.
50CAAC-B928Quarters in pro-bowl games are 10 mins.
51CYAC-B928Quarters in pro-bowl games are 15 mins.
52GAAC-B928Quarters in pro-bowl games are 30 mins.
53AEYA-EAGR1 play to get a 1st down
54AJYA-EAGR2 plays to get a 1st down
55A6YA-EAGR7 plays to get a 1st down--choose not to punt on 4th down
56ATYA-EA8GAlways 1st down

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Tecmo Super Bowl series (3 titles)
RELEASED:         various
TYPE:             Sports (football)
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          A series of side-scrolling arcade-style football sims
                  that bear a strong resemblance to Super High Impact.
                  These games stress gameplay over realism, so don't be
                  surprised to see things that wouldn't happen in real

IMPRESSIONS:      A nice change-of-pace from the seriousness of EA's
                  Madden NFL franchise.  Great for gamers who just want
                  to play ball and not have to worry about the details.

VARIATIONS:       Tecmo Super Bowl (1993 - not bad, but the graphics are
                    so 8-bit bad that you'd swear you were playing an NES)
                  Tecmo Super Bowl 2 - Special Edition (1994 - far superior
                    to the original, featuring a slant-view pseudo-3D
                    playing field)
                  Tecmo Super Bowl 3 - Final Edition (1995 - adds a team
                    editor and player generator, as well as some more
                    razzle-dazzle to the Super Bowl 2 engine - this is the
                    one to get, folks)

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"Tecmo Super Bowl series" | Login/Create Account | 4 comments
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Re: Tecmo Super Bowl series (Score: 1)
by Flanker80 on Tuesday, May 28 @ 09:04:25 EDT
(User Info)

Released on the Genesis, many fans of the Nintendo versions (Tecmo Bowl, Tecmo Super Bowl NES) greatly anticipated a superior title. However, like many sega 're-releases' this game was pure disappointment. It is basically, a clone of the nintendo version with the only noticeable upgrade seen with the sharper colours. The game plays fine, however the adaptation to a 16-bit system should have been far more impressive. As a final note( or insult to fans), for some strange reason, converts ARE NOT RECORDED. I finish a season scoring 650 points yet my kicker is 0/0 on extra points. I wasnt surprised that such a flaw existed to be honest. Score: 5/10

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Re: Tecmo Super Bowl II (Score: 1)
by Flanker80 on Tuesday, May 28 @ 09:07:49 EDT
(User Info)

Finally they got it right. trades, free agnecy, player progressions, and little 3-D men hammering into each other. I found this title to be much improved over its predecessor. However, call me nostalgiac, I still prefer the NES version. Its unfortunate that this second installment was released only sparingly in the US. Score: 7.5/10

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Re: Tecmo Super Bowl III (Score: 1)
by Flanker80 on Tuesday, May 28 @ 09:13:40 EDT
(User Info)

This final installment was more of the same. Very similar to TSB II with an option to creatle players. Attributes of these players could be increased depending on the level of performance achieved in game situations. A nice feature. All in all, a solid title. Whats the deal with the kicking game though? It seems that in order to hit a field goal/convert dead center, you had to aim at either of the uprights. Oh well. Score: 7.5/10

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