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Monopoly (Russian)

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Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Monopoly
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    Magical/Papillion/Parker Brothers
RELEASED:         1992
TYPE:             Board game
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          This has to be one of the most popular board games to
                  program, as I've seen versions and variations for every
                  personal computer system to date.  Up to eight players
                  can take part in a surprisingly realistic real estate
                  speculation game - who will be the first to get a
                  monopoly and break the other players?

IMPRESSIONS:      This Genesis version is identical in almost every way to
                  its counterparts on other contemporary consoles - which
                  is to say that both graphics and sound are limited, but
                  nothing can take away from the spectacular gameplay.

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"Monopoly" | Login/Create Account | 3 comments
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Re: Monopoly (Score: 1)
by Neon on Saturday, March 15 @ 06:45:20 EST
(User Info)

Ah! Monopoly. The real board game never concludes without someone really being pissed of *l* I actually liked this one over the PS1 cos the PS1 was riddled with silly time killing graphics. Best played with other people simply due to the fact that the characters you can pick from are just silly, and the game is very easy to dupe into making ridiculous trades. I end up just creating human players ( the more the better to keep it challenging) and turn them over to cpu players like Trent Reznor, Bill Clinton, and Abe Vigoda as a goof ( Got to admit though that would be an interesting game...I know, I suck). The animation when you roll the dice is a little suspect ( If you've seen it you know what I mean )and not sure if an in house joke made it to the final cut

All in all a very true to form version and very enjoyable if you're a fan of the board game

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Re: Monopoly (Score: 1)
by Chuthbert on Wednesday, October 15 @ 14:09:40 EDT
(User Info)

Is it me or does this game totally suck?

The names of the places are wrong (where the hell is Mayfair?) and the graphics are awful.

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