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Richard Scarry's Busytown

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Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Richard Scarry's Busytown
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    Novatrade
RELEASED:         1994
TYPE:             Edutainment
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          A multipuzzle, multilevel educational game that
                  faithfully recreates the enviroment of author Richard
                  Scarry's series of children's books.

IMPRESSIONS:      The graphics are true to the original illustrations, the
                  puzzles are just right for the ageset in mind, the sound
                  sampling is among the best of any Genesis title, and it
                  works with the intended audience.  What more can I say?

VARIATIONS:       This game is documented as "Busy Town" in Barry Cantin's
                  Genesis FAQ.  It is frequently referred to as such in
                  various other places.

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"Richard Scarry's Busytown" | Login/Create Account | 5 comments
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Re: Richard Scarry's Busytown (Score: 1)
by themosthotguy ( on Thursday, June 28 @ 23:49:43 EDT
(User Info) http://none!

not really "the most fun game ever" but a great game for very little kids. 2.5/5

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Re: Richard Scarry's Busytown (Score: 1)
by scool1000 on Tuesday, April 23 @ 16:38:39 EDT
(User Info)

A good game for little kids but it is really repetitive

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Re: Richard Scarry's Busytown (Score: 1)
by SamuraiJohn on Thursday, April 25 @ 12:41:06 EDT
(User Info)

Its great! (well when i was young) its was a good game.. i out grew it... :(

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Re: Richard Scarry's Busytown (Score: 1)
by Genesisblackbelt on Wednesday, July 17 @ 21:21:24 EDT
(User Info)

Why are a cat and worm sticking thier ttounge out? Oh well. The Pico version was better.

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