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Sunset Riders

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Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Sunset Riders
RELEASED:         1992
TYPE:             Shooter
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          A somewhat faithful port of the popular coin-op, in which
                  you get to choose one of four gunslingers and run around
                  inside Konami's aracde tribute to spaghetti Westerns.

IMPRESSIONS:      A Western-themed arcade shooter with some nice touches
                  and gimmics, but otherwise pretty standard fare.

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"Sunset Riders" | Login/Create Account | 6 comments
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Sunset Riders (Score: 1)
by asergio on Saturday, September 29 @ 08:12:51 EDT
(User Info)

Good game about the wild west.
You can choose from 4 sheriffs to return the peace on town. Good graphics, sound, and gameplay. I prefer the arcade original instead of this because it has better sound, better graphics, and also many more levels. Also I know that this port canīt be played with a multi tap :(
Mark: 7

[ Reply ]

Re: Sunset Riders (Score: 1)
by Raine on Saturday, July 20 @ 03:11:20 EDT
(User Info)


Ninety-nine continues:

Enter the sound test option and play sound "0E".

Return to the title screen and begin game play. Choose a character

and press A at the player selection screen. Quickly press

A + B + C when your character looks up.


Press Up when passing a swinging door to collect a

rapid-fire, gun, money or star power-up.

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Re: Sunset Riders (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Friday, July 26 @ 10:05:54 EDT

there are only 2 sherrifs on the selection screen so ow can you choose from four?

[ Reply ]

Re: Sunset Riders (Score: 1)
by deaddudegod on Wednesday, August 07 @ 23:48:48 EDT
(User Info)

One of the first Konami games on the Sega, and it was rather underwhelming. You're better off with Tiny Toons. It's not bad, but it's nowhere near brilliant.

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Re: Sunset Riders (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, July 29 @ 11:33:46 EDT

how can i down laod sunset riders

[ Reply ]

Re: Sunset Riders (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, November 16 @ 05:19:09 EST


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