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Road Rash Series

Road Rash

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Game Genie™ Codes For Road Rash
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Nice guys finish last in this fast 'n nasty motorcycle racing game. Cash counts--use Codes 10 thru 13 and 15 thru 18 for more money to pay fines, fix your bike, or buy a better one. Codes 20 thru 33 let you pick the bike you want to start out with. Normally, a player must qualify 4th or better on each of the 5 roads in order to advance to the next level. Codes 34 thru 48 relax or eliminate some of the requirements. For experts, Codes 14 and 19 start you out with no money.
2AJPA-AAFGPlayer A starts at level 2
3ANPA-AAFGPlayer A starts at level 3
4ATPA-AAFGPlayer A starts at level 4
5AYPA-AAFGPlayer A starts at level 5
6AJPT-AAGCPlayer B starts at level 2
7ANPT-AAGCPlayer B starts at level 3
8ATPT-AAGCPlayer B starts at level 4
9AYPT-AAGCPlayer B starts at level 5
108TPA-ACGLPlayer A starts with $5,000 instead of $1,000
117APA-AGGLPlayer A starts with $10,000
122TPA-AWGLPlayer A starts with $25,000
13VAPA-BGGLPlayer A starts with $50,000
14AAPA-AAGLPlayer A starts with no money
158TPT-ACHGPlayer B starts with $5,000 instead of $1,000
167APT-AGHGPlayer B starts with $10,000
172TPT-AWHGPlayer B starts with $25,000
18VAPT-BGHGPlayer B starts with $50,000
19AAPT-AAHGPlayer B starts with no money
20AEPA-AAGWPlayer A starts with Panda 600 bike instead of Shuriken 400
21AJPA-AAGWPlayer A starts with Bonzai 750 bike
22ANPA-AAGWPlayer A starts with Kamikaze 750 bike
23ATPA-AAGWPlayer A starts with Shuriken 1000 bike
24AYPA-AAGWPlayer A starts with Ferruci 850 bike
25A2PA-AAGWPlayer A starts with Panda 750 bike
26A6PA-AAGWPlayer A starts with Diablo 1000 bike
27AEPT-AAHRPlayer B starts with Panda 600 bike instead of Shuriken 400
28AJPT-AAHRPlayer B starts with Bonzai 750 bike
29ANPT-AAHRPlayer B starts with Kamikaze 750 bike
30ATPT-AAHRPlayer B starts with Shuriken 1000 bike
31AYPT-AAHRPlayer B starts with Ferruci 850 bike
32A2PT-AAHRPlayer B starts with Panda 750 bike
33A6PT-AAHRPlayer B starts with Diablo 1000 bike
34BDCT-AACAPlayers need to finish 8th or better (instead of 4th) on Sierra Nevada road
35B9CT-AACAPlayers need to finish 15th or better on Sierra Nevada road
36BMCT-AA34Players don't need to run Sierra Nevada road
37BDCT-AACTPlayers need to finish 8th or better (instead of 4th) on Pacific Coast road
38B9CT-AACTPlayers need to finish 15th or better on Pacific Coast road
39BMCT-AA4LPlayers don't need to run Pacific Coast road
40BDCT-AADAPlayers need to finish 8th or better (instead of 4th) on Redwood Forest road
41B9CT-AADAPlayers need to finish 15th or better on Redwood Forest road
42BMCT-AA44Players don't need to run Redwood Forest road
43BDCT-AADTPlayers need to finish 8th or better (instead of 4th) on Palm Desert road
44B9CT-AADTPlayers need to finish 15th or better on Palm Desert road
45BMCT-AA5LPlayers don't need to run Palm Desert road
46BDCT-AAEAPlayers need to finish 8th or better (instead of 4th) on Grass Valley road
47B9CT-AAEAPlayers need to finish 15th or better on Grass Valley road
48BMCT-AA54Players don't need to run Grass Valley road
Passwords For Road Rash
Passwords for a top bike and a large sum of money for each level
100000 07DJ1
12G9A 1786E
Level 1
200000 07O71
Level 2
300000 07QF0
03JS3 37GL5
Level 3
400000 083O0
12NIK 473FC
Level 4
500000 083S1
12K38 5782A
Level 5
634441 01MS0
Start at the fourth level with over 7 million dollars
7010B0 01DB5
UQP06 37UN9
Start at the third level with 31 million dollars

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Road Rash series (3 titles)
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    Electronic Arts
RELEASED:         various
TYPE:             Racing (motorcycle)
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          Strap on your helmet, kickstart your bike, and get ready
                  to shove your opponent into oncoming traffic!  Road Rash
                  blends the thrilling speed of motorcycle road racing
                  with the no-holds-barrd excitement and danger of a
                  street fight.  Non-stop action from start to finish -
                  avoid angry motorists and fight off attacks from your
                  fellow racers.  The racing is unsanctions, unofficial,
                  unnerving, and certainly unlawful. (Electronic Arts)

IMPRESSIONS:      Stiff-arming, side kicks, and the occasional crowbar
                  or chain laid across the ol' visor will do much to help
                  you win the race, so long as you find time to pay
                  attention to the road as well.  A fun racing game in the
                  Mad Max mold which spawned two sequels on the Genesis
                  and more on other platforms, as well as a host of
                  imitators and one derivant - Skitchin'.

VARIATIONS:       Road Rash (1991, original)
                  Road Rash 2 (1992, smoother graphics and gameplay, also
                    includes a two-player head-to-head option)
                  Skitchin' (1994, different content but uses the Road
                    Rash game engine - see separate entry)
                  Road Rash 3 - Tour de Force (1995, arguably the best in
                    terms of gameplay and the worst in terms of choppy
                    digital graphics)

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"Road Rash series" | Login/Create Account | 12 comments
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Re: Road Rash 2 (Score: 1)
by Dark_Warrior_BN on Tuesday, July 16 @ 02:21:48 EDT
(User Info)

That what i like: Ride your bike and hit your enemy. GREAT GAME.

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Re: Road Rash series (Score: 1)
by demonsweat777 on Tuesday, June 26 @ 07:15:27 EDT
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This is one of the reasons the Genesis was better than the SNES. These games are great fun. In this series of games you race across roads far and wide and beat the crap out of the other racers as you try for first place. You have to earn money from the races so you can upgrade your current bike or buy a totally new one, and there are lots to choose from. The roads are long and winding and you'll have a blast trying to keep from sliding out of control as you shoot past corners at 130 miles per hour, all while trying not to get hit by cars or knocked off your bike by the other racers. One of the coolest things about the games is that you can attack the other racers and knock them out of the competition. You can also get caught by the police and lose some cash, but only if you wipe out while they're around. I recommend these games to any Sega fan. They rule. Road rash 3 is my personal fave because the graphics are more realistic and the music is pretty cool and there's lots more weapons than in part 1 & 2. True Genesis classics.

[ Reply ]

Re: Road Rash series (Score: 1)
by Zheka on Saturday, January 05 @ 10:25:09 EST
(User Info)

Check out the following new cheats for Road rash 3:
1)LH0A-TU0C-5th level,black superbike(Goes about 210 mph),206000$,upgrades completed.
2)enter A,B,right,A,C,A,down,A,B,right,A(easily remembered as ABRACADABRA) on the main screen at the beginning of the game(a picture of two bikers brawling)-after that you must hear the police siren which means that now you have the whole set of weapons available!!!
Interested in more secrets? Inform me on
or send a message to Zheka(I am of your users)
Yours faithfully,Zheka

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Re: Road Rash series (Score: 1)
by plaidlesspez on Saturday, March 30 @ 11:53:39 EST
(User Info)

The first in the series is ok, but the best are the second and third. They have a 2 player option and it's really fun trying to knock eachother off your bikes with bats, chains, and crowbars! Everyone should get at least one of these games. They are great.

[ Reply ]

Re: Road Rash series (Score: 1)
by SamuraiJohn on Monday, April 22 @ 17:04:19 EDT
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FUN! I have it for Sega Saturn.. basicly the same except for the music.... ITS A BLasT its a motorbike race, with weapons, and the abilty to talk to your opoments.. there is also cool end game cutscreens!

[ Reply ]

Re: Road Rash series (Score: 1)
by deaddudegod on Wednesday, August 07 @ 23:11:44 EDT
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My fave MD one was the second one, but my overall fave was the CD version because of the soundtrack, featuring 2 of my favourite bands, Theapy? and Soundgarden. Yay!

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Re: Road Rash series (Score: 1)
by pip on Thursday, August 15 @ 10:15:17 EDT
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Cracking game this was. The second in the series added much-needed features such as beating up policemen and a split-screen 2-player mode.

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Re: Road Rash series (Score: 1)
by DryGin on Tuesday, October 15 @ 00:11:23 EDT
(User Info)

A classic. One of the most fun games Sega ever produced.

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Road Rash II (Score: 1)
by powermouse on Tuesday, September 30 @ 07:30:54 EDT
(User Info)

! of the greatest games for the genesis: racing and hitting your opponents off from their bikes. far better that the overrated game Super Hang On

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Road Rash II (Score: 1)
by powermouse on Tuesday, September 30 @ 07:31:09 EDT
(User Info)

1 of the greatest games for the genesis: racing and hitting your opponents off from their bikes. far better that the overrated game Super Hang On

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