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Game Genie™ Codes For Technocop
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Welcome to law enforcement in the 21st Century. As Technocop(tm), you have to stamp out the D.O.A.(tm) crime organization and find and arrest its mysterious leader. To help you, try Code 2 for invincibility and Code 3 for infinite stamina. Code 4 gives you infinite time to find bad guys. Warp to the peak of the action with Codes 9 thru 18.
3BM0T-EA4LInfinite stamina
4MM7A-EA28Stop timer--except on car sequences
5A31T-EA44Car never damages when crashed
6CV1T-EAC6Car crash does twice as much damage
7SH6T-FJW2Stamina replenishes faster
8EX2A-EA9AGun never requires reload
9AE1A-GAF0 + AJ1A-GAF8Start on stage 2
10AJ1A-GAF0 + AN1A-GAF8Start on stage 3
11AN1A-GAF0 + AT1A-GAF8Start on stage 4
12AT1A-GAF0 + AY1A-GAF8Start on stage 5
13AY1A-GAF0 + A21A-GAF8Start on stage 6
14A21A-GAF0 + A61A-GAF8Start on stage 7
15A61A-GAF0 + BA1A-GAF8Start on stage 8
16BA1A-GAF0 + BE1A-GAF8Start on stage 9
17BE1A-GAF0 + BJ1A-GAF8Start on stage 10
18BJ1A-GAF0 + BN1A-GAF8Start on stage 11
Cheats For Technocop
1Unlimited LivesIf you are running low on lives just perform the following trick when you are in any building scene. Simply pause the game and hit C ten times, A five times, B two times, and A ten times. The game will say "Technocop" and when you resume game play you get all your lives back!

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Technocop
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    Razorsoft
RELEASED:         1990
TYPE:             Shooter
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          Port of the classic Amiga game, in which you play a
                  Magnum P.I.-style policeman who chases down violent
                  criminals in his red Ferrari.  Use either your pistol
                  or capture net to silence any would-be enemies, and try
                  to catch the designated criminal before time runs out.

IMPRESSIONS:      This was always a big fave at the many copy parties that
                  I attended in my Amiga days, and it's nice to see that
                  the Genesis port is so faithful - right down to the
                  unintentionally funny death scenes.

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"Technocop" | Login/Create Account | 2 comments
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Re: Technocop (Score: 1)
by Sparxster ( on Tuesday, November 27 @ 02:22:03 EST
(User Info)

heh, the scribe is actually right this time! this game is really as good as the amiga version, as just as fun. you play as a cop hunting down criminals. a bit easy sometimes but still enjoyable.

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Re: Technocop (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Monday, August 05 @ 09:14:57 EDT

this site is awesome i wish i found it sooner and this game is like real life

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