Super League Baseball CS-MDJ BS-MDJ
Tommy Lasorda Baseball GG Passwords CS-G BS-G
Super League Baseball 91 CS-MDJ BS-MDJ
Sports Talk Baseball CS-G BS-G
Game Genie Codes For Tommy Lasorda Baseball Download PAT File | ||
# | Code | Description |
America's favorite manager has lent his name to this enjoyable game, which features an interesting bird's-eye-view of batted balls, as well as an unusually tough computer opponent. Unless otherwise noted, all codes below apply to both players. For Codes 12 and 13, only 4 balls are displayed on screen, but you will still have the larger number. For Code 15, a pitch in the strike zone is called a ball. For Code 16, a pitch outside the strike zone is called a strike. | ||
1 A | AAEA-AAAA + AAEA-AACC + ACPA-AAHY | Regulation game lasts 1 inning |
2 A | AEEA-AAAA + AEEA-AACC + AGPA-AAHY | Regulation game lasts 2 innings |
3 A | AJEA-AAAA + AJEA-AACC + ALPA-AAHY | Regulation game lasts 3 innings |
4 A | ATEA-AAAA + ATEA-AACC + AWPA-AAHY | Regulation game lasts 5 innings |
5 A | A2EA-AAAA + A2EA-AACC + A4PA-AAHY | Regulation game lasts 7 innings |
6 A | RHVA-A6WJ + AHVA-BE4L | Pitches use less energy |
7 A | RHVA-A6WJ + A5VA-BE4L | Pitches use more energy |
8 A | RHVA-A6WJ + CDVA-BE4L | Pitches use much more energy |
9 A | BMVA-AA4W | Pitches use no energy |
10 A | AJ3T-AAD2 | Batter walks on 2 balls |
11 A | AN3T-AAD2 | Batter walks on 3 balls |
12 A | AY3T-AAD2 | Batter walks on 5 balls |
13 A | A23T-AAD2 | Batter walks on 6 balls |
14 A | AA3T-AA56 | Batter never walks |
15 A | HT3T-AA3N | Any pitch taken is a ball |
16 A | 4A3T-AA5L | Any pitch taken is a strike |
17 A | CJ3T-AN3L + FA3T-AA36 + FE3T-BA38 | Taken strikes do not count |
18 A | 9DTT-ACC4 | Foul ball after 2 strikes is an out |
19 A | AXPA-AA4Y | Foul bunt after 2 strikes is not an out |
Open Game Codes | ||
20 A | AFJT-BA76 + 2BJT-ACP8 + 9BJT-ACRC + GKJT-AD8G + 9KJT-BCRE | Game starts with computer leading 1-0 |
21 A | AFJT-BA76 + 2BJT-ACP8 + 9BJT-ACRC + GKJT-AD8G + 3KJT-BCRE | Game starts with computer leading 2-0 |
22 A | AFJT-BA76 + 2BJT-ACP8 + 9BJT-ACRC + EGKJT-AD8G + 73JT-BCR | Game starts with computer leading 3-0 |
23 A | AFJT-BA76 + 2BJT-ACP8 + 9BJT-ACRC + GKJT-AD8G + GVJT-AGGE | Game starts with player 1 leading 4-0 |
24 A | AFJT-BA76 + 2BJT-ACP8 + 9BJT-ACRC + GKJT-AD8G + 6BJT-BCRE | Game starts with player 1 leading 5-0 |
25 A | AFJT-BA76 + 2BJT-ACP8 + 9BJT-ACRC + GKJT-AD8G + 3BJT-BCRE | Game starts with player 1 leading 6-0 |
Exhibition Game Codes | ||
26 A | AFJT-BA80 + 2BJT-ACR2 + 9BJT-ACR6 + GKJT-AD9A + 9KJT-BCR8 | Game starts with player 2 leading 1-0 |
27 A | AFJT-BA80 + 2BJT-ACR2 + 9BJT-ACR6 + GKJT-AD9A + 3KJT-BCR8 | Game starts with player 2 leading 2-0 |
28 A | AFJT-BA80 + 2BJT-ACR2 + 9BJT-ACR6 + GKJT-AD9A + 73JT-BCR8 | Game starts with player 2 leading 3-0 |
29 A | AFJT-BA80 + 2BJT-ACR2 + 9BJT-ACR6 + GKJT-AD9A + 6VJT-AGG8 | Game starts with player 1leading 4-0 |
30 A | AFJT-BA80 + 2BJT-ACR2 + 9BJT-ACR6 + GKJT-AD9A + 6BJT-BCR8 | Game starts with player 1 leading 5-0 |
31 A | AFJT-BA80 + 2BJT-ACR2 + 9BJT-ACR6 + GKJT-AD9A + 3BJT-BCR8 | Game starts with player 1 leading 6-0 |
America's favorite manager has lent his name to this enjoyable game, which features an interesting bird's-eye-view of batted balls, as well as an unusually tough computer opponent. Unless otherwise noted, all codes below apply to both players. For Codes 12 and 13, only 4 balls are displayed on screen, but you will still have the larger number. For Code 15, a pitch in the strike zone is called a ball. For Code 16, a pitch outside the strike zone is called a strike. | ||
1 B | AADT-AAGA + AAEA-AAAC + ACNA-AACR | Regulation game lasts 1 inning |
2 B | AEDT-AAGA + AEEA-AAAC + AGNA-AACR | Regulation game lasts 2 innings |
3 B | AJDT-AAGA + AJEA-AAAC + ALNA-AACR | Regulation game lasts 3 innings |
4 B | ATDT-AAGA + ATEA-AAAC + AWNA-AACR | Regulation game lasts 5 innings |
5 B | A2DT-AAGA + A2EA-AAAC + A4NA-AACR | Regulation game lasts 7 innings |
6 B | RHST-A6Y8 + AHST-BE7A | Pitches use less energy |
7 B | RHST-A6Y8 + A5ST-BE7A | Pitches use more energy |
8 B | RHST-A6Y8 + CDST-BE7A | Pitches use much more energy |
9 B | BMST-AA7J | Pitches use no energy |
10 B | AJ3T-AAB2 | Batter walks on 2 balls |
11 B | AN3T-AAB2 | Batter walks on 3 balls |
12 B | AY3T-AAB2 | Batter walks on 5 balls |
13 B | A23T-AAB2 | Batter walks on 6 balls |
14 B | AA3T-AA36 | Batter never walks |
15 B | HT3A-AA9N | Any pitch taken is a ball |
16 B | 4A3T-AA3L | Any pitch taken is a strike |
17 B | CJ3A-AN9L + FA3A-AA96 + FE3A-BA98 | Taken strikes do not count |
18 B | 9DSA-ACFT | Foul ball after 2 strikes is an out |
19 B | AXMT-AA7L | Foul bunt after 2 strikes is not an out |
Open Game Codes | ||
20 B | AFJT-BA2E + 2BJT-ACJG + 9BJT-ACJL +GKJT-AD2R + 1KJT-BCJN | Game starts with computer leading 1-0 |
21 B | AFJT-BA2E + 2BJT-ACJG + 9BJT-ACJL + GKJT-AD2R + VKJT-BCJN | Game starts with computer leading 2-0 |
22 B | AFJT-BA2E + 2BJT-ACJG + 9BJT-ACJL + GKJT-AD2R + Z3JT-BCJN | Game starts with computer leading 3-0 |
23 B | AFJT-BA2E + 2BJT-ACJG + 9BJT-ACJL + GKJT-AD2R + 6VJT-AGAN | Game starts with player 1 leading 4-0 |
24 B | AFJT-BA2E + 2BJT-ACJG + 9BJT-ACJL + GKJT-AD2R + YBJT-BCJN | Game starts with player 1 leading 5-0 |
25 B | AFJT-BA2E + 2BJT-ACJG + 9BJT-ACJL + GKJT-AD2R + VBJT-BCJN | Game starts with player 1 leading 6-0 |
Exhibition Game Codes | ||
26 B | AFJT-BA28 + 2BJT-ACKA + 9BJT-ACKE + GKJT-AD3J + 1KJT-BCKG | Game starts with player 2 leading 1-0 |
27 B | AFJT-BA28 + 2BJT-ACKA + 9BJT-ACKE + GKJT-AD3J + VKJT-BCKG | Game starts with player 2 leading 2-0 |
28 B | AFJT-BA28 + 2BJT-ACKA + 9BJT-ACKE + GKJT-AD3J + Z3JT-BCKG | Game starts with player 2 leading 3-0 |
29 B | AFJT-BA28 + 2BJT-ACKA + 9BJT-ACKE + GGKJT-AD3J + 6VJT-AGB | Game starts with player 1 leading 4-0 |
30 B | AFJT-BA28 + 2BJT-ACKA + 9BJT-ACKE + GKJT-AD3J + YBJT-BCKG | Game starts with player 1 leading 5-0 |
31 B | AFJT-BA28 + 2BJT-ACKA + 9BJT-ACKE + GKJT-AD3J + VBJT-BCKG | Game starts with player 1 leading 6-0 |
Passwords For Tommy Lasorda Baseball | ||
# | Password | Description |
1 | VU9lrstpomXcZTiebrHWyW | Bizarro Baseball - To play a game with strange screen colors and unbelievable batting, enter this password: |
2 | RGsiopqm2jhZZSUXVtEEAE | Strange Special Effects - Use any one of these passwords for some strange effects during the games: |
3 | RGhiopqmljhZZSUXVtEEAE | Strange Special Effects - Use any one of these passwords for some strange effects during the games: |
4 | Zb6jpqrnmGnYWQXaHuFFAB | Invisible Computer Team - To give the computer an invisible team, use this password. It's not possible to play a game this way, but it is fun to watch. |
5 | H--flmnjiaVXhLQZPqBCVA | World Series Code - Use this code to give a full range of World Series Options: H--flmnjiaVXhLQZPqBCVA The two dashes consist of variables for the first team and the second team. The following chart containes the variables to use in the first dash to select a team. To select the opposition team (second dash), input the next consecutive letter of the team in the chart. For example, on opposition Detroit would be E, and an opposing Seattle team would be O.
NAME: Super League Baseball series (3 titles) AUTHOR/VENDOR: Sega RELEASED: various TYPE: Sports (baseball) LANGUAGE: English and Japanese PREMISE: Sega's original in-house baseball game especially coded to promote sales of the then-new Genesis/MegaDrive. Features the top lineups and players for the Central League as of the date of coding. "Central League?" you ask. In case you didn't know, professional baseball is currently split into three major leagues - the National and American, both in the United States; and the Central, based in Japan. Each has their own unique variations on the standard rules of the game. IMPRESSIONS: Older pro baseball sims with a bit of a cartoonish look to them now - that's after looking though dozens of latter and superior titles. Not bad, but why bother unless you're really into the Central League? VARIATIONS: The Mega CD version features a celebrity endorsement by Central League player Egawa Sugoru. It is possible, although not yet proven, that his mug may appear on the Super League game released as Tommy Lasorda Baseball. More information would be appreciated. Super League Baseball (1989, released to the Amercian market in a YACEG English translation as Tommy Lasorda Baseball) Super League Baseball 91 (1990, Japanese release only, new team rosters and a somewhat improved game engine) Sports Talk Baseball (1992, practically the same as Super League 91 but in English and with American MLB teams) There apparently was a Japanese version of Sports Talk Baseball released for the Mega CD; see appropriate entry for details.
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