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Super League Baseball Series

Tommy Lasorda Baseball

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Game Genie™ Codes For Tommy Lasorda Baseball
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America's favorite manager has lent his name to this enjoyable game, which features an interesting bird's-eye-view of batted balls, as well as an unusually tough computer opponent. Unless otherwise noted, all codes below apply to both players. For Codes 12 and 13, only 4 balls are displayed on screen, but you will still have the larger number. For Code 15, a pitch in the strike zone is called a ball. For Code 16, a pitch outside the strike zone is called a strike.
1 AAAEA-AAAA + AAEA-AACC + ACPA-AAHYRegulation game lasts 1 inning
2 AAEEA-AAAA + AEEA-AACC + AGPA-AAHYRegulation game lasts 2 innings
3 AAJEA-AAAA + AJEA-AACC + ALPA-AAHYRegulation game lasts 3 innings
4 AATEA-AAAA + ATEA-AACC + AWPA-AAHYRegulation game lasts 5 innings
5 AA2EA-AAAA + A2EA-AACC + A4PA-AAHYRegulation game lasts 7 innings
6 ARHVA-A6WJ + AHVA-BE4LPitches use less energy
7 ARHVA-A6WJ + A5VA-BE4LPitches use more energy
8 ARHVA-A6WJ + CDVA-BE4LPitches use much more energy
9 ABMVA-AA4WPitches use no energy
10 AAJ3T-AAD2Batter walks on 2 balls
11 AAN3T-AAD2Batter walks on 3 balls
12 AAY3T-AAD2Batter walks on 5 balls
13 AA23T-AAD2Batter walks on 6 balls
14 AAA3T-AA56Batter never walks
15 AHT3T-AA3NAny pitch taken is a ball
16 A4A3T-AA5LAny pitch taken is a strike
17 ACJ3T-AN3L + FA3T-AA36 + FE3T-BA38Taken strikes do not count
18 A9DTT-ACC4Foul ball after 2 strikes is an out
19 AAXPA-AA4YFoul bunt after 2 strikes is not an out
Open Game Codes
20 AAFJT-BA76 + 2BJT-ACP8 + 9BJT-ACRC + GKJT-AD8G + 9KJT-BCREGame starts with computer leading 1-0
21 AAFJT-BA76 + 2BJT-ACP8 + 9BJT-ACRC + GKJT-AD8G + 3KJT-BCREGame starts with computer leading 2-0
22 AAFJT-BA76 + 2BJT-ACP8 + 9BJT-ACRC + EGKJT-AD8G + 73JT-BCRGame starts with computer leading 3-0
23 AAFJT-BA76 + 2BJT-ACP8 + 9BJT-ACRC + GKJT-AD8G + GVJT-AGGEGame starts with player 1 leading 4-0
24 AAFJT-BA76 + 2BJT-ACP8 + 9BJT-ACRC + GKJT-AD8G + 6BJT-BCREGame starts with player 1 leading 5-0
25 AAFJT-BA76 + 2BJT-ACP8 + 9BJT-ACRC + GKJT-AD8G + 3BJT-BCREGame starts with player 1 leading 6-0
Exhibition Game Codes
26 AAFJT-BA80 + 2BJT-ACR2 + 9BJT-ACR6 + GKJT-AD9A + 9KJT-BCR8Game starts with player 2 leading 1-0
27 AAFJT-BA80 + 2BJT-ACR2 + 9BJT-ACR6 + GKJT-AD9A + 3KJT-BCR8Game starts with player 2 leading 2-0
28 AAFJT-BA80 + 2BJT-ACR2 + 9BJT-ACR6 + GKJT-AD9A + 73JT-BCR8Game starts with player 2 leading 3-0
29 AAFJT-BA80 + 2BJT-ACR2 + 9BJT-ACR6 + GKJT-AD9A + 6VJT-AGG8Game starts with player 1leading 4-0
30 AAFJT-BA80 + 2BJT-ACR2 + 9BJT-ACR6 + GKJT-AD9A + 6BJT-BCR8Game starts with player 1 leading 5-0
31 AAFJT-BA80 + 2BJT-ACR2 + 9BJT-ACR6 + GKJT-AD9A + 3BJT-BCR8Game starts with player 1 leading 6-0
America's favorite manager has lent his name to this enjoyable game, which features an interesting bird's-eye-view of batted balls, as well as an unusually tough computer opponent. Unless otherwise noted, all codes below apply to both players. For Codes 12 and 13, only 4 balls are displayed on screen, but you will still have the larger number. For Code 15, a pitch in the strike zone is called a ball. For Code 16, a pitch outside the strike zone is called a strike.
1 BAADT-AAGA + AAEA-AAAC + ACNA-AACRRegulation game lasts 1 inning
2 BAEDT-AAGA + AEEA-AAAC + AGNA-AACRRegulation game lasts 2 innings
3 BAJDT-AAGA + AJEA-AAAC + ALNA-AACRRegulation game lasts 3 innings
4 BATDT-AAGA + ATEA-AAAC + AWNA-AACRRegulation game lasts 5 innings
5 BA2DT-AAGA + A2EA-AAAC + A4NA-AACRRegulation game lasts 7 innings
6 BRHST-A6Y8 + AHST-BE7APitches use less energy
7 BRHST-A6Y8 + A5ST-BE7APitches use more energy
8 BRHST-A6Y8 + CDST-BE7APitches use much more energy
9 BBMST-AA7JPitches use no energy
10 BAJ3T-AAB2Batter walks on 2 balls
11 BAN3T-AAB2Batter walks on 3 balls
12 BAY3T-AAB2Batter walks on 5 balls
13 BA23T-AAB2Batter walks on 6 balls
14 BAA3T-AA36Batter never walks
15 BHT3A-AA9NAny pitch taken is a ball
16 B4A3T-AA3LAny pitch taken is a strike
17 BCJ3A-AN9L + FA3A-AA96 + FE3A-BA98Taken strikes do not count
18 B9DSA-ACFTFoul ball after 2 strikes is an out
19 BAXMT-AA7LFoul bunt after 2 strikes is not an out
Open Game Codes
20 BAFJT-BA2E + 2BJT-ACJG + 9BJT-ACJL +GKJT-AD2R + 1KJT-BCJNGame starts with computer leading 1-0
21 BAFJT-BA2E + 2BJT-ACJG + 9BJT-ACJL + GKJT-AD2R + VKJT-BCJNGame starts with computer leading 2-0
22 BAFJT-BA2E + 2BJT-ACJG + 9BJT-ACJL + GKJT-AD2R + Z3JT-BCJNGame starts with computer leading 3-0
23 BAFJT-BA2E + 2BJT-ACJG + 9BJT-ACJL + GKJT-AD2R + 6VJT-AGANGame starts with player 1 leading 4-0
24 BAFJT-BA2E + 2BJT-ACJG + 9BJT-ACJL + GKJT-AD2R + YBJT-BCJNGame starts with player 1 leading 5-0
25 BAFJT-BA2E + 2BJT-ACJG + 9BJT-ACJL + GKJT-AD2R + VBJT-BCJNGame starts with player 1 leading 6-0
Exhibition Game Codes
26 BAFJT-BA28 + 2BJT-ACKA + 9BJT-ACKE + GKJT-AD3J + 1KJT-BCKGGame starts with player 2 leading 1-0
27 BAFJT-BA28 + 2BJT-ACKA + 9BJT-ACKE + GKJT-AD3J + VKJT-BCKGGame starts with player 2 leading 2-0
28 BAFJT-BA28 + 2BJT-ACKA + 9BJT-ACKE + GKJT-AD3J + Z3JT-BCKGGame starts with player 2 leading 3-0
29 BAFJT-BA28 + 2BJT-ACKA + 9BJT-ACKE + GGKJT-AD3J + 6VJT-AGBGame starts with player 1 leading 4-0
30 BAFJT-BA28 + 2BJT-ACKA + 9BJT-ACKE + GKJT-AD3J + YBJT-BCKGGame starts with player 1 leading 5-0
31 BAFJT-BA28 + 2BJT-ACKA + 9BJT-ACKE + GKJT-AD3J + VBJT-BCKGGame starts with player 1 leading 6-0
Passwords For Tommy Lasorda Baseball
1VU9lrstpomXcZTiebrHWyWBizarro Baseball - To play a game with strange screen colors and unbelievable batting, enter this password:
2RGsiopqm2jhZZSUXVtEEAEStrange Special Effects - Use any one of these passwords for some strange effects during the games:
3RGhiopqmljhZZSUXVtEEAEStrange Special Effects - Use any one of these passwords for some strange effects during the games:
4Zb6jpqrnmGnYWQXaHuFFABInvisible Computer Team - To give the computer an invisible team, use this password. It's not possible to play a game this way, but it is fun to watch.
5H--flmnjiaVXhLQZPqBCVAWorld Series Code - Use this code to give a full range of World Series Options:
The two dashes consist of variables for the first team and the second team. The following chart containes the variables to use in the first dash to select a team. To select the opposition team (second dash), input the next consecutive letter of the team in the chart. For example, on opposition Detroit would be E, and an opposing Seattle team would be O.
  • D - Detroit
  • E - Toronto
  • F - Milwaukee
  • G - New York Yankees
  • H - Boston
  • I - Baltimore
  • J - Cleveland
  • K - Minnesota
  • L - Kansas City
  • M - Oakland
  • N - Seattle
  • O - Chicago White Sox
  • P - California
  • Q - Texas
  • R - St. Louis
  • S - New York Mets
  • T - Montreal
  • U - Philadelphia
  • V - Pittsburgh
  • W - Chicago Cubs
  • X - San Francisco
  • Y - Cincinnati
  • Z - Houston
  • a - Los Angeles
  • b - Atlanta
  • c - San Diego
Milwaukee, Minnesota, Philadelphia, and Houston must play against one of the following teams: Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Baltimore, San Francisco, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Chicago White Sox, or St. Louis.

Super League Baseball

Cartridge Top Label

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Box Scan

Title Screenshot In Game Screenshot

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Super League Baseball series (3 titles)
RELEASED:         various
TYPE:             Sports (baseball)
LANGUAGE:         English and Japanese

PREMISE:          Sega's original in-house baseball game especially coded
                  to promote sales of the then-new Genesis/MegaDrive.
                  Features the top lineups and players for the Central
                  League as of the date of coding.  "Central League?" you
                  ask.  In case you didn't know, professional baseball is
                  currently split into three major leagues - the National
                  and American, both in the United States; and the Central,
                  based in Japan.  Each has their own unique variations on
                  the standard rules of the game.

IMPRESSIONS:      Older pro baseball sims with a bit of a cartoonish look
                  to them now - that's after looking though dozens of
                  latter and superior titles.  Not bad, but why bother
                  unless you're really into the Central League?

VARIATIONS:       The Mega CD version features a celebrity endorsement by
                  Central League player Egawa Sugoru.  It is possible,
                  although not yet proven, that his mug may appear on the
                  Super League game released as Tommy Lasorda Baseball.
                  More information would be appreciated.

                  Super League Baseball (1989, released to the Amercian
                    market in a YACEG English translation as Tommy Lasorda
                  Super League Baseball 91 (1990, Japanese release only,
                    new team rosters and a somewhat improved game engine)
                  Sports Talk Baseball (1992, practically the same as Super
                    League 91 but in English and with American MLB teams)

                  There apparently was a Japanese version of Sports Talk
                  Baseball released for the Mega CD; see appropriate entry
                  for details.

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"Super League Baseball series" | Login/Create Account | 4 comments
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Re: Super League Baseball series (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thursday, August 01 @ 21:13:03 EDT

True story: After losing another game by some ungodly score and having to listen to the announcer's annoying voice with its critical assessment of my play, I ripped the cartridge out of the genesis without turning it off and grabbed a small dumb bell and pounded a hole right through the damn thing. That was the first time I saw what was inside a cartridge...

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Re: Super League Baseball series (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, January 31 @ 14:05:05 EST

"anonymous" is a moron. sportstalk was the best baseball game for sega, and possibly the best baseball game for any system ever. it was the first game to have a tv-style presentation. game play was pretty smooth. there were generally too many singles (even 2-1 games would have 10-15 hits per team), and occasionally you'd have a string of 6-10 straight line drive hits up the middle, but generally this game was very, very good. other people i know who played the game or have read about on the internet liked this game, don't believe the one stupid opinion on this site above me. it would be nice is someone could make an updated rom for this game, since this game still has a lot of replay value


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Re: Super League Baseball series (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Friday, February 13 @ 01:53:35 EST

For anyone who wants more info on this game, i've started my own crappy little site on Sportstalk. If anyone has any extra info, or any info about the arcade precursor to Sportstalk Baseball, Clutch Hitter, that would be great. The site is at

Like I said in my last post, this was a great game that still has much replay value. Too bad there haven't been more people on this site to show their support for Sportstalk.

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