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VR Troopers

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Game Genie™ Codes For VR Troopers
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1AAGA-AAA2Infinite timer
2AGJT-AAFLStart with very little energy
3CCJT-AAFLStart with 1/4 energy
4ECJT-AAFLStart with 1/2 energy
5F8JT-AAFLStart with 3/4 energy
6AGKA-AAAJOpponent starts with very little energy
7CCKA-AAAJOpponent starts with 1/4 energy
8ECKA-AAAJOpponent starts with 1/2 energy
9F8KA-AAAJOpponent starts with 3/4 energy
10AAET-AABGCarry your match timer into the bonus rounds
11CAGA-AAARTimer counts by ten

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             VR Troopers
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    Syrox Development
RELEASED:         1995
TYPE:             Fighting
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          Street Fighter 2 clone based on the American syndicated
                  television series edited from a Power Rangers clone made
                  for television in Japan...gasp, gasp, wheeze....

IMPRESSIONS:      Has everything you'd expect in a late-model SF2 clone
                  except for the graphics, which aren't as polished as they
                  could be.

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"VR Troopers" | Login/Create Account | 2 comments
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Re: VR Troopers (Score: 1)
by scool1000 on Monday, April 22 @ 21:23:12 EDT
(User Info)

Yawn what a boring game. The idea of fighting is good but not the graphics

[ Reply ]

Re: VR Troopers (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Sunday, July 27 @ 13:07:51 EDT

Actually, Power Rangers started in Japan.

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