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Techno Clash

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Game Genie™ Codes For Techno Clash
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2ACNT-AAF6Almost invincible
3WB4T-AABEStart with 3x normal energy
4DB4T-AABEStart with 1/2x normal energy
5NCHT-GAG4Getting magic life shard increases life meter to maximum
6ACHT-GAG4Getting magic life shard doesnot increase life meter
7AM2T-CA94Faarg and Chaaz are nearly invincible
8AM0A-CA62Infinite bullets for Faarg and flames for Chazz
9AM0A-CA6WInfinite rockets for Faarg and fireballs for Chazz
10ALWT-GA76Infinite continues
11BJMA-CACTStart with 10 continues
12BCRT-AA68Infinite basic spells
13CV6A-AAFJStart with 20 basic spells
14DCWA-AA9EInfinite lightning spells
15CV6A-AAEEStart with 20 lightning spells
16DCWT-AA44Infinite super spells
17CV6A-AAE6Start with 20 super spells
18DCYT-AA2RInfinite angle spells
19CV6A-AAFAStart with 20 angle spells
20DCVA-AA8JInfinite time bomb spells
21CV6A-AAEJStart with 20 time bomb spells
22AGZT-AAGEAlways get hurt from bombs' explosions
23AWZT-AAGETime bombs go off after about 1 second
24GCZT-AAGETime bombs go off after about 10 seconds
25DCZA-AA8GInfinite mondo major spells
26CV6A-AAD6Start with 20 mondo major spells
27DCVT-AA7TInfinite hold spells
28CV6A-AAD2Start with 20 hold spells
29DCXT-AA7RInfinite wide spells
30CV6A-AAFEStart with 20 wide spells
31CV6A-AAE2Start with 20 death spells
32NP6A-AAENStart with 99 heal spells
33CV6A-AAENStart with 20 heal spells
34DCVT-AA2GInfinite levitate spells
35CV6A-AAEAStart with 20 levitate spells
36BCVT-AADJLevitation lasts about 2 seconds
37ECVT-AADJLevitation lasts about 8 seconds
386CVT-AADJLevitation lasts about 60 seconds
39BCRT-AA26Infinite teleport spells
40CV6A-AAEYStart with 20 teleport spells
41ALRT-AA3WInfinite invulnerable spells
42CV6A-AAFTStart with 20 invulnerable spells
43T4RT-AACAInvulnerability lasts about 4 seconds
44BCRT-AA82Invulnerability lasts until level is completed
Passwords For Techno Clash
1PP503PALLevel 2
2C5GG4PZTLevel 3
335409YZKLevel 4
4TCTMTYP4Level 5
55YMGMPC0Level 6

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Techno Clash
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    Zono/Electronic Arts
RELEASED:         1993
TYPE:             RPG
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          This is a tale of magic users trapped in our machine-
                  oriented world by a freak interdimensional portal.  Their
                  only wish is to return home, and they spend most of their
                  time wandering about Las Vegas looking for the one person
                  who might prove to be their only hope - the mysterious
                  "Machine Man."

IMPRESSIONS:      Not exactly a game to thrill your toes off, but it's not
                  boring, either.  Save it for one of those long rainy
                  weekends when you have nothing else to do.

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"Techno Clash" | Login/Create Account | 1 comment
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Re: Techno Clash (Score: 1)
by HaloMan on Friday, January 18 @ 14:02:58 EST
(User Info)

Pretty difficult, pretty good, very rare (at least in the UK). Worth a go if you want a challenge.

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