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Super Hydlide

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Hints For Super Hydlide
1Hidden Cash and Secret Sound - When the game starts you will begin in the City of the Forest. After you get some information from the towns' people, exit the town and go out into Fairie Land and go five screens to the left. There, you will see a cave. Enter the opening and you will appear in a deserted village. Walk around the first wooden fence and walk downward. Your character will now magically walk onto the brick wall! Walk left again onto the patch of trees and get in the middle clearning of the trees and hit the 'B' button. You will find 10,000 gold pieces hidden here! To hear the sound effects, go to the top left building. In this building you can cycle through the different game sounds!
2Free Experience Points - Use this trick to build up experience points quickly. Go to the pond in the City of the Woods. Stand on the left side, at the bottom of the bridge. "Use" a coin, then search the ground. Each time you do this you'll get 30 experience points.

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Super Hydlide
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    T&E Soft/Seismic Software
RELEASED:         1990
TYPE:             RPG
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          Awaken, young hero!  A dark evil from days long past has
                  once again reared its ugly head, seeking to conquer all.
                  It is your destiny to face this challenge.  What the
                  world will lose, you shall recover.

IMPRESSIONS:      An ancient-looking RPG that has not aged gracefully.
                  Appears to be an arcade port of some kind.  Hey, at least
                  it's in English!  That's about all I can say for it.

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"Super Hydlide" | Login/Create Account | 10 comments
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Ick! (Score: 1)
by Hiryu on Tuesday, June 26 @ 20:03:52 EDT
(User Info)

This game is actually an "update" if you can call it that, of Hydlide for nes. It isn't an arcade port. The game has the most horrendous music, and the gameplay consist of you running into enemies, hoping they die. There is a sorta fun aspect of finding treasure, but.....the game just sucks, just like the original. I give it a 2

[ Reply ]

  • Re: Ick! by Anonymous on Friday, December 14 @ 08:00:33 EST
    • Re: Ick! by Sparxster on Monday, July 15 @ 06:53:22 EDT

Re: Super Hydlide (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Friday, August 02 @ 00:21:50 EDT

This game is & was totally awsome, granted the 1st time I picked it up I too felt a bit dissapointed, but as I got the hang of things as in any RPG, the game, story & the music become quite fantastic.
I am a very picky gamer, plus a game has to..HAS to have a great soundtrack for me to like it even more...Super hydlide..will grow on you big time!!!
Not only do I give it a whopping 9, but I reccomend that if you're not a snob & you have a rainy weekend indoors & you want to play an old goodie, pick this up & give it a go~
Game music in this is a 10 !!!

[ Reply ]

Super Hydlide (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Wednesday, August 07 @ 13:17:13 EDT

Most people probably think this game sucks, but it's the best game I've played for the Sega Genesis. And I've played lots of them, but I still think this is the best RPG. It might seem boring in the beginning, but as soon as you get the hang of the story, you'll love it, and you'll never forget it.

Graphics: 8
Story: 10
Music: 10
Sound: 8

[ Reply ]

Re: Super Hydlide (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Monday, October 14 @ 02:08:01 EDT

This is a decent game for those of us who can't get enough RPGs, though it certainly has its failings.

- The weight system is interesting, as is the clock, but they can both get irritating sometimes.

- I don't understand the people giving the story a 10; there is no story whatsoever until at least halfway through the game, and even then it seems like something thrown in as an afterthought.

- The graphics have not aged well, but if you're playing old 16-bit games, you probably won't mind that. :)

- The sound and music are actually pretty good considering how old they are.

- Bottom line, it's a fun game. Gameplay is very simple, but it's not just "running into things and hoping they die" as the original synopsis suggests.

Graphics: 4/10
Sound: 8/10
Story: 3/10
Gameplay: 7/10
Overall: 6/10

[ Reply ]

Re: Super Hydlide (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, October 19 @ 00:57:39 EDT

from what I remember about this game back when i had on my genesis, what that it was like a diablo .001 type of game, but it has been a very long time since last playing this game so I can't remember it clearly and I cant quite rate this game properly

[ Reply ]

Re: Super Hydlide (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, November 05 @ 23:54:08 EST

Well, this game is very good. Kinda "different"
but that's a matter of taste.
It contains multiple roguelike aspects (height,
food). The game is curiously addictive once you've
got started (the hardest part), and when your
character's physical is decent enough to carry
an armor around without walking as a slug, solving
the "one step every two seconds" problem.
I think the graphics are not that bad. I started
with computer games programed in curses, like
hack or rogue, so I don't really care if a game
has "espartan" graphics.

[ Reply ]

Re: Super Hydlide (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, January 18 @ 18:39:14 EST

This is one of the first RPG's I played as a kid. Its my second favourite before Landstalker. I got to the very end & even found a light sabre one day by just walking around hammering the look button. The only problem was that I could never kill the end boss, Kyzake or something. I knew that you could knock off all its knee caps with the flaming sword & it would stop moving, but then what? You could go in its mouth but you always died. Did anyone ever finish this game?

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