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The Ooze

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Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             The Ooze
RELEASED:         1996
TYPE:             Action
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          You're a worker drone at a toxic chemical plant who
                  made the mistake of accidentally stumbling upon a
                  company scandal.  Ever grateful for your intervention,
                  the evildoers flush you down into a chemical sludge tank,
                  convinced that they've put an end to your ass.  Not so
                  fast, fellas - instead, the sludge has transformed you
                  into an amorphous green ooze with unusual abilities -
                  talents which you will need to settle with those bastards
                  and put an end to their little schemes!

IMPRESSIONS:      Interesting and original, this is a great little action
                  game that probably got overlooked for the same reasons as
                  Comix Zone.  A bit tricky to master at first, but well
                  worth the effort.

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"The Ooze" | Login/Create Account | 12 comments
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The Ooze (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, July 27 @ 05:03:31 EDT

Does ne1 know where i can download it for my emulator? i cant find it newhere.

[ Reply ]

Re: The Ooze (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thursday, August 21 @ 21:58:51 EDT

This is a really stupid game and I can't understand the japanese text and manual. I'd swop it for a decent Genesis game if anyone's interested?

[ Reply ]

  • Re: The Ooze by Anonymous on Tuesday, October 21 @ 22:58:03 EDT
  • *squeals* by deaddudegod on Friday, November 28 @ 17:01:47 EST

Re: The Ooze (great game) (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Monday, March 29 @ 01:10:23 EST

This is to ALL who ever stumble upon this page or game, ....the saying never judge a book by its cover ever strike you once? This game is a shining example of it, this game, but dont play it only ONCE then never play it again. Get a genesis emulator(console), then get the rom(game). You can obtain both at this site ill say at the end. Just do this if you have it.., play it to the very end! DONT GIVE UP!! you can get both at:

get the emulator at:

and get the rom at

[ Reply ]

Re: The Ooze (Score: 1)
by SIR ( on Monday, April 05 @ 17:10:08 EDT
(User Info) http://Freeserve

This is one weird game about sliding around a mass of green water, its quite a nice little game when you can master the 'flow'. Great fun for the Nomad.

[ Reply ]

  • Re: The Ooze by Anonymous on Monday, October 25 @ 19:18:15 EDT

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