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Evander Holyfield's "Real Deal" Boxing

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Game Genie™ Codes For Evander Holyfield's "Real Deal" Boxing
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This exciting and realistic challenge is named for the ex-champ, but it still provides up-to-date fun and action. With Codes 1 and 7 you must win by a KO or TKO. Code 7 prevents boxers from being refreshed between rounds, since Round 1 never ends. Code 8 allows you to make a super boxer. You can give him Power, Stamina, Speed, and Defense at any levels you wish, but if you set all of them to their maximum values, then they can't be reduced.
1AJWA-AA64Always round 1
2BJWA-ACFN + BJNA-ACHWRounds are 1 minute long
3BJWA-AEFN + BJNA-AEHWRounds are 2 minutes long
4BJWA-AJEN + BJNA-AJHWRounds are 4 minutes long
5BJWA-ANFN + BJNA-ANHWRounds are 6 minutes long
6BJWA-AWFN + BJNA-AWHWRounds are 9 minutes long
7CTRA-AA2LRounds never end
8RGKT-A6VW + TCKT-A4AN + TCKT-A4BRSet up new career any way you want
Cheats For Evander Holyfield's "Real Deal" Boxing
1Perfect FighterChoose the "Career Mode" option at the title screen, and create a new boxer named "The Beast." You will now have maximum power!

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Evander Holyfield's "Real Deal" Boxing
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    ACME Interactive
RELEASED:         1992
TYPE:             Fighting/sports (boxing)
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          YACEG boxing sim featuring former WBA world heavyweight
                  boxing champion Evander Holyfield

IMPRESSIONS:      One of several boxing games in which the focus is on
                  the celebrity endorser, and not the sport itself.  You
                  can relive Holyfield's entire career up the point when
                  he won the belt, or you can just wade right in and start
                  slugging away like all the other boxing sims.  In a
                  market plagued by hordes of Street Fighter 2 clones,
                  a realistic approach to fighting is a welcome change

VARIATIONS:       Greatest Heavyweights of the Ring uses the same game
                  engine (see separate entry).

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"Evander Holyfield's "Real Deal" Boxing" | Login/Create Account | 13 comments
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by Anonymous on Thursday, February 26 @ 20:45:23 EST

I just love this game. The taunting of the boxers are so hilarious. I love it when a boxer says "COME ON AND FIGHT, YA WIMP!"

[ Reply ]

Don't listen to these fools, they are just bad at videogames (Score: 1)
by Norrin_Radd on Saturday, September 28 @ 05:38:53 EDT
(User Info)

This game is a sinch! Just keep fighting the lower rank guys till you can build up your speed. Any one can beat this game, as long as you keep your speed up. BEating this game isn't the hard part. Beeating 40 fights in a row without loosing isn't the hard part. The HARD part is getting over 1,360,000$ Career winnings ;)
Go , GO, have fun, this game is a blast!

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Re: Evander Holyfield's (Score: 1)
by TRENTY on Saturday, January 05 @ 11:55:28 EST
(User Info)

Along with its sequel (Greatest Heavyweights) this is the best Mega Drive boxing game. Great gameplay, although not very challenging to get to the top and knock out Evander! You will love every minute of it. See if you can get to 40 fights (Automatic retirement!) without losing as your stats gradually diminish!

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Re: Evander Holyfield's (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, July 06 @ 21:32:51 EDT

This game is a total piece of shit, you can barely hit back, whoever made this game is a total loser who just wants to ride on Evander Holyfield's DICK. The game is set up so that it is unbeatable.

[ Reply ]

Re: Evander Holyfield's (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, July 06 @ 21:42:00 EDT

i agree...this game is so gay...the computer can punch faster than light, you can only throw one jab every hour, and evander holyfield has a machine gun that he shoots you with when you fight him.

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Re: Evander Holyfield's (Score: 1)
by segamaster ( on Friday, February 21 @ 10:18:59 EST
(User Info) http://none

this is a great game, but i agree somewhat that you can not punch back. just keep patient, dumbasses. you look for holes then go for them. if you are smart, you will block thier punches. DUH!!!

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Re: Evander Holyfield's (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Wednesday, July 16 @ 14:02:42 EDT

I don't know what these morons are talking about
because this game is not that tough. I think it maybe the best boxing game I have played. Train your fighter properly and you can easily strengthen his abilities relatively quickly. Don't go up againtst an opponent whos skills are much greater than your own. DA Then learn how to fight wimps. Don't just stand there move, block,
go to the body then to the head or vice-versa. Find your opponents openings and attack them. DONT STAND THERE TRYING TO TRADE PUNCHES OR YOU WILL GET YOUR ASS KICKED.
What a bunch of candy-asses.

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