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Eternal Champions

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Game Genie™ Codes For Eternal Champions
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1BEHT-GAD4In a 2-player game, either player can choose the Eternal Champion with the left button
29THT-HCP4 + BEHT-GAF6In a 1-player game, Player 1 plays as the Eternal Champion (can select any character, but will then play as Eternal Champion)
3ACNT-LAE0Insult uses no inner strength
4GCNT-LAE0Insult uses more inner strength
5ACXT-LAC6Shadow's High Jump Angle Kick uses no inner strength
6GCXT-LAC6Shadow's High Jump Angle Kick uses more inner strength
7RGZT-L6XAInner strength is restored very quickly
8GWEA-LAFJShadow starts with 1/2 energy
9GTST-LAH0Rax starts with 1/2 energy
10GWGA-JAFTBlade starts with 1/2 energy
11GVYA-JAEWJetta starts with 1/2 energy
12GVDA-LAHLSlash starts with 1/2 energy
13GX9T-JAHATrident's starts with 1/2 energy
14GW2A-JABAXavier starts with 1/2 energy
15GXKT-JADWMidknight starts with 1/2 energy
16GVYA-LACYLarcen starts with 1/2 energy
17AWSA-NAFRShadow's Snap when close in does no damage
18AWSA-PAPRShadow's Snap when close in does more damage
19AWMT-NABLShadow's Snap when farther away does no damage
20AWMT-PAKLShadow's Snap when farther away does more damage
21A0SA-NAHRShadow's Thrust when close in does no damage
22A0SA-PASRShadow's Thrust when close in does more damage
23A0MT-NAD0Shadow's Thrust when farther away does no damage
24A0MT-PAM0Shadow's Thrust when farther away does more damage
25A4ST-NAERShadow's Wheel when close in does no damage
26A4ST-PANRShadow's Wheel when close in does more damage
27A4MT-NAGCShadow's Wheel when farther away does no damage
28A4MT-PARCShadow's Wheel when farther away does more damage
29FLVT-NAARShadow's High Jump Angle Kick does no damage
30FLVT-PAJRShadow's High Jump Angle Kick does more damage
31EGWT-NAAGShadow's Short Slide does less damage
32EGWT-PAJGShadow's Short Slide does more damage
33EGWT-NAAWShadow's Medium Slide does less damage
34EGWT-PAJWShadow's Medium Slide does more damage
35ALNA-NAE0Shadow's lunge when farther away does no damage
36ALNA-PAN0Shadow's lunge when farther away does more damage
37ALTA-NABGShadow's lunge when close in does no damage
38ALTA-PAKGShadow's lunge when close in does more damage
39ARNT-NAAGShadow's swing when farther away does no damage
40ARNT-P0JGShadow's swing when farther away does more damage
41ARTA-NAD8Shadow's swing when close in does no damage
42ARTA-PAM8Shadow's's swing when close in does more damage
43AWDT-NAEELarcen's snap when farther away does no damage
44AWDT-PANELarcen's snap when farther away does more damage
45ERDT-NAF2Larcen's thrust when farther away does no damage
46ERDT-PAP2Larcen's thrust when farther away does more damage
47EWGT-NAA6Larcen's wheel when close in does no damage
48EWGT-PAJ6Larcen's wheel when close in does more damage
49ELGA-NADALarcen's snap when close in does no damage
50ELGA-PAMALarcen's's snap when close in does more damage
51A0GA-NAGELarcen's thrust when close in does no damage
52A0GA-PARELarcen's thrust when close in does more damage
53A4EA-NAATLarcen's wheel when farther away does no damage
54A4EA-PAJTLarcen's wheel when farther away does more damage
55AGGT-NADYLarcen's straight when close in does no damage
56AGGT-PAMYLarcen's straight when close in does more damage
57ALHA-NAANLarcen's swing when close in does less damage
58ALHA-PAJNLarcen's swing when close in does more damage
59F0JT-NAH2Larcen's Swinging Hammer Fist does less damage
60F0JT-PAS2Larcen's Swinging Hammer Fistdoes more damage
61AT8T-NAEJMidknight's snap when farther away does no damage
62AT8T-PANJMidknight's snap when farther away does more damage
63FY8A-NAHYMidknight's lunge when farther away does no damage
64FY8A-PASYMidknight's lunge when farther away does more damage
65A28A-NAD2Midknight's wheel when farther away does no damage
66A28A-PAM2Midknight's wheel when farther away does more damage
67FY7T-NADJMidknight's lunge when farther away does no damage
68FY7T-PAMJMidknight's lunge when farther away does more damage
69FZCT-NAGJMidknight's lunge when close in does less damage
70FZCT-PARJMidknight's lunge when close in does more damage
71FZDA-NAC6Midknight's swing when close in does less damage
72FZDA-PAL6Midknight's swing when close in does more damage
73AN7T-NAFJMidknight's swing when farther away does no damage
74AN7T-PAPJMidknight's swing when farther away does more damage
75AZ5A-NAC8Slash's snap when farther away does no damage
76AZ5A-PAL8Slash's snap when farther away does more damage
77AV7T-NADGSlash's snap when close in does no damage
78AV7T-PAMGSlash's snap when close in does more damage
79AZ7T-NAE4Slash's thrust when close in does no damage
80AZ7T-PAN4Slash's thrust when close in does more damage
81BK5A-NAEWSlash's thrust when farther away does less damage
82BK5A-PANWSlash's thrust when farther away does more damage
83A35A-NAH0Slash's wheel when farther away does no damage
84A35A-PAS0Slash's wheel when farther away does more damage
85AK7T-NAGNSlash's wheel when close in does no damage
86AK7T-PARNSlash's wheel when close in does more damage
87AF8A-NAACSlash's straight when close in does no damage
88AF8A-PAJCSlash's straight when close in does more damage
89AK8A-NAB0Slash's lunge when close in does no damage
90AK8A-PAK0Slash's lunge when close in does more damage
91AP8A-NAD0Slash's swing when close in does no damage
92AP8A-PAM0Slash's swing when close in does more damage
93AK9A-NAB4Slash's Massive Club Swing does less damage
94AK9A-PAK4Slash's Massive Club Swing does more damage
95ALAT-NAB4Slash's Spinal Crush does less damage
96ALAT-PAK4Slash's Spinal Crush does more damage
97BJ4A-NAB0Xavier's snap when close in does less damage
98BJ4A-PAK0Xavier's snap when close in does more damage
99AY4A-NAFWXavier's thrust when close in does less damage
100AY4A-PAPWXavier's thrust when close in does more damage
101AE3A-NAF0Xavier's straight when close in does less damage
102AE3A-PAP0Xavier's straight when close in does more damage
103ANYT-NADWXavier's swing when farther away does no damage
104ANYT-PAMWXavier's swing when farther away does more damage
105EE6T-NAERXavier's Attack and Smash do no damage
106EE6T-PANRXavier's Attack and Smash do more damage
107AZKA-NAA8Trident's thrust when farther away does no damage
108AZKA-PAJ8Trident's thrust when farther away does more damage
109A3JT-NACCTrident's wheel when farther away does less damage
110A3JT-PALCTrident's wheel when farther away does more damage
111A3RA-NACGTrident's wheel when close in does less damage
112A3RA-PALGTrident's wheel when close in does more damage
113AFHT-NAE8Trident's straight when farther away does no damage
114AFHT-PAN8Trident's straight when farther away does more damage
115AKHT-NAH0Trident's lunge when farther away does no damage
116AKHT-PAS0Trident's lunge when farther away does more damage
117ATET-NAE8Jetta's snap when farther away does no damage
118ATET-PAN8Jetta's snap when farther away does more damage
119ATKA-NAFGJetta's snap when close in does no damage
120ATKA-PAPGJetta's snap when close in does more damage
121FYKT-NAA0Jetta's thrust when close in does less damage
122FYKT-PAJ0Jetta's thrust when close in does more damage
123AYET-NAB4Jetta's thrust when farther away does no damage
124AYET-PAK4Jetta's thrust when farther away does more damage
125A2LA-NAC8Jetta's wheel when close in does no damage
126A2LA-PYL8Jetta's wheel when close in does more damage
127A2EA-NAG0Jetta's wheel when farther away does less damage
128A2EA-PAR0Jetta's wheel when farther away does more damage
129AEJT-NADRJetta's straight when close in does no damage
130AEJT-PJMRJetta's straight when close in does more damage
131AEDT-NADCJetta's straight when farther away does no damage
132AEDT-PLMCJetta's straight when farther away does more damage
133AJDT-NAGGJetta's lunge when farther away does no damage
134AJDT-PARGJetta's lunge when farther away does more damage
135AJJT-NAGGJetta's lunge when close in does no damage
136AJJT-PWRGJetta's lunge when close in does more damage
137ANEA-NAA8Jetta's swing when farther away does no damage
138ANEA-PAJ8Jetta's swing when farther away does more damage
139ANKA-NACRJetta's swing when close in does no damage
140ANKA-PALRJetta's swing when close in does more damage
141ATRA-NAHABlade's snap when farther away does no damage
142ATRA-PASABlade's snap when farther away does more damage
143ATVA-NAHJBlade's snap when close in does no damage
144ATVA-PASJBlade's snap when close in does more damage
145G2RA-NAFNBlade's thrust when farther away does no damage
146G2RA-PAPNBlade's thrust when farther away does more damage
147AYVT-NAA6Blade's thrust when close in does no damage
148AYVT-PAJ6Blade's thrust when close in does more damage
149ANVT-NACTBlade's wheel when close in does no damage
150ANVT-PALTBlade's wheel when close in does more damage
151A2RA-NADNBlade's wheel when farther away does no damage
152A2RA-PAMNBlade's wheel when farther away does more damage
153AETT-NAFTBlade's straight when close in does no damage
154AETT-PAPTBlade's straight when close in does more damage
155AJVA-NABABlade's lunge when close in does less damage
156AJVA-PAKABlade's lunge when close in does more damage
157ANVA-NAF6Blade's swing when close in does no damage
158ANVA-PAP6Blade's swing when close in does more damage
159FYPT-NADABlade's swing when farther away does less damage
160FYPT-PAMABlade's swing when farther away does more damage
161AVVT-NAHJRax's snap when farther away does less damage
162AVVT-PASJRax's snap when farther away does more damage
163AVZT-NACNRax's snap when close in does no damage
164AVZT-PALNRax's snap when close in does more damage
165AZVT-NAEERax's thrust when farther away does no damage
166AZVT-PANERax's thrust when farther away does more damage
167AZZT-NAENRax's thrust when close in does no damage
168AZZT-PANNRax's thrust when close in does more damage
169DZZT-NAG2Rax's wheel when close in does no damage
170DZZT-PAR2Rax's wheel when close in does more damage
171A3VT-NAAYRax's wheel when farther away does no damage
172A3VT-PAJYRax's wheel when farther away does more damage
173AFTT-NAFNRax's straight when farther away does no damage
174AFTT-PAPNRax's straight when farther away does more damage
175AFZA-NAC6Rax's straight when close in does no damage
176AFZA-PNL6Rax's straight when close in does more damage
177AKTT-NAHNRax's lunge when farther away does no damage
178AKTT-PNSNRax's lunge when farther away does more damage
179AKZA-NAFJRax's lunge when close in does no damage
180AKZA-PRPJRax's lunge when close in does more damage
181APZT-NAAARax's swing when close in does no damage
182APZT-PAJARax's swing when close in does more damage
183APVA-NACERax's swing when farther away does no damage
184APVA-PALERax's swing when farther away does more damage

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Eternal Champions
RELEASED:         1993
TYPE:             Fighting
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          The Eternal Champion is striving to restore the balance
                  between good and evil in our universe.  In order to do
                  so, he must choose one of nine deceased warriors of great
                  skill and talent who will be revived and bestowed with
                  his powers to regain that balance.  Should he or she
                  prove successful, then they will be given a second chance
                  at life.  "Only one may live so that balance may again be
                  achieved.  Let the contest begin...."

IMPRESSIONS:      A Street Fighter clone that would be unimpressive even
                  if its gameplay were on the same level.  Don't waste your
                  time. (Rage Games)

VARIATIONS:       A superior remake was issued for the Sega CD; see
                  separate entry for more details.

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"Eternal Champions" | Login/Create Account | 14 comments
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hyped up, bad fighting gameplay...but (Score: 1)
by Hiryu on Thursday, June 28 @ 17:47:15 EDT
(User Info)

The games actually fun if you're trying get the overkills and there's some nice fighting styles, but the game comes off as mk meets street fighter but with street fighters graphics and mk's fatality system. Instead of playing this one, get the ultimately better sequel for sega cd. It's actually more fun and has a bunch of characters to choose from, and like 12 hidden characters. It's funny how hyped up Eternal Champions was, it spawned two crappy spinoffs, one starring Shadow(X-Perts) and one starring Larcen on game gear, I forgot what it was called, but neither game was any good, and neither were fighting games. Eternal Champions was going to released on sega saturn but they scrapped it because it was becoming too much like virtua fighter. Anyways, I give the first Eternal Champions a 5.

[ Reply ]

Re: Eternal Champions (Score: 1)
by TReid ( on Wednesday, June 27 @ 16:19:21 EDT
(User Info)

Back in 1992-1993, all the game magazines kept pimping Eternal Champions as a newer and better Street Fighter. Well, when it finally came out, many of use felt burned. The gameplay was extreemly difficult, timing was horrid, graphics were choppy. I had hoped for alot from this game, but was greatly dissapointed.

[ Reply ]

Re: Eternal Champions (Score: 1)
by DarkWolf on Tuesday, July 24 @ 16:30:40 EDT
(User Info)

Most of the story lines were alright, the corporate ninja lady kicked ass, but unfortunately poor gameplay and difficult moves proved to make this game really bad. The boss was kinda stupid too...

[ Reply ]

Re: Eternal Champions (Score: 1)
by SamuraiJohn on Wednesday, April 24 @ 12:50:51 EDT
(User Info)

the graphics are there.. but this game is no match to MORTAL KOMBAT! its tooo tuff to play.. well maybe its me.... :( but hey go give it a try!

[ Reply ]

Re: Eternal Champions (Score: 1)
by Genesisblackbelt on Monday, July 22 @ 09:40:07 EDT
(User Info)

This game was way over hyped, but it's still fun. It's just that it's so fricken hard!!!! 6

[ Reply ]

Re: Eternal Champions (Score: 1)
by deaddudegod on Sunday, August 04 @ 17:04:43 EDT
(User Info)

I loved and still love this game. it may be very hard, but it's still one of the best 2-player fighting games on any system IMHO.

[ Reply ]

Re: Eternal Champions (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, April 01 @ 23:18:00 EST

this game sucks

[ Reply ]

Re: Eternal Champions (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Monday, July 14 @ 13:18:47 EDT

Not a bad fighting game at all, really. I think most people were disappointed that it was not Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat. One of the big complaints of the game mags at the time was that there were too many options! Or that there was too much character info available! Yeesh, if you don't like the extras, you don't have to bother with them at all. But if you do, this cart is loaded with them! Admittedly, Street Fighter 2 is still the better game but Eternal Champions is definitely worth playing.

The main game is your standard versus fighter. Each character has a great range of standard as well as special moves. Combos are not as advanced as in SF2 or MK but still good. You can also do overkills, somewhat like the fatalities in MK though they're a lot easier to pull off. Like MK, they don't really add anything but they can be fun to watch and a great way to taunt a human opponent.

The characters in this game are a great mix of superhero and villain types, each with an appropriate set of specials. You can choose from a vampire, a wizard, a futuristic superhero, a 1920's gangster, a ninja, a caveman, and more. Each character also has detailed background info loaded into the cart itself, though you can skip this stuff if you're not interested. Again, this was one of the major complaints against the game at the time, their reasoning being that we slowly learned about Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat over the years. Who cares? Besides, EC was definitely playing catch-up in it's first outing while the others had been around for years.

EC also includes a training simulator. This is something like the X-Men's Danger Room, well, for a 2D fighting game. You can choose to train in the room with various obstacles that fly at you or shoot projectiles or laser beams at you. Or you can choose a holographic opponent to fight against. As an added touch, the holographic opponent (one of any of the other characters in the game) will be projected by a small robot that flies overhead. The holo-opponent is semi-transparent looking, too. And when you beat it, the character image disappears and the robot projector falls to the floor! For the ultimate practice, you can even fight a holo-opponent with all the buzzsaws and laser beams firing at you!

The SegaCD version literally blows this cart away, though. It has more moves and special moves, more characters, more stages, more sound, cinemas, and more (and more brutal) overkills. Still, if you don't have SegaCD or are using the Nomad, this cart is a fun play. And the training simulator isn't in the SegaCD version, though I still easily recommend the CD over the cart if you have to choose.

[ Reply ]

Re: Eternal Champions (Score: 1)
by SIR ( on Thursday, August 21 @ 20:31:30 EDT
(User Info) http://Freeserve

Swine....................... I've just bought this game off ebay and you all make me not wan't to play it already before it arrives. I'll keep you posted on this one.

[ Reply ]

Re: Eternal Champions (Score: 1)
by SIR ( on Sunday, October 12 @ 20:33:55 EDT
(User Info) http://Freeserve

Panic over - this game is not too bad at all, its not as polished as Street Fighter 2, but it IS a welcome change and not the piece of trash that the majority of this page would have me believe. Me and my girlfriend Louise played on this one for a good few hours - Louise prefered to play as the character she refered to as 'Macman', I cannot recall what his real name is.

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Re: Eternal Champions (Score: 1)
by Genesis on Saturday, February 28 @ 11:24:21 EST
(User Info)

I have this game and I only beat it once with Trident the Eternal Champion is hard!

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