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Double Dragon Series

Double Dragon 5 - The Shadow Falls

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Game Genie™ Codes For Double Dragon 5 - The Shadow Falls
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1AX2A-GA9JInfinite continues
2AMZT-EA2GBoth players invulnerable to most damage
3CW4A-CAH2Start with 1/4 health
4FC4A-CAH2Start with 1/2 health
5HW4A-CAH2Start with 3/4 health
6AE5T-JAA0Start with 1 reserve point
7AJ5T-JAA0Start with 2 reserve points
8AN5T-JAA0Start with 3 reserve points
9AT5T-JAA0Start with 4 reserve points
10AY5T-JAA0Start with 5 reserve points
11A25T-JAA0Start with 6 reserve points
129F8T-HAXRPlay as either of the two bosses--NOT IN
13AMDT-EA3ECharging isn't necessary for special moves
14Z5WA-AEVEDizzy is over instantly
15AC0A-HA3NAlways fight Billy Lee
16AG0A-HA3NAlways fight Jimmy Lee
17AL0A-HA3NAlways fight Jawbreaker
18AR0A-HA3NAlways fight Icepick
19AW0A-HA3NAlways fight Shadow Master
20A00A-HA3NAlways fight Bones
21A40A-HA3NAlways fight Sickle
22A80A-HA3NAlways fight Blade
23BC0A-HA3NAlways fight Trigger Happy
24BG0A-HA3NAlways fight Countdown
25BL0A-HA3NAlways fight Dominique
26BR0A-HA3NAlways fight Sekka

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Double Dragon series (4 titles)
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    Tecnos Japan/Accolade
RELEASED:         various
TYPE:             Fighting
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          The platform brawler that started it all, this legendary
                  series focuses on the lives of the Lee twins - two
                  skilled street fighters who use their martial arts talent
                  to further the cause of justice.

IMPRESSIONS:      A well-known series that was good in its day, but for
                  some reason just couldn't find a way to adapt well to
                  new plots and formats.  By the time that the final
                  installment rolled around, it bore little resemblance to
                  its intense and at times daring ancestors.  Get the first
                  two for the memories (or the history); you can skip the
                  rest if you so wish.

VARIATIONS:       Double Dragon (1989, rereleased in 1992 by Acclaim -
                    first in the series, in which the Lee twins' favorite
                    girl is kidnapped by a street gang - this was the first
                    brawler with this premise, and it spawned oh-too-many
                    imitators - dare I mention Art of Fighting, Final Fury,
                    and Streets of Rage?)
                  Double Dragon 2 - The Revenge (1991, released by Palsoft
                    - this game opens with the shooting death of the
                    aforementioned girlfriend right before the Lee twins'
                    eyes in a scene which was quite controversial in its
                    day, so all they care about now is revenge - graphics
                    have noticeably improved, and you now have the ability
                    to accidentally hurt each other in two-player mode)
                  Double Dragon 3 - The Rosetta Stone (1992, released by
                    Flying Edge - the vendor's name says it all, as the
                    quality of the series begins to drop with this "world
                    tour" adventure for the boys - documented as "Double
                    Dragon 3: The Arcade Game" in Barry Cantin's Genesis
                  Double Dragon 4 - The Return is not available for the
                    the Genesis
                  Double Dragon 5 - The Shadow Falls (1994, released by
                    Legend and marketed by Tradewest - "Aaackk!  What a
                    way for this series to die!" reads the Rage Games
                    review, as the coders abandon everything that made the
                    originals so entertaining in favor of a lame Street
                    Fighter 2 clone)

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"Double Dragon Series" | Login/Create Account | 9 comments
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Re: Double Dragon 2 (Score: 1)
by Kimbal on Monday, October 22 @ 00:57:19 EDT
(User Info)

A famous early "beat & up" game,

inherted the good points from version 1, the fighting action and variety of weapon bring this game to be more famous, and can be compare to the street-of-rage even with an elder age.
As the rare of 2 players game that time, this game was been a big market.

For newer gamers, they may not like this game, as the graphics there is not very good, the control there is not easy to handle, only a limited physical skill you can use with the character, and the skill use to hit the boss is so repetitive (like shooter:( ).

Some how, this game and it's style sure be the father of all newer "beat-&-up" (final fight or SOR).

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Re: Double Dragon 2 (Score: 1)
by Kimbal on Monday, October 22 @ 00:58:58 EDT
(User Info)

A famous early "beat & up" game,

The story is about the safe main characters girl friend from bad people (how general story is!:)).
If both the main characters clear the game, the main character need to fight each other for their own ending.

inherted the good points from version 1, the fighting action and variety of weapon bring this game to be more famous, and can be compare to the street-of-rage even with an elder age.
As the rare of 2 players game that time, this game was been a big market.

For newer gamers, they may not like this game, as the graphics there is not very good, the control there is not easy to handle, only a limited physical skill you can use with the character, and the skill use to hit the boss is so repetitive (like shooter:( ).

Some how, this game and it's style sure be the father of all newer "beat-&-up" (final fight or SOR).

[ Reply ]

Re: Double Dragon 3 Arcade Game scans (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Sunday, September 05 @ 00:26:40 EDT


Here is my own scan of front cover for Sega Genesis game: Double Dragon 3 The Arcade Game


... you can find me on eBay, named: nintendopassion

[ Reply ]

Re: Double Dragon Series (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Friday, January 04 @ 14:53:35 EST

God help us all! A tacky conversion of an ancient game is not a recipe for success. One of the worst Mega Drive carts of all time. You have been warned. Any Streets of Rage game is 10 times better than Double Dragon 1,2 or 3!

[ Reply ]

Re: Double Dragon Series (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, October 05 @ 20:14:39 EDT

I think this game aged pretty badly; I picked it up a few months ago because I had some good memories of the pc version, but it's actually a very boring game compared to the likes of Streets of Rage II.

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