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Mazin Saga - Mutant Fighter

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Game Genie™ Codes For Mazin Saga - Mutant Fighter
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1AV8A-CA7YInfinite chances
2AFFT-AAD6Start with 1 chance
3BKFT-AAD6Start with 10 chances
4NPFT-AAD6Start with 99 chances--ignore counter
5AJ9T-CA5YInfinite continues
6ABFT-AAD0Start with 0 continues
7AFFT-AAD0Start with 1 continue
8BKFT-AAD0Start with 10 continues
9NPFT-AAD0Start with 99 continues--ignore counter
103B1T-CAAJStart with life at 200%
11W31T-CAAJStart with life at 150%
12KP1T-CAAJStart with life at 75%
13GK1T-CAAJStart with life at 50%
14DF1T-CAAJStart with life at 25%
15AAMA-CAG6Life Chakra worth 0% extra life
16BJMA-CAG6Life Chakra worth 10% extra life
17GJMA-CAG6Life Chakra worth 50% extra life
18NTMA-CAG6Life Chakra worth 100% extra life
19BV5T-CA32Special attack uses no life
20A35T-CA32Special attack is fatal if your life meter is low
21AJHT-AA7RStart on Round 1-2 (level 2)
22SAHT-BEZRStart on Round 1-3 (level 3)
23SAHT-BJZRStart on Round 1-Boss (level 4)
24SAHT-BNZRStart on Round 2-1 (level 5)
25SAHT-BTZRStart on Round 2-2 (level 6)
26SAHT-BYZRStart on Round 2-3 (level 7)
27SAHT-B2ZRStart on Round 2-Boss (level 8)
28SAHT-B6ZRStart on Round 3-1 (level 9)
29SAHT-BAZRStart on Round 3-2 (level 10)
30SAHT-BJ02Play every 2nd level
31SAHT-BN02Play every 3rd level
32SAHT-BT02Play every 4th level
33SAHT-BY02Play every 5th level
34SAHT-B202Play every 6th level
35SAHT-B602Play every 7th level
36AV6A-CA2GSome soldiers can't hurt you
37AK6A-CA5EOther soldiers and mini-boss cannot hurt you
38AK2A-CA7CInvincible--except against superboss
39AB1T-CABCNot invincible when first put on screen
40AB8A-CAFANot invincible after a knockdown
41AAMT-CAAENo invincibility icon
42FTMT-CCAEInvincibility icon lasts about 1/2x normal
430AMT-CJAEInvincibility icon lasts 2x about normal
441AMT-C0AEInvincibility icon lasts 5x about normal
45RAMT-DRAEInvincibility icon lasts 10x about normal
46Z32A-CTFRYou don't flicker while invincible
47732A-CTF0You're invisible
48Z32A-CTFR + 732A-CTF0You're invisible and flicker while invincible
49RHAT-C6ZGOne hit kills mini-boss
50ACNA-CA88One hit kills superboss
51A4HA-CA2CInvincible against superboss
Cheats For Mazin Saga - Mutant Fighter
1Play Only Against The BossesThis trick will allow you to play in large form only against the bosses. Go to the Title Screen and move the cursor to "Options". Press START In the Options menu, set the sound test to 18 and the S.E. test to 72. Exit the Sound Test and go back to the title screen. Start you game. Now, you will play in large form and battle every one of the Bosses in order for victory!

Mazin Saga (Japanese Release)

Title Screenshot

Mazin Wars

Title Screenshot

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Mazin Saga - Mutant Fighter
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    Dynamic Planning
RELEASED:         1993
TYPE:             Fighting
LANGUAGE:         English and Japanese

PREMISE:          The Earth has been devastated as the result of an
                  invasion by the alien Godkaiser Hell and his biobeasts.
                  What remains of humanity has fled underground, giving the
                  aliens free run of the planet's surface.  This situation
                  is about to change, though, as Dr. Kabuto has created a
                  new mecha that can deal with the aliens on their own
                  terms.  Created by Go Nagai (Cutey Honey) and loosely
                  derived from the classic anime series Manzinger Z.

IMPRESSIONS:      This has some of the smallest characters I've ever seen
                  in a MegaDrive platform fighter, although I'm told that
                  they're true to the original story.  Average gameplay.
                  Nice music, though.

VARIATIONS:       Also known as Mutant Wars

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"Mazin Saga" | Login/Create Account | 4 comments
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Re: Mazin Saga (Score: 1)
by smokeDogg on Friday, January 18 @ 07:30:04 EST
(User Info)

Interesting game.
Average side-scroller, beat em' up featuring some of the tiniest main sprites you'll ever see (in a game of this type), set against some decent looking backgrounds with a nice tech soundtrack pumping.
At the end (and often in the middle) of each stage, you face of against a massive boss character, which swipes at you with giant claws or attempts to stomp you into the ground.
Ok, ok.. doesn't sound too impressive so far, right?
but get this,
after deafting the stage boss, your character somehow (I dunno, read the Manga) grows exponentially to fight 1 on 1 with the big beastie.
This part of the game is SPECTACULAR, featuring mammoth characters and terrific animation.
Why couldn't they have cut out the side scroller bits, expanded this section and added a 2player mode! Hello? Sure-fire winner! Oh well.. there is a cheat to skip to all these bits!
If you can pick it up for cheaps, it's well worth grabbing, if only for curiositys sake.

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Re: Mazin Saga (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Tuesday, November 25 @ 19:30:20 EST

i love this game. it sure isnt the greatest but it does do allot of things right. i think it is worth $15 it is very action packed . great game based off of a great manga.

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Re: Mazin Saga (Score: 1)
by V-E-R-N on Friday, January 23 @ 06:06:48 EST
(User Info)


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