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The Incredible Crash Test Dummies

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Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             The Incredible Crash Test Dummies
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    Grey Matter/Leisure Concepts
RELEASED:         1993
TYPE:             Action
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          Avoid various road hazards before all of your body parts
                  get knocked off.  Inspired by Vince and Larry, the
                  popular spokesmen for a series of auto safety commercials
                  in the United States.

IMPRESSIONS:      The only original idea in this game is that you slowly
                  fall to pieces while taking damage, instead of losing
                  strength on a meter.  Other than that, it's as dumb and
                  stupid as the rest.  Don't bother.

VARIATIONS:       Often called simply Crash Test Dummies

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"Incredible Crash Test Dummies" | Login/Create Account | 4 comments
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Re: Incredible Crash Test Dummies (Score: 1)
by SamuraiJohn on Monday, April 22 @ 16:35:41 EDT
(User Info)

Let me start off by saying HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHHA I loved thes toys and this game! its halioius! you run through levels while losing arms legs,and a little head! but its all in te line of safety... well not for the dummies!

>>>>>>{}Buckle Up Its The Law{}<<<<<<<<<<

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Re: Incredible Crash Test Dummies (Score: 1)
by segamaster ( on Monday, October 07 @ 17:56:18 EDT
(User Info) http://none

i remember watching the movie they made of the crash dummies. and the car commercial. i wanted it, but i got the plane instead.

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Re: Incredible Crash Test Dummies (Score: 1)
by SIR ( on Sunday, July 20 @ 17:23:18 EDT
(User Info) http://Freeserve

This is a rather funny game as you lose all of your bodilly parts as you progress the level. The fact that I had paid £40.00 for this OK game at the time slightly took the edge off the hillarity.

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Re: Incredible Crash Test Dummies (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Sunday, November 16 @ 15:29:56 EST

The Incredible Crash Test Dummies Should Be Re-Released For Playstation 2, X-Box, Nintendo Gamecube, & Game boy advance. Its for 1 or 2 Players Only. When you Play This Game Remember What the Commercial Said You Could Learn A lot From A Dummy Buckle Your Safty Belt.

This Comment Is Written By D.Kinman

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