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Chakan - The Forever Man

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Game Genie™ Codes For Chakan - The Forever Man
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1AKZA-TA7LProtection from most hits
2AB3A-TCF2Invincibility lasts longer after getting hit
3DB3A-TAF2Invincibility does not last as long
4RLGA-TA4CInvincibility (falling still kills you)
5ALJA-WA74 + ALJA-WA8JUsing an alchemy does not use up potions
6P0AT-XTVRStart with 4 blue potions
7P0AT-XTVWStart with 4 green potions
8P0AT-XTV0Start with 4 red potions
9P0AT-XTV4Start with 4 clear potions
10RGJA-W600Super jump
11ACGT-VE7WInfinite time
12RGRT-W6TGScythe always available
13RGRA-W604Grappling hook always available
14RGRA-W61NBattering mallet always available
15RGRT-W6T6Battle axe always available
Cheats For Chakan - The Forever Man
1Skip The First Four StagesYou can do this trick in the practice, easy, or hard mode. It is suggested that you use the practice mode because it gives you unlimited potions. So, choose the practice mode at the title screen. Start the game, then walk right and down the stairs onto the platform. Continue right until you reach a small floating platform. Jump onto the platform and use the potion for a portal. It is the only potion you can use from the choices. When you use the potion, it will make a thunderous sound. Once you do this, you will have access to all of the weapons, and be able to go into every level, even the last four stages.
2Elemental PlaneTo get to the elemental plane, you need the potions for "teleport alchemy." Take these potions to the little ledge above the air portal. Use the potions here and you'll be teleported to the elemental plane!
3God PowersGive yourself all the potions and weapons you want with this code! Immediately after turning on the game, hold down C and START buttons on both controllers. You should hear a funny sound. To get all the weapons, enter the Alchemy Screen and press UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT on Controller Two. To get all the potions, enter the Alchemy Screen and press START, A, B, C on Controller Two.
4Level SelectEnable God Powers. Whenever you want to switch levels, press B. A menu (of sorts) should appear in the lower left- hand corner. Press B to scroll through the levels, and press START to warp to your selection.

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Chakan - The Forever Man
RELEASED:         1991
TYPE:             Action
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          The tale of a demon hunter who was so skilled that he
                  defeated the Angel of Death in armed combat, and is now
                  cursed with eternal life until all evil is wiped off the
                  face of the Earth.

IMPRESSIONS:      Although a hit item when it was first released, Chakan's
                  gameplay and graphics aren't even worthy of mention now.
                  (Rage Games)

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"Chakan" | Login/Create Account | 5 comments
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Re: Chakan (Score: 1)
by Sparxster on Tuesday, November 20 @ 21:28:52 EST
(User Info)

What is he, a rabid scarescrow?! anyway, it is still quite a cool game. i enjoyed it alot even though it is outdated...

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Re: Chakan (Score: 1)
by PACHUKA (egray@!nospam! on Sunday, February 03 @ 19:55:27 EST
(User Info)

An old favorite of mine. Many, many different attacks depending on what you use.

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Re: Chakan (Score: 1)
by Genesisblackbelt on Tuesday, July 23 @ 19:35:39 EDT
(User Info)

I prefer to think of him as a ninja skeletor. great game. 9.7

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Re: Chakan (Score: 1)
by deaddudegod on Sunday, August 04 @ 16:27:37 EDT
(User Info)

I wasn't that keen on it when it first came out, and I'm still not that keen on it!

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Re: Chakan (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Sunday, August 03 @ 10:43:05 EDT

I always thought Chakan was a cool character. When I was a teenager, I ordered some Chakan comics and trading cards from RAK graphics. The check cleared but the goods never came. I wanted to hate Robert Kraus's chakan character for that. But I can't, Chakan is just too cool. The game is and music is weird, but it works. I love the end of the game after the credits roll over. You think everything is over but it aint. The end boss is way cool.

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