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Fire Shark

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Game Genie™ Codes For Fire Shark
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This game is a very tough challenge. With your trusty time-traveling biplane, you have to stop the marauding enemy from taking over the whole world. There are so many enemies out to get you that you might want to try FIRE Code 6 for infinite lives, and Code 15 for infinite bombs. That ought to even things up a bit. Change the number of credits you start with from the normal 5 using Codes 16 thru 22. The maximum number of lives or bombs shown on the screen will be 5, but if you have more, the counter does count correctly. FIRE Code 23 gives you a weapon upgrade faster. Hotshots should try starting with one credit using Code 16--and then see how hot they really are. Code 24 lets you keep a regular weapon upgrade, but not a special weapon.
19TEA-BGKC + AYEA-AABEStart with 5 lives
29TEA-BGKC + A2EA-AABEStart with 6 lives
39TEA-BGKC + A6EA-AABEStart with 7 lives
49TEA-BGKC + BAEA-AABEStart with 8 lives
59TEA-BGKC + BEEA-AABEStart with 9 lives
6ATEA-AA5JInfinite lives
7AFMT-AAECStart with 1 bomb
8AZMT-AAECStart with 5 bombs
9A7MT-AAECStart with 7 bombs
10BFMT-AAECStart with 9 bombs
11AFMT-AACCStart with 1 bomb after losing a life
12AZMT-AACCStart with 5 bombs after losing a life
13A7MT-AACCStart with 7 bombs after losing a life
14BFMT-AACCStart with 9 bombs after losing a life
15AK8T-AA4LInfinite bombs
16ANEA-BE2AStart with 4 credits
17A6EA-BE2AStart with 8 credits
18BEEA-BE2AStart with 10 credits
19DEEA-BE2AStart with 26 credits
20GJEA-BE2AStart with 51 credits
21NNEA-BE2AStart with 100 credits
22ATFA-AA3RInfinite credits
23LCGA-BNWYEach power-up item is worth 3x normal
24BBMT-AACAKeep regular weapon upgrade after you lose a life
Hints For Fire Shark
1Two Extra Lives - Fully power up your weapons, then grab three more power ups and destroy either a General Porter or Yonemaru for two extra lives.

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Fire Shark
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    Toaplan/Dreamworks
RELEASED:         1990
TYPE:             Shooter
LANGUAGE:         English and Japanese (set console accordingly)

PREMISE:          A 1943 Kai clone for the MegaDrive.  The only thing
                  missing is a two-player mode.

IMPRESSIONS:      Adequate, but uninspiring.

VARIATIONS:       Every now and again I stumble across a reference to a
                  a port of the old NES shooter Flying Shark for the
                  MegaDrive.  I tend to believe that they are references to
                  this game, although I would welcome conclusive proof to
                  the contrary.

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"Fire Shark" | Login/Create Account | 5 comments
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Re: Fire Shark (Score: 1)
by CrossBow ( on Wednesday, August 29 @ 13:09:36 EDT
(User Info)

I totally disagree with the scribe here! This game is a blast to play. The music isn't outstanding but it fits the action well enough. The graphics aren't bad at all. Just look at the little touches like the frogmen in the water that are swimming around sometimes. also this game reminds me totally of Capcoms style of shooters. The sounds are also pretty well done. I actually think this game is a tad on the easy side as far as shooters go. But it does get really challenging in the later stages. The best part is the way the power up system works. Instead of keeping your power ups when you perish you are basically either put back a level in your power up...or begin at the start with the basic weapons. Powerups are not very easy to collect to get the most destructive setup. You have to be very good and be able to dogde the onslaught for a good while to get the ultimate in weaponry. I think this game deserves a lot more recognition than the Scribe gives it here.

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Re: Fire Shark (Score: 1)
by Sparxster ( on Friday, November 23 @ 05:35:08 EST
(User Info)

i agree with dark! its a really cool game like 1942 and a hard one! the fire blast is an awesome weapon and the wave laser! i have this game on a currently undumped 4-in-1 cart with robocop 3, tora tora tora (actually the US fireshark) super hang on, and the chinese 40 lives hack of sonic 1 (snorter if your reading, ill have it dumped soon). definatly try!

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