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Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             X-Perts
RELEASED:         1996
TYPE:             Action
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          A bunch of terrorists have taken over an major underseas
                  complex and have set up a thermonuclear bomb somewhere
                  inside.  They are threatening to detonate it unless the
                  usual demands are met.  A special three-person U.N.
                  strike force known as the X-Perts is called in to deal
                  with the situation before things get out of control.

IMPRESSIONS:      This is a blatant rip-off of the X-Men games.  It looks
                  great, sounds great, plays fairly well, and that's all.

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"X-Perts" | Login/Create Account | 3 comments
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I rented this game a long while back.... (Score: 1)
by Hiryu on Tuesday, June 26 @ 18:19:53 EDT
(User Info)

Some of the greatest genesis graphics ever. But as I say, graphics don't make the game. X-Perts is a spinoff of Eternal Champions which stars Shadow and a no-name buff guy. There was another Eternal Champions spinoff starring Larcen on game gear. That game was horrid and so is this one. The gameplay is very stiff and repetitve. I mean, the game just get's boring after a while wondering around that large place. The enemies are dumb too. The music is mostly non existant. The only good thing I can say about X-Perts is Nice Graphics. the graphics are rendered, similar to say sonic 3d blast or Donkey Kong Country. But this game is just too boring to warrant a play through. Ack. I give it a 3.

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Re: X-Perts (Score: 1)
by deaddudegod on Thursday, August 08 @ 22:15:56 EDT
(User Info)

I never knew this game existed until recently, and I would LOVE to find a copy...

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  • Re: X-Perts by Anonymous on Saturday, January 17 @ 21:49:58 EST

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