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World Heroes

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Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             World Heroes
RELEASED:         Sega
TYPE:             1994
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          Yet another SF2 clone...yawn...I've seen so many of these
                  that I'm beginning to play them in my sleep.

IMPRESSIONS:      At least this one is pretty decent compared to some and
                  compares well with the first Fatal Fury game.  I'll still
                  take the one and only SF2 when it comes to fighting
                  games, but this will probably be appreciated by those in
                  serious need of new contestants.

VARIATIONS:       The second installment, World Heroes 2, was apparently
                  not released for the G/MD.

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"World Heroes" | Login/Create Account | 1 comment
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Louie: World Heroes (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Wednesday, May 07 @ 14:11:55 EDT

This game is not bad but it could be worse. Alot of the fighters have bad moves. Although the big guys aren't so bad. But the part that really is bad is you can't play as the boss. Overall this game is fair

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