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MegaDrive 2-in-1 (Funnyworld/Balloon Boy)

Cartridge Image

Box Scan

Title Screenshot


Title Screenshot In Game Screenshot

Balloon Boy

Title Screenshot In Game Screenshot

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             MegaDrive 2-in-1 (2 titles included)
RELEASED:         ?
TYPE:             Platform
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          Two game cart featuring two simple platform games - Funny
                  World and Balloon Boy


VARIATIONS:       Erronously referred to in previous versions of G3 as
                  Funnyworld Balloon

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"MegaDrive 2-in-1" | Login/Create Account | 1 comment
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Don't waste your money (Score: 1)
by Benjamin on Monday, August 11 @ 04:17:01 EDT
(User Info)

Balloon Boy is I suppose is fine for a few minutes. The levels and theme are moderately enjoyable, and the progression of difficulty somewhat keeps things interesting. Funny World is just garbage however; it's a light gun game without the gun which controls horribly and has a boring and repetitive premise.

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