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Ishido - The Way Of The Stones

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Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Ishido - The Way of the Stones
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    Publishing International/Accolade
RELEASED:         1990
TYPE:             Tile game
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          This is a deceivingly simple tile game that plays like
                  Concentration or Pyramid Solitare.

IMPRESSIONS:      At last!  An Oriental tile game in English!  I vaguely
                  remember seeing this when it first came out, but I felt
                  about tile games then like I do now - I'm not all that
                  crazy about htem.  Still, it's decent enough and is as
                  challenging as the rest, so it might bear a quick look.

VARIATIONS:       This is one of three early releases games that will
                  only work with the original version of the G/MD console.

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"Ishido" | Login/Create Account | 1 comment
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Re: Ishido (Score: 1)
by Sparxster ( on Thursday, July 11 @ 05:31:23 EDT
(User Info)

Quite an addictive little game, also available on PC, Gameboy, and Atari Lynx. It's like Mahjong in a way. The japanese version is way better, though, as it has more board styles to choose from. I reccomend this game to any puzzle fan.

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