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Darwin 4081

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Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Darwin 4081
RELEASED:         1991
TYPE:             Shooter
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          Top-down graphically intense futuristic Japanese shooter
                  ported from an arcade original.

IMPRESSIONS:      This kinda reminds me of Sidewinder, an old fave from my
                  Amiga days.  It's your basic mindless shoot-'em-up, with
                  just enough looks to be interesting and just enough
                  gameplay to keep it from being too easy.

VARIATIONS:       I'm told that the name of the arcade original was Darwin
                  4087.  That seems to ring a bell with somebody else's

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"Darwin 4081" | Login/Create Account | 1 comment
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Re: Darwin 4081 (Score: 1)
by Membrak on Friday, May 02 @ 12:37:55 EDT
(User Info)

Sorry buddy but you're wrong...The original arcade game was called "Super Real Darwin" (Data East, 1987), a kind of weird shoot'em up like "Bio Hazard Battle" (Megadrive, Sega, 1992) and "Chimera Beast" (Arcade, Jaleco, 1993). Oki?

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