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Super Airwolf

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Game Genie™ Codes For Crossfire
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Terrorists from Central America hold the hostages . . . but you hold the Game Genie(tm). Defeating the bosses in this game requires a lot of bombs, so why not key in CROSS Code 11 for infinite bombs?
Notes on Codes: The numbers of seconds in CROSS Codes 27 thru 32 are approximate. When using some CROSS codes in combination, keep in mind that the game has maximum limits on the numbers of items you can have. If you exceed those limits, the game won't be able to keep count of what you have. The combinations that are affected by these limits are the "Start with . . ." codes when they're used with the " . . .worth . . ." codes, including: Codes 5 thru 11 when used with Codes 12 thru 15, 16 thru 22 when used with 23 thru 26, and 34 thru 40 when used with 41 thru 44. If you use these combinations and your items are not adding up correctly, this is the reason. And, as in the normal game, all three power-ups, turbo 1-ups, bomb 1-ups, etc., must be obtained before your supply of these items will be increased.
1BNXT-CAF4 + BJXT-CAHEChoose from 1 to 10 lives
2DJXT-CAF4 + DEXT-CAHEChoose from 1 to 25 lives
3NYXT-CAF4 + NTXT-CAHEChoose from 1 to 100 lives
4BAJA-AA2NInfinite lives
5ACHT-AAB2Start with 0 bombs
6AGHT-AAB2Start with 1 bomb
7ALHT-AAB2Start with 2 bombs
8A0HT-AAB2Start with 5 bombs
9A8HT-AAB2Start with 7 bombs
10BGHT-AAB2Start with 9 bombs
11AT8A-EA6RInfinite bombs
12HGBA-BJ1YEach set of Bs worth 2 bombs
13HGBA-BN1YEach set of Bs worth 3 bombs
14HGBA-BT1YEach set of Bs worth 4 bombs
15HGBA-BY1YEach set of Bs worth 5 bombs
16AAJA-AAAG + ACHT-AACAStart with 0 turbos
17AJJA-AAAG + ALHT-AACAStart with 2 turbos
18ANJA-AAAG + ARHT-AACAStart with 3 turbos
19AYJA-AAAG + A0HT-AACAStart with 5 turbos
20A6JA-AAAG + A8HT-AACAStart with 7 turbos
21BEJA-AAAG + BGHT-AACAStart with 9 turbos
22ATKA-AA2TInfinite turbos
23HGBA-BJ1CEach set of Ts worth 2 turbos
24HGBA-BN1CEach set of Ts worth 3 turbos
25HGBA-BT1CEach set of Ts worth 4 turbos
26HGBA-BY1CEach set of Ts worth 5 turbos
27GNKA-AAA8Each turbo lasts about 1 second
28N2KA-AAA8Each turbo lasts about 2 seconds
29XJKA-AAA8Each turbo lasts about 3 seconds
30N2KA-ACA8Each turbo lasts about 7 seconds
31AAKA-AEA8Each turbo lasts about 10 seconds
32AAKA-AGA8Each turbo lasts about 15 seconds
33ATKA-AA4REach turbo lasts for the rest of the round
34ACHT-AACJStart with 0 calls
35ALHT-AACJStart with 2 calls
36ARHT-AACJStart with 3 calls
37A0HT-AACJStart with 5 calls
38A8HT-AACJStart with 7 calls
39BGHT-AACJStart with 9 calls
40ATST-AA5CInfinite calls
41HF9T-BJYNEach transceiver item worth 2 calls
42HF9T-BNYNEach transceiver item worth 3 calls
43HF9T-BTYNEach transceiver item worth 4 calls
44HF9T-BYYNEach transceiver item worth 5 calls
45HGBT-BJTREach set of Ps worth 2x normal in shot power
46HGBT-BNTREach set of Ps worth 3x normal in shot power
47ATHT-AA9WKeep shot power level after dying

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Super Airwolf
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    Kyugo Trading
RELEASED:         1991
TYPE:             Shooter
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          Arcade game based on the short-lived CBS television
                  series starring Jan Michael-Vincent and Ernest Borgnine
                  as a pair of mercenaries who flew a high-tech military
                  helicopter on various and sundry missions.

IMPRESSIONS:      Even the worst episode of Airwolf was better than this
                  Xevious clone, which is lame, lame, lame.  Only for
                  bleary-eyed shooter fans.

VARIATIONS:       CrossFire (non-American markets)

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"Super Airwolf" | Login/Create Account | 1 comment
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Re: Super Airwolf (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Thursday, December 04 @ 07:13:00 EST

Excellent shooter if you ask me ..

the graphics are great the gameplay is good not to easy and not to hard ..

i have enjoyed it ..

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