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Hints For Granada
1Flying Tank Trick - To fly around in your tank here's what you must do. Play until you are on stage 2, then wait for the timer to go to 000. At the exact same moment your timer runs out, drive your tank off the edge. When you do this, your tank will explode and your timer will be renewed. When your new tank appears you will be able to fly around and attack from outside the ship. The only lasts until your timer runs out again.
2Hidden Power Ups - A hidden power-ups lies on the second level. When you get to the tip of the left wing, move down past the last pipe and wait. A head icon will appear that gives a super cannon blast!

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Granada
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    Renovation/Wolfteam
RELEASED:         1990
TYPE:             Shooter
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          A mysterious battle tank of unknown origin and awesome
                  firepower has been striking without warning at the
                  armies of Africa, destroying everyone and everything in
                  it's path.

IMPRESSIONS:      A wild top-down shooter whose only faults are tiny
                  graphics and a less-than-spectacular power-up system.

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"Granada" | Login/Create Account | 1 comment
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Re: Granada (Score: 1)
by Sparxster ( on Saturday, November 24 @ 06:08:57 EST
(User Info)

Another fun one. In this you are a tank and go around blasting other enmy tanks and such. pretty cool and addictive. try it!

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