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Rugby World Cup Series

Rugby World Cup 95

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Australian Rugby League

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Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Australian Rugby League
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    Electronic Arts
RELEASED:         1995
TYPE:             Sports (rugby)
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          Rugby is the British field game from which American
                  football is derived.  The main differences are in the
                  rules, field layout, and the absence of pads worn by the
                  players.  Oh yeah, no forward pass and dogpiling (aka
                  "the scrum") is perfectly legal.

IMPRESSIONS:      If you're tired of all those American football sims and
                  want to try something different, this is an excellent
                  alternative.  Hey, it's an EA Sports release - need I say

VARIATIONS:       Rugby World Cup 95 (American, has different team rosters,
                    some minor graphics and menu changes)

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"Rugby World Cup Series" | Login/Create Account | 4 comments
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Re: Rugby World Cup Series (Score: 1)
by neem_numb on Friday, May 10 @ 09:39:43 EDT
(User Info)

Quite a good rubgy game although unless you're playing on a big TV the scrum (dogpile) gets a little confusing.

Also probably the only way you'll get to see Italy/Canada/USA lifting the world cup!

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Re: Rugby World Cup Series (Score: 1)
by Dark_Warrior_BN on Tuesday, July 16 @ 02:25:05 EDT
(User Info)

Rugby... Strange sport.... but i bought this game at ebay to play another kind of sport. I'll give it an 8.5 because it has good gameplay, graphic and sound (hey its EA).

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Re: Rugby World Cup Series (Score: 1)
by DryGin on Saturday, October 05 @ 22:34:08 EDT
(User Info)

For rugby fans this game is a find. I had bought it in '95 and had trouble finding it given that the US isn't a major rugby playing country. It plays like a combination of football and soccer and is a classic for rugby players/fans.

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Re: Rugby World Cup Series (Score: 1)
by SIR ( on Sunday, November 23 @ 05:20:37 EST
(User Info) http://Freeserve

This game is good because you can change the names of the players to the 2003 England World Cup winning team and constantly whip those sorry Australian butts again and again without hearing them crying and whingeing in your ear. GO Jonny Wilkinson GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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