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Radical Rex

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Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Radical Rex
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    Beam Software/Activision
RELEASED:         1994
TYPE:             Platform
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          You take on the role of a brown skateboard-riding
                  dinosaur out doing his thing in the jungle, Sonic-style.
                  Based on the syndicated animated TV series.

IMPRESSIONS:      Cute platformer bearing a somewhat passing resemblance to
                  its Japanese cousins.  The tongue-in-cheek humor gets a
                  little silly at times, but it doesn't detract from a
                  quite entertaining game.

VARIATIONS:       Baby T-Rex is the name of a playable demo that was
                  released for the SNES/SFC.  I do not know if such a demo
                  was ever released for the G/MD.

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"Radical Rex" | Login/Create Account | 3 comments
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Re: Radical Rex (Score: 1)
by themosthotguy ( on Thursday, June 28 @ 23:21:53 EDT
(User Info) http://none!

completely adverage! decent graphics and decent gameplay, the skateboard is kind fun, but there is nothing here you will remeber for long! 2/5

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Re: Radical Rex (Score: 1)
by SamuraiJohn on Thursday, April 25 @ 12:38:47 EDT
(User Info)

its not bad.. its not good... its playable.... but not much of a great buy.. or investment.

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Re: Radical Rex (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Saturday, March 06 @ 15:48:27 EST

i got this game on sega cd ..

it rules its fun .. i love the title song . best rap song ever ;-)

this is great now if i only could get my hands on the orginal 16-bit cradrige genenis ..

MArk ...
sega hotline server:

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