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Mike Ditka Power Football

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Challenge Mike Ditka (the computer) to a friendly game of eleven-on-eleven, or play a friend in a two-player game and decide the championship of the universe right at home. The sound effects and music in this game really give you the feel of the stadium, and the professional skill level is really tough.
The number of downs never counts up with Code 33, so you can have as many downs as you want. If you're having a hard time getting 10 yards for a first down, cut that in half with Code 34. If you don't have the time to play a full game, use any of Codes 1 thru 6 to shorten the game. Finally, try combining DIT Codes 3 and 6 for the ultimate two-minute drill!
1 AAJGT-AAFCStart in 2nd quarter
2 AANGT-AAFCStart in 3rd quarter
3 AATGT-AAFCStart in 4th quarter
4 AD2NA-AADYEach quarter is 30 seconds
5 AAANA-ACDYEach quarter is 1 minute
6 AAANA-AEDYEach quarter is 2 minutes
7 AAANA-BJDYEach quarter is 20 minutes
8 AAANA-B6DYEach quarter is 30 minutes
9 AAANA-B2MYEach quarter is 60 minutes
10 AB8WA-AAA8 + B8RT-AAF2 + B8TT-AAGEPlay clock resets to 15 seconds
11 AD4WA-AAA8 + D4RT-AAF2 + D4TT-AAGEPlay clock resets to 30 seconds
12 AHWWA-AAA8 + HWRT-AAF2 + HWTT-AAGEPlay clock resets to 60 seconds
13 AMLWA-AAA8 + MLRT-AAF2 + MLTT-AAGEPlay clock resets to 90 seconds
14 AAA4T-AACJPlayer 1 starts with 0 time-outs
15 AAE4T-AACJPlayer 1 starts with 1 time-out
16 AAJ4T-AACJPlayer 1 starts with 2 time-outs
17 AAY4T-AACJPlayer 1 starts with 5 time-outs
18 ABE4T-AACJPlayer 1 starts with 9 time-outs
19 AAA4T-AACRPlayer 2 or Mike Ditka starts with 0 time-outs
20 AAE4T-AACRPlayer 2 or Mike Ditka starts with 1 time-out
21 AAJ4T-AACRPlayer 2 or Mike Ditka starts with 2 time-outs
22 AAY4T-AACRPlayer 2 or Mike Ditka starts with 5 time-outs
23 ABE4T-AACRPlayer 2 or Mike Ditka starts with 9 time-outs
24 ADLRT-AA40Infinite time-outs for player 1
25 ABWRT-AA5EInfinite time-outs for player 2
26 ABWTT-AA56Infinite time-outs for Mike Ditka
27 AAJWA-AADNOnly have 1 play to get a first down
28 AANWA-AADNOnly have 2 plays to get a first down
29 AATWA-AADNOnly have 3 plays to get a first down
30 AA2WA-AADNHave 5 plays to get a first down
31 AA6WA-AADNHave 6 plays to get a first down
32 ABAWA-AADNHave 7 plays to get a first down
33 AAJWA-AA5GAlways the same down (down never increases)
34 AAYWA-AACT + AYXT-AAA2Only need 5 yards for a first down
35 AB6WA-AACT + B6XT-AAA2Need 15 yards for a first down
36 ACTWA-AACT + CTXT-AAA2Need 20 yards for a first down
37 AD2WA-AACT + D2XT-AAA2Need 30 yards for a first down
38 AGJWA-AACT + GJXT-AAA2Need 50 yards for a first down
39 AREWA-A6WW + REXT-A6T4Always goal to go
40 AAAPT-BA86Touchdowns worth 0 points
41 AAEPT-BA86Touchdowns worth 1 point
42 AAJPT-BA86Touchdowns worth 2 points
43 AANPT-BA86Touchdowns worth 3 points
44 AATPT-BA86Touchdowns worth 4 points
45 AAYPT-BA86Touchdowns worth 5 points
46 AA6PT-BA86Touchdowns worth 7 points
47 ABAPT-BA86Touchdowns worth 8 points
48 AABVA-BA36Extra points worth 0 points
49 AAKVA-BA36Extra points worth 2 points
50 AAPVA-BA36Extra points worth 3 points
51 AAVVA-BA36Extra points worth 4 points
52 AAZVA-BA36Extra points worth 5 points
53 AA3VA-BA36Extra points worth 6 points
54 AA7VA-BA36Extra points worth 7 points
55 ABBVA-BA36Extra points worth 8 points
56 AABVA-BA4EField goals worth 0 points
57 AAFVA-BA4EField goals worth 1 points
58 AAKVA-BA4EField goals worth 2 points
59 AAVVA-BA4EField goals worth 4 points
60 AAZVA-BA4EField goals worth 5 points
61 AA3VA-BA4EField goals worth 6 points
62 AA7VA-BA4EField goals worth 7 points
63 ABBVA-BA4EField goals worth 8 points
64 AAAVA-BA9GSafeties worth 0 points
65 AAEVA-BA9GSafeties worth 1 point
66 AANVA-BA9GSafeties worth 3 points
67 AATVA-BA9GSafeties worth 4 points
68 AAYVA-BA9GSafeties worth 5 points
69 AA2VA-BA9GSafeties worth 6 points
70 AA6VA-BA9GSafeties worth 7 points
71 ABAVA-BA9GSafeties worth 8 points
Challenge Mike Ditka (the computer) to a friendly game of eleven-on-eleven, or play a friend in a two-player game and decide the championship of the universe right at home. The sound effects and music in this game really give you the feel of the stadium, and the professional skill level is really tough.
The number of downs never counts up with Code 33, so you can have as many downs as you want. If you're having a hard time getting 10 yards for a first down, cut that in half with Code 34. If you don't have the time to play a full game, use any of Codes 1 thru 6 to shorten the game. Finally, try combining DIT Codes 3 and 6 for the ultimate two-minute drill!
1 BAJGT-AAFJStart in 2nd quarter
2 BANGT-AAFJStart in 3rd quarter
3 BATGT-AAFJStart in 4th quarter
4 BD2NA-AAEREach quarter is 30 seconds
5 BAANA-ACEREach quarter is 1 minute
6 BAANA-AEEREach quarter is 2 minutes
7 BAANA-BJEREach quarter is 20 minutes
8 BAANA-B6EREach quarter is 30 minutes
9 BAANA-B2NREach quarter is 60 minutes
10 BB8WA-AAF4 + B8SA-AACR + B8VA-AAC4Play clock resets to 15 seconds
11 BD4WA-AAF4 + D4SA-AACR + D4VA-AAC4Play clock resets to 30 seconds
12 BHWWA-AAF4 + HWSA-AACR + HWVA-AAC4Play clock resets to 60 seconds
13 BMLWA-AAF4 + MLSA-AACR + MLVA-AAC4Play clock resets to 90 seconds
14 BAA4T-AAGCPlayer 1 starts with 0 time-outs
15 BAE4T-AAGCPlayer 1 starts with 1 time-out
16 BAJ4T-AAGCPlayer 1 starts with 2 time-outs
17 BAY4T-AAGCPlayer 1 starts with 5 time-outs
18 BBE4T-AAGCPlayer 1 starts with 9 time-outs
19 BAA4T-AAGJPlayer 2 or Mike Ditka starts with 0 time-outs
20 BAE4T-AAGJPlayer 2 or Mike Ditka starts with 1 time-out
21 BAJ4T-AAGJPlayer 2 or Mike Ditka starts with 2 time-outs
22 BAY4T-AAGJPlayer 2 or Mike Ditka starts with 5 time-outs
23 BBE4T-AAGJPlayer 2 or Mike Ditka starts with 9 time-outs
24 BDLRT-AA9NInfinite time-outs for player 1
25 BBWRT-AA94Infinite time-outs for player 2
26 BBWVA-AA2WInfinite time-outs for Mike Ditka
27 BAJWA-AAFLOnly have 1 play to get a first down
28 BANWA-AAFLOnly have 2 plays to get a first down
29 BATWA-AAFLOnly have 3 plays to get a first down
30 BA2WA-AAFLHave 5 plays to get a first down
31 BA6WA-AAFLHave 6 plays to get a first down
32 BBAWA-AAFLHave 7 plays to get a first down
33 BAJWA-AA7EAlways the same down (down never increases)
34 BAYWA-AAER + AYXT-AAC0Only need 5 yards for a first down
35 BB6WA-AAER + B6XT-AAC0Need 15 yards for a first down
36 BCTWA-AAER + CTXT-AAC0Need 20 yards for a first down
37 BD2WA-AAER + D2XT-AAC0Need 30 yards for a first down
38 BGJWA-AAER + GJXT-AAC0Need 50 yards for a first down
39 BREWA-A6YT + REXT-A6W2Always goal to go
40 BAAPT-BA9WTouchdowns worth 0 points
41 BAEPT-BA9WTouchdowns worth 1 point
42 BAJPT-BA9WTouchdowns worth 2 points
43 BANPT-BA9WTouchdowns worth 3 points
44 BATPT-BA9WTouchdowns worth 4 points
45 BAYPT-BA9WTouchdowns worth 5 points
46 BA6PT-BA9WTouchdowns worth 7 points
47 BBAPT-BA9WTouchdowns worth 8 points
48 BABVA-BA8GExtra points worth 0 points
49 BAKVA-BA8GExtra points worth 2 points
50 BAPVA-BA8GExtra points worth 3 points
51 BAVVA-BA8GExtra points worth 4 points
52 BAZVA-BA8GExtra points worth 5 points
53 BA3VA-BA8GExtra points worth 6 points
54 BA7VA-BA8GExtra points worth 7 points
55 BBBVA-BA8GExtra points worth 8 points
56 BABVA-BA8RField goals worth 0 points
57 BAFVA-BA8RField goals worth 1 points
58 BAKVA-BA8RField goals worth 2 points
59 BAVVA-BA8RField goals worth 4 points
60 BAZVA-BA8RField goals worth 5 points
61 BA3VA-BA8RField goals worth 6 points
62 BA7VA-BA8RField goals worth 7 points
63 BBBVA-BA8RField goals worth 8 points
64 BAAVT-BA3ESafeties worth 0 points
65 BAEVT-BA3ESafeties worth 1 point
66 BANVT-BA3ESafeties worth 3 points
67 BATVT-BA3ESafeties worth 4 points
68 BAYVT-BA3ESafeties worth 5 points
69 BA2VT-BA3ESafeties worth 6 points
70 BA6VT-BA3ESafeties worth 7 points
71 BBAVT-BA3ESafeties worth 8 points
Passwords For Mike Ditka Power Football
1x6AGMhAtlanta vs. San Diego
2BaK2MwChicago vs. Cleveland
3nkN42KDetroit vs. Buffalo
4wbD0E6New York vs. Denver
5ZuG4ExWashington vs. Detroit
6FyC42uBuffalo in the Finals

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Mike Ditka Power Football
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    Accolade/Ballystix
RELEASED:         1991
TYPE:             Sports (football)
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          Early YACEG football effort for the Genesis featuring
                  Mike Ditka, who was at the time coach of the Chicago
                  Bears - the Super Bowl champion American footbal team.

IMPRESSIONS:      Before Unnecessary Roughness, Accolade put forth this
                  poor excuse for a Madden clone.  You know, this cart
                  makes a great prop for that one short leg on the sofa.

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"Mike Ditka Power Football" | Login/Create Account | 1 comment
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Re: Mike Ditka Power Football (Score: 1)
by Dark_Warrior_BN on Friday, July 12 @ 02:56:43 EDT
(User Info)

"Power" - where the hell is the Power of this crap ?
The only good choice is to switch power off when you play this piece of shit! 1,5

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