Game Genie Codes For Mike Ditka Power Football Download PAT File |
# | Code | Description |
Challenge Mike Ditka (the computer) to a friendly game of eleven-on-eleven, or play a friend in a two-player game and decide the championship of the universe right at home. The sound effects and music in this game really give you the feel of the stadium, and the professional skill level is really tough. |
The number of downs never counts up with Code 33, so you can have as many downs as you want. If you're having a hard time getting 10 yards for a first down, cut that in half with Code 34. If you don't have the time to play a full game, use any of Codes 1 thru 6 to shorten the game. Finally, try combining DIT Codes 3 and 6 for the ultimate two-minute drill! |
1 A | AJGT-AAFC | Start in 2nd quarter |
2 A | ANGT-AAFC | Start in 3rd quarter |
3 A | ATGT-AAFC | Start in 4th quarter |
4 A | D2NA-AADY | Each quarter is 30 seconds |
5 A | AANA-ACDY | Each quarter is 1 minute |
6 A | AANA-AEDY | Each quarter is 2 minutes |
7 A | AANA-BJDY | Each quarter is 20 minutes |
8 A | AANA-B6DY | Each quarter is 30 minutes |
9 A | AANA-B2MY | Each quarter is 60 minutes |
10 A | B8WA-AAA8 + B8RT-AAF2 + B8TT-AAGE | Play clock resets to 15 seconds |
11 A | D4WA-AAA8 + D4RT-AAF2 + D4TT-AAGE | Play clock resets to 30 seconds |
12 A | HWWA-AAA8 + HWRT-AAF2 + HWTT-AAGE | Play clock resets to 60 seconds |
13 A | MLWA-AAA8 + MLRT-AAF2 + MLTT-AAGE | Play clock resets to 90 seconds |
14 A | AA4T-AACJ | Player 1 starts with 0 time-outs |
15 A | AE4T-AACJ | Player 1 starts with 1 time-out |
16 A | AJ4T-AACJ | Player 1 starts with 2 time-outs |
17 A | AY4T-AACJ | Player 1 starts with 5 time-outs |
18 A | BE4T-AACJ | Player 1 starts with 9 time-outs |
19 A | AA4T-AACR | Player 2 or Mike Ditka starts with 0 time-outs |
20 A | AE4T-AACR | Player 2 or Mike Ditka starts with 1 time-out |
21 A | AJ4T-AACR | Player 2 or Mike Ditka starts with 2 time-outs |
22 A | AY4T-AACR | Player 2 or Mike Ditka starts with 5 time-outs |
23 A | BE4T-AACR | Player 2 or Mike Ditka starts with 9 time-outs |
24 A | DLRT-AA40 | Infinite time-outs for player 1 |
25 A | BWRT-AA5E | Infinite time-outs for player 2 |
26 A | BWTT-AA56 | Infinite time-outs for Mike Ditka |
27 A | AJWA-AADN | Only have 1 play to get a first down |
28 A | ANWA-AADN | Only have 2 plays to get a first down |
29 A | ATWA-AADN | Only have 3 plays to get a first down |
30 A | A2WA-AADN | Have 5 plays to get a first down |
31 A | A6WA-AADN | Have 6 plays to get a first down |
32 A | BAWA-AADN | Have 7 plays to get a first down |
33 A | AJWA-AA5G | Always the same down (down never increases) |
34 A | AYWA-AACT + AYXT-AAA2 | Only need 5 yards for a first down |
35 A | B6WA-AACT + B6XT-AAA2 | Need 15 yards for a first down |
36 A | CTWA-AACT + CTXT-AAA2 | Need 20 yards for a first down |
37 A | D2WA-AACT + D2XT-AAA2 | Need 30 yards for a first down |
38 A | GJWA-AACT + GJXT-AAA2 | Need 50 yards for a first down |
39 A | REWA-A6WW + REXT-A6T4 | Always goal to go |
40 A | AAPT-BA86 | Touchdowns worth 0 points |
41 A | AEPT-BA86 | Touchdowns worth 1 point |
42 A | AJPT-BA86 | Touchdowns worth 2 points |
43 A | ANPT-BA86 | Touchdowns worth 3 points |
44 A | ATPT-BA86 | Touchdowns worth 4 points |
45 A | AYPT-BA86 | Touchdowns worth 5 points |
46 A | A6PT-BA86 | Touchdowns worth 7 points |
47 A | BAPT-BA86 | Touchdowns worth 8 points |
48 A | ABVA-BA36 | Extra points worth 0 points |
49 A | AKVA-BA36 | Extra points worth 2 points |
50 A | APVA-BA36 | Extra points worth 3 points |
51 A | AVVA-BA36 | Extra points worth 4 points |
52 A | AZVA-BA36 | Extra points worth 5 points |
53 A | A3VA-BA36 | Extra points worth 6 points |
54 A | A7VA-BA36 | Extra points worth 7 points |
55 A | BBVA-BA36 | Extra points worth 8 points |
56 A | ABVA-BA4E | Field goals worth 0 points |
57 A | AFVA-BA4E | Field goals worth 1 points |
58 A | AKVA-BA4E | Field goals worth 2 points |
59 A | AVVA-BA4E | Field goals worth 4 points |
60 A | AZVA-BA4E | Field goals worth 5 points |
61 A | A3VA-BA4E | Field goals worth 6 points |
62 A | A7VA-BA4E | Field goals worth 7 points |
63 A | BBVA-BA4E | Field goals worth 8 points |
64 A | AAVA-BA9G | Safeties worth 0 points |
65 A | AEVA-BA9G | Safeties worth 1 point |
66 A | ANVA-BA9G | Safeties worth 3 points |
67 A | ATVA-BA9G | Safeties worth 4 points |
68 A | AYVA-BA9G | Safeties worth 5 points |
69 A | A2VA-BA9G | Safeties worth 6 points |
70 A | A6VA-BA9G | Safeties worth 7 points |
71 A | BAVA-BA9G | Safeties worth 8 points |
Challenge Mike Ditka (the computer) to a friendly game of eleven-on-eleven, or play a friend in a two-player game and decide the championship of the universe right at home. The sound effects and music in this game really give you the feel of the stadium, and the professional skill level is really tough. |
The number of downs never counts up with Code 33, so you can have as many downs as you want. If you're having a hard time getting 10 yards for a first down, cut that in half with Code 34. If you don't have the time to play a full game, use any of Codes 1 thru 6 to shorten the game. Finally, try combining DIT Codes 3 and 6 for the ultimate two-minute drill! |
1 B | AJGT-AAFJ | Start in 2nd quarter |
2 B | ANGT-AAFJ | Start in 3rd quarter |
3 B | ATGT-AAFJ | Start in 4th quarter |
4 B | D2NA-AAER | Each quarter is 30 seconds |
5 B | AANA-ACER | Each quarter is 1 minute |
6 B | AANA-AEER | Each quarter is 2 minutes |
7 B | AANA-BJER | Each quarter is 20 minutes |
8 B | AANA-B6ER | Each quarter is 30 minutes |
9 B | AANA-B2NR | Each quarter is 60 minutes |
10 B | B8WA-AAF4 + B8SA-AACR + B8VA-AAC4 | Play clock resets to 15 seconds |
11 B | D4WA-AAF4 + D4SA-AACR + D4VA-AAC4 | Play clock resets to 30 seconds |
12 B | HWWA-AAF4 + HWSA-AACR + HWVA-AAC4 | Play clock resets to 60 seconds |
13 B | MLWA-AAF4 + MLSA-AACR + MLVA-AAC4 | Play clock resets to 90 seconds |
14 B | AA4T-AAGC | Player 1 starts with 0 time-outs |
15 B | AE4T-AAGC | Player 1 starts with 1 time-out |
16 B | AJ4T-AAGC | Player 1 starts with 2 time-outs |
17 B | AY4T-AAGC | Player 1 starts with 5 time-outs |
18 B | BE4T-AAGC | Player 1 starts with 9 time-outs |
19 B | AA4T-AAGJ | Player 2 or Mike Ditka starts with 0 time-outs |
20 B | AE4T-AAGJ | Player 2 or Mike Ditka starts with 1 time-out |
21 B | AJ4T-AAGJ | Player 2 or Mike Ditka starts with 2 time-outs |
22 B | AY4T-AAGJ | Player 2 or Mike Ditka starts with 5 time-outs |
23 B | BE4T-AAGJ | Player 2 or Mike Ditka starts with 9 time-outs |
24 B | DLRT-AA9N | Infinite time-outs for player 1 |
25 B | BWRT-AA94 | Infinite time-outs for player 2 |
26 B | BWVA-AA2W | Infinite time-outs for Mike Ditka |
27 B | AJWA-AAFL | Only have 1 play to get a first down |
28 B | ANWA-AAFL | Only have 2 plays to get a first down |
29 B | ATWA-AAFL | Only have 3 plays to get a first down |
30 B | A2WA-AAFL | Have 5 plays to get a first down |
31 B | A6WA-AAFL | Have 6 plays to get a first down |
32 B | BAWA-AAFL | Have 7 plays to get a first down |
33 B | AJWA-AA7E | Always the same down (down never increases) |
34 B | AYWA-AAER + AYXT-AAC0 | Only need 5 yards for a first down |
35 B | B6WA-AAER + B6XT-AAC0 | Need 15 yards for a first down |
36 B | CTWA-AAER + CTXT-AAC0 | Need 20 yards for a first down |
37 B | D2WA-AAER + D2XT-AAC0 | Need 30 yards for a first down |
38 B | GJWA-AAER + GJXT-AAC0 | Need 50 yards for a first down |
39 B | REWA-A6YT + REXT-A6W2 | Always goal to go |
40 B | AAPT-BA9W | Touchdowns worth 0 points |
41 B | AEPT-BA9W | Touchdowns worth 1 point |
42 B | AJPT-BA9W | Touchdowns worth 2 points |
43 B | ANPT-BA9W | Touchdowns worth 3 points |
44 B | ATPT-BA9W | Touchdowns worth 4 points |
45 B | AYPT-BA9W | Touchdowns worth 5 points |
46 B | A6PT-BA9W | Touchdowns worth 7 points |
47 B | BAPT-BA9W | Touchdowns worth 8 points |
48 B | ABVA-BA8G | Extra points worth 0 points |
49 B | AKVA-BA8G | Extra points worth 2 points |
50 B | APVA-BA8G | Extra points worth 3 points |
51 B | AVVA-BA8G | Extra points worth 4 points |
52 B | AZVA-BA8G | Extra points worth 5 points |
53 B | A3VA-BA8G | Extra points worth 6 points |
54 B | A7VA-BA8G | Extra points worth 7 points |
55 B | BBVA-BA8G | Extra points worth 8 points |
56 B | ABVA-BA8R | Field goals worth 0 points |
57 B | AFVA-BA8R | Field goals worth 1 points |
58 B | AKVA-BA8R | Field goals worth 2 points |
59 B | AVVA-BA8R | Field goals worth 4 points |
60 B | AZVA-BA8R | Field goals worth 5 points |
61 B | A3VA-BA8R | Field goals worth 6 points |
62 B | A7VA-BA8R | Field goals worth 7 points |
63 B | BBVA-BA8R | Field goals worth 8 points |
64 B | AAVT-BA3E | Safeties worth 0 points |
65 B | AEVT-BA3E | Safeties worth 1 point |
66 B | ANVT-BA3E | Safeties worth 3 points |
67 B | ATVT-BA3E | Safeties worth 4 points |
68 B | AYVT-BA3E | Safeties worth 5 points |
69 B | A2VT-BA3E | Safeties worth 6 points |
70 B | A6VT-BA3E | Safeties worth 7 points |
71 B | BAVT-BA3E | Safeties worth 8 points |