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Sylvester And Tweety In Cagey Capers

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Game Genie™ Codes For Sylvester And Tweety In Cagey Capers
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1AJZA-CA68Infinite lives
3AEYT-CAA2Start with 1 life
4ANYT-CAA2Start with 3 lives
5AYYT-CAA2Start with 5 lives
6B6YT-CAA2Start with 15 lives
7CTYT-CAA2Start with 20 lives
8AJZA-CA3NDon't get an extra life at 100,000 points
9PJZA-DJVNGet 2 extra lives at 100,000 points
10PJZA-DNVNGet 3 extra lives at 100,000 points
11AAZA-CAA8 + AAZA-CABGGet an extra life at 34,464 points
12AJZA-CAA8 + AJZA-CABGGet an extra life at 165,536 points
13ANZA-CAA8 + ANZA-CABGGet an extra life at 231,072 points
14ATZA-CAA8 + ATZA-CABGGet an extra life at 296,608 points
15RE4T-C6Y8Fish bowls don't restore any health
16RE4T-C6ZGFish bowls restore full health
17BJ3A-CAE6 + BJ3A-CAFCSylvester can only take one hit
18GJ3A-CAE6 + GJ3A-CAFCSylvester can take less hits
193A3A-CAE6 + 3A3A-CAFCSylvester can take more hits
20FT3A-CCE6 + FT3A-CCFCSylvester can take a lot more hits
21AECT-AAA8Start on Level 2--Domestic Devils 2
22AJCT-AAA8Start on Level 3--Mayhem Express
23ANCT-AAA8Start on Level 4--Back Alley Blues
24ATCT-AAA8Start on Level 5--Hyde and Shriek
25AYCT-AAA8Start on Level 6--Hyde and Shriek 2
26A2CT-AAA8Start on Level 7--Oceans of Trouble

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Sylvester and Tweety - Cagey Capers
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    Alexandria/TecMagik
RELEASED:         1994
TYPE:             Platform
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          You play Sylvester the Cat.  Your job is to catch the
                  irrepressible Tweety Bird.  Sounds simple, you say?
                  You obviously don't know your Looney Toons!  Inspired
                  by the classic Warner animated shorts.

IMPRESSIONS:      Although it lacks the polished graphics and animation of
                  other titles inspired by the Looney Toons, this one is
                  the most true to its source material.  You even get the
                  occasional odd bit of help and look of reproach from you
                  son Junior whenever you do something wrong.  My personal
                  favorite of the Looney Toon games.

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"Sylvester And Tweety" | Login/Create Account | 2 comments
The comments are owned by the poster. We aren't responsible for their content.

Re: Sylvester And Tweety (Score: 1)
by SIR ( on Friday, November 07 @ 17:53:02 EST
(User Info) http://Freeserve

Great game this one but I must admit to being a little peeved off in the parts of the game where you can actually reach Tweety and claw the hell out of him and he still don't croak ;)

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Re: Sylvester And Tweety (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Wednesday, October 06 @ 15:41:15 EDT

please send me the game Sylvester and e-mail is a lot

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