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Metal Fangs

Title Screenshot In Game Screenshot

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Metal Fangs
RELEASED:         1994
TYPE:             Racing (other)
LANGUAGE:         Japanese

PREMISE:          Anybody who remembers the short film "Running Man" from
                  MTV's Liquid Television or the Streamline video release
                  Neo-Tokyo will immediately recognize the style and flavor
                  of this game, in which the drivers are cybernetically
                  linked to their hyped-up antigrav sleds.

IMPRESSIONS:      Fast, smooth, and cool.  A must for racing fans!

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"Metal Fangs" | Login/Create Account | 1 comment
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Re: Metal Fangs (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Sunday, February 01 @ 07:26:27 EST

I'm guessing there's multiple versions: That screenshot says 1994, but the [c][!] rom in Goodset says 1992, odd.

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