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Wrestle Ball

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Game Genie™ Codes For Powerball
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This original sport is something like rugby. It's challenging and can be a bit frustrating. Assemble the best team imaginable with Code 1--the number of bonus points does not decrease. Try Code 2 for an ultra-quick game if you're pressed for time. Codes 7 thru 10 affect the point values of touchdowns and goals, normally 3 and 1, respectively. Experts can try Codes 5 and 6 to start the opposition with extra bonus points.
1AKBA-AA8TInfinite bonus points
2GAHT-AAGA30 seconds per quarter
3AAHT-BAGA10 minutes per quarter
4AAHT-BLGA15 minutes per quarter
5FJ2T-AYC2Start Japan team with 200 bonus points instead of 60
6B22T-ATL2Start all other teams with 200 bonus points instead of 50
7A7XA-BE5LTouchdowns worth 7 points
8AFXA-BE5LTouchdowns worth 1 point
9A7XA-BE42Goals worth 7 points
10APXA-BE42Goals worth 3 points
Cheats For Powerball
1Play 4 New TeamsIn the first player league, pause the game. Then press B,B,C,B,B,C buttons. You will hear a bell. At this point, push down on the controller and you will be able to select four teams that are normally not revealed.
2Sound TestGo into the League Continue Mode and select China as your team. Enter the password KWGEN and hit Start.
Passwords For Powerball
Passwords to use with the U.K. Pirates

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Powerball
RELEASED:         1991
TYPE:             Sports (invented)
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          No, this has nothing to do with the lottery - it's a
                  Japanese Speedball clone.  Still confused?  Think rugby
                  in power suits.

IMPRESSIONS:      Yawn...Speedball was so much better....

VARIATIONS:       Wrestle Ball (all non-Japanese markets)

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"Powerball" | Login/Create Account | 2 comments
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Re: Powerball (Score: 1)
by TReid ( on Wednesday, June 27 @ 13:09:13 EDT
(User Info)

Powerball is a really fun game! Looks like The Scribe didn't care for it, but it is a blast! You control a team, and your purpose is to carry the ball down the court and throw it in the net. The element of strategy is trying to get it past the goalie. He is very strong and can catch the ball, even when powered-up. You need to hit him with the ball full power a few times to weaken him so on your next attempt, your shot will knock him over and you'll score.

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