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Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Cyber-Cop
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    Core/Virgin
RELEASED:         1992
TYPE:             Shooter
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          Wander through rendered polygonal corridors shooting or
                  grabbing the occasional sprite object, or blowing away
                  the occasional animated enemy sprite, while all the time
                  trying to avoid a green genetic nightmare called "the
                  Ripper" that has somehow escaped from its cage.

IMPRESSIONS:      A first-person shooter in the same mode as Wolf3D, but
                  lacking its polish and charm.  Some nice touches here
                  and there, as one might expect from Core, but this is
                  one marriage of polygons and sprites that just doesn't
                  work.  Good, but not as good as Zero Tolerance.

VARIATIONS:       Corporation (all non-Japanese releases)

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"Cyber Cop" | Login/Create Account | 5 comments
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Re: Corporation (Score: 1)
by deaddudegod on Sunday, August 04 @ 16:33:33 EDT
(User Info)

It could have been worse, and the health bars for different parts of the body were a damn good idea!

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Re: Corporation (Score: 1)
by Whitesnake on Friday, November 08 @ 11:31:39 EST
(User Info)

i remember playing this on the amiga i was more curious when i played this next minute i was in a jail cell and there is a spider running around and i was freaked out.

6/10 ok for a play about

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Re: Cyber Cop (Score: 1)
by SamuraiJohn on Thursday, April 25 @ 11:34:13 EDT
(User Info)

almost like robocop.. but graphicly impaired.... but its a kinda cool idea for a game.. grpahics are a bit decent.. sound is so-so..

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Re: Cyber Cop (Score: 1)
by SIR ( on Friday, November 07 @ 17:44:28 EST
(User Info) http://Freeserve

I had to go for a health and safety course once in Leicester circa 2002 and had to waste some time waiting for my train back to Hinckley and I found a couple of gameing shops and asked for Megadrive games and the spotty plebs mainly just smirked at me pittying me for not having a crappy playstation, hovever one shop had an unboxed game (Menacer) and Corporation. I grabbed them both and went home to play them and guess what? Menacer was a COMPLETE waste of time and CORPORATION is in the top ten - neigh FIVE worst games out there - unless your'e a collector don't waste your time with this laughable and unplayable game with trite graphics.

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Re: Cyber Cop (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Wednesday, September 01 @ 04:20:12 EDT

Actually, this is my favorite game!

My russian version is here:



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