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Thunder Fox

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Thunder and Fox have some really cool weapons to use in their battle against the terrorists. Key in invincibility with FOX Code 27, and give your weapons unlimited capacity with Code 26. There's no time limit throughout most of the game when you key in FOX Code 8, but some areas still do have time limits. Experts, try Codes 9 and 28 to start with only one life and one credit.
1AATA-ACBENormal-game clock starts at 100
2AATA-AEBENormal-game clock starts at 200
3LATA-AEBENormal-game clock starts at 250
4AATA-AJB2Long-game clock starts at 400
5AATA-ALB2Long-game clock starts at 500
6LATA-ARB2Long-game clock starts at 750
7XETA-AWB2Long-game clock starts at 999
8AJTA-AA6AInfinite time--most of game
9AANT-AADWStart with 1 life
10AENT-AADWStart with 2 lives
11ANNT-AADWStart with 4 lives
12AJNT-AABTStart at stage 2
13ANNT-AABTStart at stage 3
14ATNT-AABTStart at stage 4
15AYNT-AABTStart at stage 5
16A2NT-AABTStart in stage 5 against giant robot
17JZWA-AAGCFlame throwers have less fuel
18AKWA-AAGGEach bazooka holds 2 rounds
19AZWA-AAGG + AZXA-AAAG + AZXA-AAAREach bazooka holds 5 rounds
20BFWA-AAGG + BFXA-AAAG + BFXA-AAAREach bazooka holds 9 rounds
21CBWA-AAF8Each machine gun holds 10 rounds
22EZWA-AAF8Each machine gun holds 25 rounds
23LBWA-AAF8 + LBXA-AAAC + LBXA-AAALEach machine gun holds 50 rounds
24XFWA-AAF8 + XFXA-AAAC + XFXA-AAALEach machine gun holds 99 rounds
25BBFA-AA46No loss of life if sucked into space
26AAZT-AADN + ABCT-AAD0All weapons have unlimited capacity
28AENT-AAB0 + AENT-AACGStart with 2 credits
29ANNT-AAB0 + ANNT-AACGStart with 4 credits
30A6NT-AAB0 + A6NT-AACGStart with 8 credits
31BENT-AAB0 + BENT-AACGStart with 10 credits
32AC6T-AAEWInfinite credits
Cheats For Thunder Fox
1Level Select / More ContinuesFrom the title screen, press START to enter the Game Select screen. Select Configuration Mode and move the cursor to Music Select. Now press A 13 times. Next, move the cursor to Sound Select and press A 24 times. Finally, move the cursor to "Exit" and press A, B, C. A new menu will appear. Use A to choose a STARTing level and the number of continues you want.

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             Thunder Fox
RELEASED:         1991
TYPE:             Fighting
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          A wave of terrorism is sweeping the world, and only the
                  world-class antiterrorism team of Thunder and Fox can
                  put the bad guys back in their place (no, I'm not making
                  this up).

IMPRESSIONS:      Typical platform fighter from the era - old, slow, and
                  silly.  Has limited moves and uninspiring sound.  This
                  makes Last Battle look like a five-star game.  Avoid.

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"Thunder Fox" | Login/Create Account | 1 comment
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Re: Thunder Fox (Score: 1)
by DarkWolf on Monday, August 05 @ 22:14:57 EDT
(User Info)

Poor port of the arcade version. Missing the jeep, and other vehicles and some graphical effects. Plus the fact it's single player only on the Genesis. I disagree with the Scribe though, nothing is as bad as Last Battle.

The first stage music is pretty good.

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