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Legend Of Toki - Going Ape Spit

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Game Genie™ Codes For Legend Of Toki - Going Ape Spit
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Don't let Dr. Stark get away with making a monkey out of you! Use these Game Genie codes to streak through his palace and rescue your girl! Wanda would want ya to win her with Code 1 for infinite lives, Code 9 to keep your shots regardless of the timer, and Code 36 to kill the palace guards with no shots.
1ATWT-CA88Infinite lives
2BC3T-AA4TInfinite credits
3AW4T-AA72Infinite time to decide if you want to continue
4AATT-CA44Infinite time to complete each round
59TST-DGJE + MEST-CRAG8 minutes to complete round
69TST-DGJE + MEST-CLAG6 minutes to complete round
79TST-DGJE + MEST-CGAG4 minutes to complete round
8A2VT-CA74Never lose extra energy spitballs on dying
9AATT-CAGANever lose extra energy spitballs when time runs out
10E11A-CCD6Extra life for every piece of food
11E11A-DAD6Extra life for every 10 pieces of food
12E11A-CAM6Extra life for every 20 pieces of food
13E11A-DAM6Extra life for every 30 pieces of food
14E11A-CAX6Extra life for every 40 pieces of food
15E11A-CA56Extra life for every 60 pieces of food
16E11A-DA56Extra life for every 70 pieces of food
17E11A-CBD6Extra life for every 80 pieces of food
18E11A-DBD6Extra life for every 90 pieces of food
19E11A-DXD6Extra life for every 99 pieces of food
20CCVT-AA90Never lose shoes due to time (but still lose them on dying or advancing to next stage)
21ACWA-ABFNShoes last 32x normal time
22ACWA-AAZNShoes last 16x normal time
23ACWA-AAPNShoes last 8x normal time
24ACWA-BAFNShoes last 4x normal time
25ACWA-ATFNShoes last 2x normal time
26ACWA-AEFNShoes last 1/2x normal time
27ACWA-ACFNShoes last 1/4x normal time
28BLVT-AA72Never lose invincibility due to time (but still lose it on advancing to next stage)
29ACWA-ABF8Invincibility lasts 32x normal time
30ACWA-AAZ8Invincibility lasts 16x normal time
31ACWA-AAP8Invincibility lasts 8x normal time
32ACWA-BAF8Invincibility lasts 4x normal time
33ACWA-ATF8Invincibility lasts 2x normal time
34ACWA-AEF8Invincibility lasts 1/2x normal time
35ACWA-ACF8Invincibility lasts 1/4x normal time
36AL7A-CA58Palace guards are automatically defeated
37AL7A-CA58 + AG7A-DE56Takes 1 shot to kill palace guards
38AL7A-CA58 + A07A-DE56Takes 5 shots to kill palace guards
39AL7A-CA58 + CC7A-DE56Takes 10 shots to kill palace guards
40AL7A-CA58 + EC7A-DE56Takes 20 shots to kill palace guards
41AL7A-CA58 + GC7A-DE56Takes 30 shots to kill palace guards
42AL7A-CA58 + LC7A-DE56Takes 50 shots to kill palace guards
43AL7A-CA58 + RC7A-DE56Takes 70 shots to kill palace guards
44AL7A-CA58 + XG7A-DE56Takes 99 shots to kill palace guards


Title Screenshot

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             The Legend of Toki - Going Ape Spit
AUTHOR/VENDOR:    TAD Corporation
RELEASED:         1991
TYPE:             Platform
LANGUAGE:         English and Japanese (set console accordingly)

PREMISE:          An evil wizard has kidnapped your babe and turned you
                  into a spitting monkey.  You must use your newfound
                  "ability" to overcome the many obstacles that stand in
                  your way as you seek to rescue your beloved and regain
                  your humanity.  Go figure.

IMPRESSIONS:      Standard platform fare, so far as it goes.  It does play
                  some interesting tricks with background perspectives that
                  are rarely seen in such titles.

VARIATIONS:       Juju (Japanese version)

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"Legend Of Toki" | Login/Create Account | 7 comments
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Re: Legend Of Toki (Score: 1)
by Genesisblackbelt on Thursday, July 11 @ 16:00:25 EDT
(User Info)

best, game,ever!!!

[ Reply ]

Re: Legend Of Toki (Score: 1)
by Dark_Warrior_BN on Friday, July 12 @ 02:28:43 EDT
(User Info)

Platform games.... Sonic, Sonic 2, Sonic 3 are great. Toki is not bad, but there is nothing new.
I'll give it 6,0.
P.S. If you have one or more Sonic Games you don't need Toki :)

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Re: Legend Of Toki (Score: 1)
by deaddudegod on Wednesday, August 07 @ 21:55:20 EDT
(User Info)

I second the original comment. Possibly the greatest monkey-spitting game ever!

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Re: Legend Of Toki (Score: 1)
by SIR ( on Sunday, July 20 @ 20:47:09 EDT
(User Info) http://Freeserve

This is a great game that is hard to come across these days, I beat this game for it to tell me to try again on a harder level. Anybody know what happens when you beat it on expert?

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Re: Legend Of Toki (Score: 0)
by Anonymous on Friday, October 17 @ 20:29:38 EDT

hi there. I would like to know how can I get this Juju game. It is very important for me. I was this game's fan long time ago and I miss Juju. I hope some one can help me. My email is: . thank you very much

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