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DJ Boy

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Game Genie™ Codes For DJ Boy
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Plucky Donald J. Boy, a.k.a. D.J. Boy(tm), needs your help to punch and kick his way through Heavy-Met Tony and his roller team the Dark Knights to get to his lovely Marie. For DJ Codes 1 thru 21, life meter normally starts at a length of 4 and is full, and is extended by 2 at the end of each round. If you start with more life points in the meter than its length can hold, you still get the points, but you can't see them. Starting with a long but partly empty meter is OK, since you can get a hamburger later to fill it up. With Code 23, you must have enough money to buy the item, but you won't be charged.
1BCZA-JA94Almost infinite life
2AGMT-JADRStart with life meter at length of 1
3ARMT-JADRStart with life meter at length of 3
4A0MT-JADRStart with life meter at length of 5
5A4MT-JADRStart with life meter at length of 6
6A8MT-JADRStart with life meter at length of 7
7BCMT-JADRStart with life meter at length of 8
8BGMT-JADRStart with life meter at length of 9
9BLMT-JADRStart with life meter at length of 10
10AGMT-JADGStart with 1 life point in life meter
11ALMT-JADGStart with 2 life points in life meter
12ARMT-JADGStart with 3 life points in life meter
13A0MT-JADGStart with 5 life points in life meter
14A4MT-JADGStart with 6 life points in life meter
15A8MT-JADGStart with 7 life points in life meter
16BCMT-JADGStart with 8 life points in life meter
17BGMT-JADGStart with 9 life points in life meter
18BLMT-JADGStart with 10 life points in life meter
19AT6T-JA6ALife meter not extended at end of each round
20SE6T-KEYALife meter extended by 1 at end of each round
21SE6T-KNYALife meter extended by 3 at end of each round
22CKBA-JA8NAll items in the item shop are free
23AVBA-JA84All items in the item shop that you can afford are free
24SHFA-MJWYAll coins worth 40
25SHFA-MNWYAll coins worth 60
26SHFA-MYWYAll coins worth 100
27SHFA-MAWYAll coins worth 160

Excerpt from Genesis Game Guide by The Scribe

NAME:             DJ Boy
RELEASED:         1990
TYPE:             Fighting
LANGUAGE:         English

PREMISE:          Help, DJ Boy!  A local tough has kidnapped your girl,
                  and he's getting away!  Can you fight your way through
                  his goons, catch up with him, and save the day?

IMPRESSIONS:      A juvenile Double Dragon seemingly intended for the
                  younger set.  Not bad, but the sound design reminds me
                  of somebody merrily banging away on a piece of sheet

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"DJ Boy" | Login/Create Account | 1 comment
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Re: DJ Boy (Score: 1)
by Sparxster ( on Friday, November 23 @ 02:20:59 EST
(User Info)

Waste of time. DJ Boy is indeed, gauranteed for a younger audience. it failed to keep me interested for long. avoid!!!

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