Game Genie Codes For Crack Down Download PAT File | ||
# | Code | Description |
You're a Special Service agent with a dangerous mission: to eliminate Mr. K and his artificial life system by destroying his robots on four levels of mazes and buildings. There are many DOWN Codes to help you with lives, ammo and weapons for both new games and continues, invincibility and 1-ups. For Codes 38 thru 49, which let you continue with extra ammo and weapons, you're allowed to keep your current quantities if they are more than the number specified in the code. (In that case, the number in the code would be a minimum.) | ||
1 | 9W6T-BCKL + AW6T-AABN | Start at stage 2 |
2 | 9W6T-BCKL + BC6T-AABN | Start at stage 3 |
3 | 9W6T-BCKL + BW6T-AABN | Start at stage 4 |
4 | AC6T-AACG + WW6T-BCCJ | Player 1 starts with 1 life |
5 | AC6T-AACG + YC6T-BCCJ | Player 1 starts with 2 lives |
6 | AC6T-AACG + V46T-BECJ | Player 1 starts with 6 lives |
7 | AC6T-AACG + R46T-BECJ | Player 1 starts with 11 lives |
8 | AC6T-AACG + Z46T-AG4J | Player 1 starts with 26 lives |
9 | AC6T-AAD4 + WW6T-BCD6 | Player 2 starts with 1 life |
10 | AC6T-AAD4 + YC6T-BCD6 | Player 2 starts with 2 lives |
11 | AC6T-AAD4 + V46T-BED6 | Player 2 starts with 6 lives |
12 | AC6T-AAD4 + R46T-BED6 | Player 2 starts with 11 lives |
13 | AC6T-AAD4 + Z46T-AG56 | Player 2 starts with 26 lives |
14 | AC6T-AAC6 + FC6T-AG48 | Player 1 starts with 50 machine gun rounds |
15 | AC6T-AAC6 + GW6T-BLL8 | Player 1 starts with 100 machine gun rounds |
16 | AC6T-AADG + FC6T-AG5J | Player 1 starts with 50 cannon rounds |
17 | AC6T-AADG + GW6T-BLMJ | Player 1 starts with 100 cannon rounds |
18 | AC6T-AADT + 6C6T-BRDW | Player 1 starts with 6 super bombs |
19 | AC6T-AADT + 8C6T-BRDW | Player 1 starts with 9 super bombs |
20 | AVMT-AA5W + AVNA-AA4R | Player 1 has infinite super bombs |
21 | AC6T-AAET + FC6T-AG6W | Player 2 starts with 50 machine gun rounds |
22 | AC6T-AAET + GW6T-BLNW | Player 2 starts with 100 machine gun rounds |
23 | AC6T-AAE4 + FC6T-AG66 | Player 2 starts with 50 cannon rounds |
24 | AC6T-AAE4 + GW6T-BLN6 | Player 2 starts with 100 cannon rounds |
25 | AC6T-AAFE + 6C6T-BRFG | Player 2 starts with 6 super bombs |
26 | AC6T-AAFE + 8C6T-BRFG | Player 2 starts with 9 super bombs |
27 | AVMT-AA76 + AVNA-AA2G | Player 2 has infinite supply ofsuper bombs |
28 | ADMT-AADL + WXMT-BCDN | Player 1 continues with 1 life |
29 | ADMT-AADL + YDMT-BCDN | Player 1 continues with 2 lives |
30 | ADMT-AADL + V5MT-BEDN | Player 1 continues with 6 lives |
31 | ADMT-AADL + R5MT-BEDN | Player 1 continues with 11 lives |
32 | ADMT-AADL + Z5MT-AG5N | Player 1 continues with 26 lives |
33 | ADNA-AAFT + WXNA-BCFW | Player 2 continues with 1 life |
34 | ADNA-AAFT + YDNA-BCFW | Player 2 continues with 2 lives |
35 | ADNA-AAFT + V5NA-BEFW | Player 2 continues with 6 lives |
36 | ADNA-AAFT + R5NA-BEFW | Player 2 continues with 11 lives |
37 | ADNA-AAFT + Z5NA-AG7W | Player 2 continues with 26 lives |
38 | ADST-AAGY | Continue with 0 machine gun roundsinstead of 30 |
39 | BMST-AAGY | Continue with 10 machine gun rounds |
40 | GMST-AAGY | Continue with 50 machine gun rounds |
41 | NXST-AAGY | Continue with 100 machine gun rounds |
42 | ADST-AAG0 | Continue with 0 cannon rounds instead of 30 |
43 | BMST-AAG0 | Continue with 10 cannon rounds |
44 | GMST-AAG0 | Continue with 50 cannon rounds |
45 | NXST-AAG0 | Continue with 100 cannon rounds |
46 | ADST-AAG2 | Continue with 0 super bombs instead of 4 |
47 | AMST-AAG2 | Continue with 2 super bombs |
48 | A1ST-AAG2 | Continue with 5 super bombs |
49 | BHST-AAG2 | Continue with 9 super bombs |
50 | BDMA-AA9E | Infinite lives--player 1 |
51 | BDNA-AA3N | Infinite lives--player 2 |
52 | 1K3T-FBFC + 6B3T-EOPE + JV3T-EL7G | Get first 1-up at 1,000 points |
53 | HV3T-FEP8 + AF3T-EAGA | Get 2nd, 3rd, etc., 1-ups every 10,000 points |
54 | RF3T-E60R | 1-up worth nothing |
55 | LK3T-FJ0R | 1-up worth double |
56 | LK3T-FN0R | 1-up worth triple |
NAME: Crack Down AUTHOR/VENDOR: Sage's Creation RELEASED: 1990 TYPE: Action LANGUAGE: English PREMISE: An evil warlord and his pet supercomputer are hell-bent on taking over the world, so the U.S. President sends in two Secret Service agents to take him out. Ported from the arcade game. IMPRESSIONS: This is no Contra, folks, as it requires a fair amount of strategy and planning to beat each level. Don't get me wrong - there's still a lot of shooting and stuff - but those with itchy trigger fingers will have to look elsewhere for their jollies.
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